Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
154ACIG czech |
AutoCAD for Engineering Surveying
154BAPG czech |
Bachelor project
154BAPZ czech |
Bachelor Thesis
154BIMG czech |
BIM in Surveying
154KOME czech |
Control Measurement
154DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
154EZKA czech |
Economy in Land Surveying and Cadastre of Real Estates
154XIGZ czech |
Engineering geodesy and environment
154INGE czech |
Engineering Surveying
154VYIG czech |
Engineering Surveying Fieldwork Training (2 weeks)
154ING2 czech |
Engineering Surveying 2
154IGE3 czech |
Engineering Surveying 3
154ING3 czech |
Engineering Surveying 3
154ING4 czech |
Engineering Surveying 4
154FS01 english |
Fieldwork Surveying
154VY1 czech |
Fieldwork Training of Geodesy 1,2
154GED1 czech |
Geodesy 1
154GED2 czech |
Geodesy 2
154GED3 czech |
Geodesy 3
154GED4 czech |
Geodesy 4
154VY3 czech |
Geodesy 4
154SGEA czech |
Land Surveying
154SG01 czech |
Land Surveying in Civil Engineering
154SPG czech |
Land Surveying in Civil Engineering and Industry
154LASK czech |
Laser Scanning
154LSK czech |
Laser Scanning
154MEGE czech |
Metrology in Geodesy
154MIGE english |
Metrology in Geodesy
154MC3D czech |
Microstation 3D
154PZ02 czech |
Project Design 2
154TELS english |
Terrestrial laser scanning
154TEAC english |
Theory of Errors and Adjustment Calcullus
154TCV1 czech |
Theory of Errors and Adjustment Calculus 1
154TCV2 czech |
Theory of Errors and Adjustment Calculus 2
Code/Lang. |
D54TCH czech |
Adjustment calculus
D54AIG czech |
Data analysis in engineering surveying
D54AIG_EN english |
Data analysis in engineering surveying
D54GUP czech |
Geodetic Problems and their Accuracy
D54GUP_EN english |
Geodetic Problems and their Accuracy
D54GPP czech |
Geodézie v podzemních prostorách
D54GMS_EN english |
Graphic Information System MicroStation
D54GMS czech |
Graphic Information System MicroStation
D54MET czech |
Metrologie 3D měření
D54MET_EN english |
Metrology of 3D Measurement
D54TZS czech |
Teoretické základy 3D skenování
D54TIG czech |
Theoretical Basis of Engineering Geodesy
D54TIG_EN english |
Theoretical Basis of Engineering Geodesy
D54TAG_EN english |
Theory of Atmospheric Influence on Geodata
D54TAG czech |
Theory of Atmospheric Influence on Geodata
D54TCH_EN english |
Theory of Errors
D54TMS_EN english |
Theory of Measurement Systems
D54TMS czech |
Theory of Measurement Systems
D54TZS_EN english |
Theory of 3D Scanning
D54GPP_EN english |
Underground Engineering Surveying