Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
126YEKP czech |
Construction Business Management
126BAPL czech |
Bachelor Thesis
126BAPE czech |
Bachelor Thesis
126BAPR czech |
Bachelor Thesis
126ZIPN czech |
Basics of innovative business
126BIM1 czech |
126BIME english |
126BIMP czech |
BIM - Information modeling
126BIMM czech |
BIM - Information modeling
126BIMS czech |
BIM for Building Engineering
126YBVE czech |
BIM in Public Investments
126IMAB czech |
Building Information Management (BIM)
126YBIM czech |
Building Information Modelling - Fundamentals
126XIMP czech |
Building information modelling in practice
126SLEG czech |
Building Legislation
126YCON english |
Construction Contracting
126YCOE english |
Construction Contracting
126YCOC english |
Construction Contracting
126YCEC english |
Construction Economics and Management
126PCON czech |
Construction economics (prices, costs, costing)
126YSWO czech |
Construction Estimation Software
126ECON english |
Construction Financial Management
126STMN czech |
Construction Management
126CMAN english |
Construction Management
126PRS czech |
Construction Planning and Management
126PRRS czech |
Construction Planning and Operations Management
126PJRS czech |
Construction Preparation and Management Project
126PJOC czech |
Construction Pricing Project
126OCS1 czech |
Construction Pricing 1
126OCS2 czech |
Construction Pricing 2
126OS2P czech |
Construction Pricing 2
126RPRO czech |
Construction Process Management
126RSPR czech |
Construction Project Management
126KNL czech |
Costing and Bidding L
126KANR czech |
Costing and Bidding L
126YPDV czech |
Development Project
126DOMT czech |
Development, property valuation and real estate market
126DSP czech |
Diploma Seminar
126DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
126EKST czech |
Economic Statistics
126EKMN czech |
Economics and Management
126ECM english |
Economics and Management
126ECMA english |
Economics and Management
126MMA2 czech |
Economics and Management
126EKMA czech |
Economics for Managers
126YEMB czech |
Energy Management
126INZG czech |
126FAMG czech |
Facility Management
126SRPB czech |
Facility Management and Operation
126FIMA czech |
Financial Management
126FRIN czech |
Financial Management, Capital Investment and Insurance
126FINK czech |
Financing, Investing, Contracts
126YPER czech |
Human resource management
126YMFL czech |
Managament in Construction Company
126MSFP czech |
Managament in Construction Company
126MGTA czech |
Management A
126YMCP english |
Management in Construction Company
126YMCC english |
Management in Construction Company
126MCC english |
Management in Construction Company
126XMCC english |
Management in Construction Company
126YMIS czech |
Managerial Information Systems
126PJMS czech |
Marketing in construction - project
126XEXC czech |
MS Excel in Practice
126YOINS czech |
Pricing of Civil Engineering Works
126OINS czech |
Pricing of Civil Engineering Works
126PM1 czech |
Project Management 1
126PM2 czech |
Project Management 2
126XOCE czech |
Property Appraisal
126OCNE czech |
Property Appraisal
126XVSD czech |
Public administration for developers
126VEIN czech |
Public Investment Construction
126YVEI czech |
Public Investment Construction
126MRIP czech |
Risk, Capital Investment and Insurance Management
126YIPD czech |
Small Business
126ZINP czech |
Small Business
126YVSF czech |
Small Business Management
126SWPX czech |
Software for Business Practice
126SPSK czech |
Stavební právo, soutěže a kontrakty
126DUCE czech |
Tax System and Accounting
Code/Lang. |
Advanced Cost Management
D26ACM |
Advanced Cost Management
Advanced Methods of Project Management
D26APM |
Advanced Methods of Project Management
D26INO czech |
Construction Innovation Engineering
D26INO_EN czech |
Construction Innovation Engineering
D26EMA czech |
Economic and Mathematical Analysis of Choice
D26ENM_EN english |
Energy Management
D26ENM czech |
Energy Management
D26EUF czech |
Feasibility Study of Projects and Public Funds
D26EUF_EN english |
Feasibility Study of Projects and Public Funds
D26FSP czech |
Funding Public Construction Projects
D26IMO czech |
Informační modelování v projektovém řízení
D26IFM |
Information Systems for Facility Management
Information Systems for Facility Management
D26TER czech |
Management and Control Theory
D26MIM |
Management and Information Models for Construction Management
Management and Information Models for Construction Management
D26ORS czech |
Organizace a řízení stavebních procesů
D26PRO czech |
Projektové řízení ve stavebnictví
D26RIZ czech |
Quality and Reliability Management (in cooperation with K122)
D26SIM czech |
Risk Simulation and Construction Management
D26MVP_EN english |
Scientific Research Method
D26MVP czech |
Scientific Research Method
D26SMC english |
Strategic Management in Construction
D26MOD czech |
Technical and economic modelling
D26ASM |
Theory and Practice of Strategic Management in Construction
Theory and Practice of Strategic Management in Construction
D26HOD czech |
Value Engineering