Centre of Experimental Geotechnics (K220)

Ing. Jiří Šťástka, Ph.D.
Jana Večeřová
Deputy Head
Ing. Jiří Svoboda, Ph.D.
KOS - Officer for Timetable and Classrooms Utilization
Ing. Radek Vašíček, Ph.D.
KOS - Study Officer of the department
Ing. Radek Vašíček, Ph.D.
KOS - Study Officer for Final State Examination
Ing. Radek Vašíček, Ph.D.
+420 22435 5507
CTU Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Centre of Experimental Geotechnics
Thákurova 7
166 29 Praha 6

A few words about

The Centre of Experimental Geotechnics (CEG) is a modern experimental department, concerned with research and teaching activities. The Centre employs a team of young specialists in experimental geotechnics.

CEG provides courses in Geotechnics Laboratory, Experimental Research of Radioactive Waste Repositories, Fire Safety of Underground Structures, Project 2, Project D, Diploma Seminar and Experimental Research on Nuclear Waste Disposal, which is taught in English. The courses focus on practical laboratory tests and experiments in geotechnics, as well as on in-situ tests, and on measurements of building foundations and underground structures. Computer technology is mainly used in continual measurements of geotechnical parameters performed both in laboratory and in field conditions. Experimentally-oriented Bachelor, diploma projects and doctoral dissertation theses are elaborated at CEG laboratories under the supervision of the research staff members.

CEG operates the Josef undeground laboratory. It is a working place providing practical teaching for students, and it is also a unique place for experimental and research projects. The Regional Underground Research Centre URC Josef provides service and working space to privat companies in related fields of interest.

CEG widely cooperates with industry. It provides professional services in determining geotechnical parameters of soil and rock environments. It also conducts the monitoring of underground structures, special building structures and others.

The CEG staff members are involved in research projects in the area of underground structures (modern tunnelling technologies), ecology (waste storage) and physical modelling of geotechnical problems. Within the framework of international grant projects, CEG participates in the research of high-level radioactive waste storage in underground repositories working in cooperation with the Ecole des Mines de Nancy - University of Lorraine (France), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Helsinki University of Technology, with research establishments SCK-CEN Mol (Belgium), POSIVA Oy (Finland) and others.