The educational activities of the department are focused on the training of future civil engineers in Water Management and Water Engineering, specializing in the complex solution of water engineering and ecological issues in the landscape environment. The teaching activities include the following fields: soil science, groundwater hydraulics, drainage systems and structures, special engineering drainage measures, irrigation systems and structures, watershed protection and management, construction of ponds and special reservoirs, water management, and complex environmental problems related to landscape design and conservation, including the process of environmental impact assessment. The teaching activities of the department centre around the branch of study Water Engineering and Water Structures. Further, the department participates in teaching courses within the study branch Environmental Engineering, and, to a lesser extent, Geodesy and Cartography and Systems Engineering in the Building Industry and Capital Construction. The department also develops international cooperation in the field of education, in addition to research collaboration. The staff is active in the AKTION scheme (with the BOKU Vienna, Austria), and the department members coordinate with the HERIOT-WATT University in Edinburgh, UK.The research activities of the department focus on issues covering complex solutions of water management and ecological elements in the landscape, hydrology of erosion processes, protection of surface water and groundwater from pollution, drainage of foundations of structures and of open-cast mines. Attention is also given to the investigation of transport of pollutants in watersheds, ecological aspects of transport of pollutants in the soil, multicriterion analysis of the effects of structures on the environment, modelling of water movement in the soil, and models of irrigation systems within the framework of water resources systems under climatic changes.The research is conducted in collaboration with Czech research institutes, as well as universities and research institutes abroad, including the Agricultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, US Salinity Laboratory, USA, BOKU Vienna, Austria, and KTH Stockholm, Sweden.