Detailed room timetables with teachers and personal timetables are available only after login.

Timetables by study plan

Bachelor programs

Stavební inženýrství (B36SI)

study variant I (1. a 2. ročník - společná část, varianta I)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
study variant J (1. a 2. ročník - společná část, varianta J)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Pozemní stavby (36R0SIC)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Konstrukce a dopravní stavby (36R0SIK)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Vodní hospodářství a vodní stavby (36R0SIV)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Inženýrství životního prostředí (36R0SIZ)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Příprava, realizace a provoz staveb (36R0SIL)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Požární bezpečnost staveb (36R0SIQ)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including
specialization of study Materiálové inženýrství (36R0SIM)
» enrollment from year 2020/21 including

Management a ekonomika ve stavebnictví (B36ME)

» enrollment from year 2020/21 to year 2021/22 including
» enrollment from year 2022/23 to year 2022/23 including
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavitelství (B36ST)

» enrollment from year 2019/20 including

Geodézie a kartografie (B36GK)

» enrollment from year 2021/22 to year 2022/23 including
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Architektura a stavitelství (B35AS)

» enrollment from year 2019/20 including

Civil Engineering (B36CE)

» enrollment from year 2020/21 including

Scénické technologie (B38SC)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Master programs

Stavební inženýrství - pozemní stavby (N36PS)

specialization of study Projektování pozemních staveb (36T0PSP)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including
specialization of study Statika pozemních staveb (36T0PSS)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavební inženýrství - konstrukce a dopravní stavby (N36KD)

specialization of study Dopravní stavby a geotechnika (36T0KDDG)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including
specialization of study Inženýrské konstrukce (36T0KDIK)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavební inženýrství - materiály a diagnostika staveb (N36MD)

» enrollment from year 2024/25 including

Stavební inženýrství - řízení projektů (N36EP)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavební inženýrství - vodní hospodářství a vodní stavby (N36VS)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavební inženýrství - životní prostředí (N36ZP)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Management a ekonomika ve stavebnictví (N36ME)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Stavitelství - příprava, realizace a provoz staveb (N36ST)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Budovy a prostředí (N36BP)

specialization of study Stavební fyzika (36T0BPSF)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including
specialization of study Technická zařízení budov (36T0BPTZ)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Buildings and Environment (N36BE)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Integrální bezpečnost staveb (N36IQ)

» enrollment from year 2020/21 including

Geodézie a kartografie (N36GK)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including
specialization of study Geomatika (36T0GKGM)
» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Architektura a stavitelství (N35AS)

study focus Architektura a stavitelství
» enrollment from year 2019/20 including
study focus Architektura a urbanismus
» enrollment from year 2019/20 including
study focus Ochrana a obnova památek
» enrollment from year 2019/20 including

Civil Engineering (N3648)

branch of study Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events (3607T053)

Civil Engineering (N3641)

branch of study Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (3607T044)

Civil Engineering (N36CE)

» enrollment from year 2023/24 including

Inteligentní budovy (N38IB)

» enrollment from year 2020/21 including

Water and Environmental Engineering (N36WE)

specialization of study Hydraulic Engineering (36T0WEHE)
» enrollment from year 2022/23 including
specialization of study Environmental Engineering and Science (36T0WEEE)
» enrollment from year 2022/23 including
specialization of study Water Management (36T0WEWM)
» enrollment from year 2022/23 including