Active shooter app

The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering offers employees and students a mobile application "Active Shooter", which is a guide in a crisis situation with instructions on how to save your life from an attacker before the police arrive. It is a free app called "Active Shooter". It looks like a regular chat room with artificial intelligence. It was inspired by last year's tragedy at the Faculty of Arts, in which fourteen people were killed and twenty-five others injured by a crazed killer.

The app addresses the time between the start of the attack and the arrival of the police. This can be units or tens of minutes. It offers basic lessons and insights that can be used to save lives.

The project varies depending on the situation selected. The user can simulate an attack in which they do not know the position of the attacker and have no means of escape. For example, if you are in a locked room (office, kitchen, classroom), lock the door or block it, the robot will respond. If you are not in a locked room, try to break into it, don't stay in the corridor or large spaces. Use large and heavy objects to barricade the barricade or block the door handle.

The app is available in English and launches automatically if your mobile phone is set to a language other than Czech.

The app is simple, recommendations can be gone through in a few minutes –

Link to the app in QR code

Link to the app in QR code