FCE CTU's Student Ombudsman

The role of ombudsmen is to help create an equal, welcoming and safe learning environment and to evaluate students' complaints and proposals. These motions may relate to issues that cannot be addressed within the Faculty standards. Assistance is offered in matters of addressing inequitable, unfair and unjust treatment; in discrimination issues and safe environment concerns. Ombudsmen can assist in formulating a report, mediating or conducting a mediation meeting.

Ombudsmen do not have decision-making powers, they cannot interfere in academic processes, and they also try to act pre-emptively.

Neutrality, independence and impartiality are essential to the ombudsman´s work. All communication with students is confidential. The objective towards which the ombudsmen´s actions are always focused is agreement.

The ombudsman' function at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU is a position appointed by election pursuant to The Dean's Measure No. 9/2022 on the establishment of the Student Ombudsman's Office.

Ombudsmen can be contacted and notifications can be made:

  • By e–mail at: ombudsman@fsv.cvut.cz
  • By phone: +420 22435 4640 (Martin Dočkal), +420 22435 9791 (Helena Hexnerová)
  • In person following a previous e-mail or phone agreement
  • By letter to an anonymous letter box: insert a sealed envelope visibly labelled OMBUDSMAN into the "Student Administration" letter box located in the mailroom
  • By contact form below

Contact form

The message is sent to the address of the ombudsmen ombudsman@fsv.cvut.cz.


Martin Dočkal
+420 22435 4640

I am a graduate of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the branch of Environmental Engineering, athlete, scout, husband and father of 2 children educated at the University kindergarten. As a guarantor of study programmes and administrator of the student questionnaire, I have often solved students´ problems at the Faculty and thus am happy to help them as an independent student ombudsman.

What I would like (to achieve): a modern university, a welcoming and fair environment for everyone, communication between students and teachers, so that the school and its surroundings are not just a "learning space" but a place where we can feel at ease.

Helena Hexnerová
+420 22435 9791

I have graduated from the Faculty of Architecture CTU in Prague and completed my doctoral degree studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague. I am an assistant professor at the Department of Architecture, where I guide students through the design process in their studio work. I enjoy working with young people and am interested in education and psychology. I consider communication to be the most important means of establishing good interpersonal relationships. I want to be helpful in creating a safe and fair environment at our Faculty.


Ombudsmen work in cooperation with the CTU Ethics Committee, FCE AS and CTU supporting centres

CIPS - www.cips.cvut.cz
Provides support to all students in solving academic, personal, family and legal issues. It organises personal development events for students. It offers immediate help in a crisis situation. All services are free of charge for CTU students.

ELSA - www.elsa.cvut.cz
The Centre for the Support of Students with Specific Needs provides assistance to students and applicants for study with specific needs arising from their visual, hearing or mobility impairments, as well as to students with specific learning disabilities, psychological or chronic illnesses.