Graphs and their Applications

Kód předmětu: 128GA10
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Zakončení předmětu: ZK
Počet kreditů: 4 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 2+0

Anotace(semestr B241)
Fundamentals of graph theory. Emphasis is laid on basic concepts, applications and algorithms. From the contents: connectivity, strong conectivity, trees, shortest paths, flows in networks, Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths, colorings, independent sets, planar graphs.
baslic terminology of graph theory
graph modelling of real world problems
Search algorithms,
connectivity and strong connectivity,
acyclic graphs, topological sort,
trees and spanning trees,
shortest paths
flows in networks,
matching, assignment problem
hamiltonian problems
coloring, independent sets, cliques
planar graphs
[1]  Diestel, R.: Graph Theory, Springer, 1996,
[2]  Swamy, M., N., S., Thulasiraman, K., Graphs, Networks and Algorithms. New York, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1981.
[3]  Demel, J.: Graphs and their Applications, (internal material).
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