Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
210BAPM czech |
Bachelor Project
210BAPR czech |
Bachelor Thesis
210BAPK czech |
Bachelor Thesis
210YDSM czech |
Diagnostics of Building Materials Properties
210DIST czech |
Diagnostics of Buildings
210DIIK czech |
Diagnostics of Engineering Structures
210DIMA czech |
Diagnostics of materials
210YDIR czech |
Diagnostika staveb
210DPP english |
Diploma Project
210DSEM czech |
Diploma Seminar
210DISE czech |
Diploma Seminar
210DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
210YMMD czech |
Measurement Methods in Diagnostics
210P02M czech |
Project 2M
210YSB czech |
Special Concretes
210XKME czech |
Structures and Materials Subjected to Extreme Loads
210ZKKJ czech |
Testing and Quality Control
Code/Lang. |
D10ZPD czech |
Basics of Project Documentation and Communication for Applied Research
D10CHCK czech |
Behaviour of cementitious composites subjected to high-speed impulsive loadings
D10DESE czech |
Design of Experiments and Specific Experimental Devices
D10NSIK czech |
Design of Special Engineering Structures
D10MA1 czech |
Material Engineering I
D10MDS czech |
Methods of System Diagnostics
D10SPM czech |
Strategický projektový management