The status of students and applicants for study with special needs at CTU and the rules for their support during studies are regulated by Methodological guideline on supporting students with specific needs at CTU. The necessary individual modification of studies is based on the right to education. Neither the teachers, nor the University are entitled to judge whether the respective student can apply their knowledge in practice. The University´s obligation is to provide students with special needs with adequate conditions for their successful fulfilment of study duties. The modifications for applicants for study with special needs and students with special needs are coordinated by The ELSA Support Centre for Students with Special Needs. Individual modifications of studies claimed via the ELSA Centre are obligatory for all teachers. The modifications are specified on the basis of professional diagnostics at the ELSA Centre, which guarantees that the student does not claim anything to which they are actually not entitled. If a student requires an individual adjustment to study conditions based on special needs and is not registered with the ELSA Centre, the teacher is not obliged to satisfy them. The teacher can receive information about the modification of study conditions for individual students at any time during the academic year. Due to the students´ entitlement to registration with the ELSA Centre by the beginning of the examination session of the respective semester and the need for subsequent diagnostics of the students´ actual special needs, a single deadline for informing teachers about potential modifications of study conditions for individual students cannot be set. Modifications can also be newly established for students who have previously studied without claiming any individual adjustment to studies. Modifications, however, cannot be claimed retroactively. The teacher is informed by the ELSA Centre staff about the modifications set for the respective student. The student is obliged to remind the teacher of their right to adjustments during studies. The Faculty Student Administration staff member, Ms Eva Stupáková, keeps records of persons with special needs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague. The information on whether the student is registered with the ELSA Centre is entered in the Events card in IS KOS (accessible from iKOS). Specific adjustments to study conditions are available for inspection at the Faculty Student Administration. If, for organizational reasons, a teacher is unable to make some of the claimed adjustments to the study conditions for the respective student, they should contact the ELSA Centre staff to agree on the implementation of the specific adjustment. The contact to the ELSA staff member responsible for the modification is always included in document claiming the modification. The majority of adjustments to the conditions for studies are related to specific learning disabilities (disorders with the "dys" prefix). If the change in the state of health or the disability is more severe, the Faculty Dean, in cooperation with the ELSA Centre, draws up an individual study plan for the respective student.
In Prague on 28.11.2019
prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc.