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List of Departments and Organisational Units
K101 - Department of Mathematics
K102 - Department of Physics
K104 - Department of Languages
K105 - Department of Social Sciences
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
K128 - Department of Applied Informatics
K129 - Department of Architecture
K132 - Department of Mechanics
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
K136 - Department of Road Structures
K137 - Department of Railway Structures
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
K155 - Department of Geomatics
Experimental Facilities
K210 - Experimental Centre
K220 - Centre of Experimental Geotechnics
K250 - Water Management Experimental Centre
Technical and Operating Centers
K305 - Technical and Operating Centre
K311 - Cleaning Service
K312 - Facility Security Office
K313 - Maintenance Office
K314 - Archive
K315 - Material Assets Office
K375 - IT Centre
Educational Centres
K853 - Education Facility Mariánská
K866 - Education Facility Telč
Specialized Workplaces
K356 - Editorial Office of Civil Engineering Journal
K914 - Expert Assessment Office
K910 - Dean's Office
K911 - Dean's Office Affiliated Agenda
K912 - Health and Safety Department
K913 - Fire Protection Office
K915 - Legal Department
K921 - Study Office
K922 - Department of Science and Research
K923 - Department of International Relations
K924 - Economic Activity Office
K925 - Investment Office
K926 - Department of PR and Marketing
K932 - Personnel Department
K933 - Financial Accounting Office
K934 - Payroll Office
K936 - Project Administration Support Department
K937 - Department of Economics and Controlling