Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
133YATK czech |
Applied Theory of Structures
133ARST czech |
Architecture and Statics
133BAPK czech |
Bachelor Thesis
133BAPR czech |
Bachelor Thesis
133BAPC czech |
Bachelor Thesis
133BPRO english |
Bachelor Thesis
133BAPQ czech |
Bachelor Thesis
133BAPZ czech |
Bachelor Thesis
133BSBD english |
Basis of Bridges Design
133CASD english |
Computer Aided Structural Design
133YBKP czech |
Computer design of concrete structures
133BZKV czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures
133BZE czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures E
133BZA1 czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures in Architecture 1
133BZA2 czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures in Architecture 2
133YBKC czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133YMVB czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133CM01 english |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133BK01 czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133BZKQ czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133BOKO czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1
133CM02 english |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 2
133BK02 czech |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 2
133CM03 english |
Concrete and Masonry Structures 3
133YCB english |
Concrete Bridges
133BM1K czech |
Concrete Bridges 1
133YBM2 czech |
Concrete Bridges 2
133B03C czech |
Concrete Structures 3C
133B03D czech |
Concrete Structures 3D
133B03K czech |
Concrete Structures 3K
133CM04 english |
Concrete Structures 4
133B04C czech |
Concrete Structures 4C
133B04K czech |
Concrete Structures 4K
133YBEX czech |
Concrete under Extreme Conditions
133YBSV czech |
Concretes with Special Properties
133RBZS czech |
Construction of Concrete and Masonry Structures
133DPP english |
Diploma Project
133DISE czech |
Diploma Seminar
133DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
133YPRK czech |
Failures and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
133YPNB czech |
Fire desgn og concrete and mnsory structures
133PSBZ czech |
Fire resistance of concrete and masonry structures
133NNKB czech |
Fundamentals of Structural Design - Concrete
133FSTC english |
Fundamentals of Structural Design - Concrete
133NKRB czech |
Load-bearing Structures Design - Concrete
133YPMM czech |
Parametric Bridge Design
133DISZ czech |
133YKPJ czech |
Project Design K
133PZ02 czech |
Project Design 2
133YRZM czech |
Reconstruction and strengthening of bridges
133SDP2 english |
Structural Design Project 2
133P02C czech |
Structural design project 2C
133SDP3 english |
Structural Design Project 3
133SDP4 english |
Structural Design Project 4
133P03C czech |
Structural Design 3C
133P04C czech |
Structural Design 4C
133YTB czech |
Technology of Concrete II
133YTBM czech |
Technology of Construction and Reconstructions of Bridge Structures
133YVHB czech |
Ultrahigh Performance Concretes
Code/Lang. |
D33UBJ_EN english |
Application of Concrete in Nuclear Facilities
D33UBJ czech |
Application of Concrete in Nuclear Facilities
D33FUZ english |
Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Civil Engineering
D33TFM czech |
Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Civil Engineering
D33KHK czech |
Assessment of Existing Concrete and Masonry Structures
D33KHK_EN english |
Assessment of Existing Concrete and Masonry Structures
D33AIC_EN english |
Automation in Concrete and Masonry Construction
D33AIC czech |
Automation in Concrete and Masonry Construction
D33BZK czech |
Concrete and masonry structures
D33BMO czech |
Concrete Bridges
D33BOO czech |
Concrete Containment Buildings
D33BOO_EN english |
Concrete Containment Buildings
D33BEK czech |
Concrete Structures
D33BEK_EN english |
Concrete Structures
D33CHT czech |
Concrete Structures Exposed to High Temperatures
D33CHT_EN english |
Concrete Structures Exposed to High Temperatures
D33NBK czech |
Design Methods of Concrete Structures
D33NBK_EN english |
Design Methods of Concrete Structures
D33DEG czech |
Deterioration of Concrete and Masonry Structures
D33DEG_EN english |
Deterioration of Concrete and Masonry Structures
D33EAC czech |
Early-age Concrete Members
D33EAC_EN english |
Early-age Concrete Members
D33EZB_EN english |
Effect of Extreme Loadings on Concrete Structures
D33EZB czech |
Effect of Extreme Loadings on Concrete Structures
D33BVN czech |
Explosion and impact safety
D33FRC czech |
Fibre Reinforced Concrete Composites
D33FRC_EN english |
Fibre Reinforced Concrete Composites
D33LCA czech |
Life Cycle of Concrete Structures
D33NZV czech |
Nontraditional Methods of Reinforcing
D33PRB czech |
Prestressed Concrete
D33RBS czech |
Recycling in Concrete Engineering
D33RZM czech |
Repair and strengthening of concrete bridges
D33STA czech |
Stability of Frame and Plane Structures
D33TEB czech |
Technology of Concrete - Fibre Reinforced Concrete
D33TK1_EN english |
Theory of Structures I
D33TK1 czech |
Theory of Structures I
D33TSB czech |
Thin-walled and slender concrete structures