Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
123YMNM czech |
Advanced Design Techniques of Building Materials
123AMP english |
Advanced Master Project
123POMI czech |
Advanced Materials Engineering
123YPMP czech |
Advanced Materials for Construction Practice
123BAPM czech |
Bachelor Project
123BPRO english |
Bachelor Project
123BAPC czech |
Bachelor Thesis
123SH01 czech |
Building Materials
123SHMA czech |
Building Materials
123BM01 english |
Building Materials
123SHR czech |
Building Materials R
123YSHA czech |
Bulding Materials in Architecture
123CHE czech |
123BUC english |
123XCHR czech |
Chemistry - repetitorium
123XCS1 czech |
Chemistry in civil engineering
123YCHS czech |
Chemistry in Civil Engineering
123DSM czech |
Degradation of Building Materials
123DPP english |
Diploma Project
123DSEM czech |
Diploma Seminar
123DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
123XESM czech |
Ecotoxicology of building materials
123DMBD czech |
Engineered Wood Products
123VPMA czech |
Influence of Environment on Building Materials
123YFCH czech |
Introduction to Physical Chemistry
123MED english |
Material Engineering
123MAI czech |
Materials Engineering
123YMPU czech |
Materials for Coatings
123YATP czech |
Numerical Analysis of Transport Processes
123YNTP czech |
Numerical Analysis of Transport Processes
123TVSM czech |
Production technology of building materials
123YTVM czech |
Production technology of building materials
123P02M czech |
Project 2M
123SIMA czech |
Silicate Materials
123YSMA czech |
Smart Building Materials
123P02C czech |
Structural design project 2C
123EPMA czech |
Sustainable Building Materials
123YTUM czech |
Sustainable Building Materials
123YTPM czech |
Transport Processes in Materials
Code/Lang. |
D23AUM_EN english |
Acoustic and Ultraacoustic Measurements
D23AUM czech |
Acoustic and Ultraacoustic Measurements
D23ACH_EN english |
Applied Chemistry
D23ACH czech |
Applied Chemistry – Practical Laboratory Lessons
D23ACHP czech |
Applied Chemistry – Practical Laboratory Lessons
D23ACHP_EN english |
Applied Chemistry – Practical Laboratory Lessons
D23RTP czech |
Computational solution of transport phenomena
D23RTP_EN english |
Computer Solving of Transport Phenomena
D23MEK czech |
Continuum mechanics
D23IMP_EN english |
Interaction between Materials and Environment
D23IMP czech |
Interaction between Materials and Environment
D23MAI czech |
Material Engineering
D23MAI_EN english |
Material Engineering
D23MTV czech |
Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Materials
D23MTV_EN english |
Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Materials
D23TMO czech |
Technology and Materials for Architectural Heritage Renovation
D23TPM czech |
Transport phenomena in materials
D23TJ1_EN english |
Transport Processes in Materials I
D23TJ1 czech |
Transport Processes in Materials I
D23TJ2_EN english |
Transport Processes in Materials II
D23TJ2 czech |
Transport Processes in Materials II