Procedures for FCE CTU students submitting and uploading their Bachelor/diploma theses in IS KOS


With regard to new CTU regulations, the obligation to upload the full version of the Bachelor/diploma thesis (hereinafter FGT) in the KOS database prior to submitting its printed version newly applies to students according to the instructions below.


1. Setting the extent of FGT publication

The decision on the non-publication of the thesis or its part is within the responsibilities of the respective Head of Department. Non-publication may only be decided on in justified cases, the standard procedure is to publish the whole thesis, including its potential annexes.

In the case that the thesis will contain data that cannot be published, the following procedure applies:
  • the Supervisor, in collaboration with the student, addresses the Head of Department asking for a decision not to publish the thesis or its part, or the Department directly gives the student instructions related to limited publication during the assignment of the thesis,
  • the Supervisor specifically informs the student into what parts (part "Thesis", part "Annex") they should divide FGT with respect to the fact that for each part the Supervisor will decide whether the part should be published or not,
  • the Supervisor assigns one of the following degrees of publication to individual parts of the thesis: "Publish immediately", "Publish never", "Publish after X years",
  • in any case, the full FGT identical to the printed version submitted to the Department must be uploaded in KOS by the student,
  • the minimum to be published is the "Thesis Summary" of ca 10 pages in length in the item "Annex" with the publication degree "Publish immediately".

If it is decided to publish the full thesis and it may be completely uploaded in pdf format, the thesis need not be subdivided into separate parts.

The student enters the degree of publication in KOS following the Supervisor´s instructions.


2. Deadline for uploading the thesis in KOS by the student

The database for uploading is accessible to the student until the due submission date of the thesis, this uniform Faculty date is entered in KOS by the Department - it is the last day of the instruction period in the respective semester - i.e. the respective Sunday until 23.59.

It is crucial to meet this deadline as the system will be centrally automatically closed for uploading theses on the respective date at 23.59 and from that moment the student can neither upload the thesis in KOS, nor edit an uploaded thesis, nor change the state of an uploaded thesis from "Saved" to "Submitted".

It is recommended to upload the thesis well in advance of the deadline as the Supervisor has access to the uploaded thesis, and continuous consultations between the student and the Supervisor may be running in this way until the submission date of the thesis, and the student can edit and complement the saved text.
Therefore, the saved text need not be considered as final until the submission deadline.


3. Student´s steps in KOS while uploading the thesis:

  1. Logging in KOS
  2. Opening the tag "Státní zkoušky/State examinations", "Závěrečná práce/Final thesis"
  3. Checking and filling in data on the thesis (in agreement with the printed thesis)
  4. Uploading the thesis in pdf format, including the assignment with covered signatures
  5. Uploading potential additional annexes
  6. Saving each uploaded file
  7. Setting the publication mode of each file
  8. Confirming electronic submission of the thesis and potential annexes
  9. Handing in the printed version to the Department


Detailed description of individual steps:

  • after logging in KOS, select the tag "Státní zkoušky/State examinations", then "Moje závěrečné práce/My final theses".


  • in the item "Závěrečná práce/Final thesis", select the option "Editace/Editing" in the column "Akce/Action" (previous entering of the thesis in KOS by the Department is the necessary precondition)


  • FGT title in Czech and in English entered by the Department will be displayed in the window "Údaje o závěrečné práci/Data on final thesis", and, further below, the Supervisor´s name (line "Osoby podílející se na vedení VŠKP/Persons participating in FGT supervision").


Duties of the student

by the deadline for submitting the work:

  1. The student checks the displayed data, in the case of an error in the data, arranges the correction of the data with his/her Supervisor - these data will be printed in the Diploma Supplement.
          Date: three weeks before the submission date of the thesis (the student may successively edit the above data according to the Supervisor´s instructions during these three weeks).
  2. The student checks, or potentially corrects, the choice in line "Jazyk VŠKP/FGT language".
          Date: three weeks before the submission date of the thesis.
  3. The student must fill in the items "Abstrakt česky/Abstract in Czech", "Abstrakt anglicky/Abstract in English", "Klíčová slova česky/Key words in Czech" and "Klíčová slova anglicky/Key words in English" in the same wording as stated in the printed thesis.
          Date: three weeks before the submission date of the thesis.
  4. Filling in the items "Podnázev VŠKP/FGT Subtitle" and "Podnázev VŠKP anglicky/FGT subtitle in English" is not compulsory.
  5. Names of uploaded files: students are recommended to choose as short names of files and their attachments as possible without diacritics (without stating their names and without words "Bachelor thesis", "diploma thesis" or "attachment"), as IS KOS assigns the files automatically generated names according to the template in the form:
    F1-{[BP]/[DP]}-{year}-surname-name-{student´s file name}.pdf, or potentially
    F1-{[BP]/[DP]}-{year}-surname-name-attachment-{student´s file name} {attachment format}.
  6. The student uploads the thesis, including the scanned assignment of the thesis with covered signatures, in pdf format in the database in the section "Závěrečná práce/Final thesis" by clicking on "Procházet/Search" and "Uložit/Save" buttons. The maximum allowable size of the file is 50 MB.
  7. The student uploads potential additional attachments in the database in the section "Uložení příloh/Saving attachments" by clicking on buttons "Procházet/Search" and "Uložit/Save". Max. 50 attachments of any format with a size of max. 50 MB / one attachment may be saved. The attachments which are already included in the pdf of the thesis itself are not uploaded separately again.
  8. By clicking on the "Uložit/Save" button, the student confirms the saving of the file.
    The Supervisor can see the uploaded thesis. The student may return to the files uploaded in this way at any time, change and correct them based on the Supervisor´s recommendations, etc. until the submission date.
  9. The student chooses one of the publication options for all uploaded files according to the FGT Supervisor´s instructions: "zveřejnit ihned/publish immediately" or "nezveřejnit nikdy/publish never" or "zveřejnit po uplynutí X let/publish after X years".
  10. By clicking on the "Kontrola před odevzdáním/Check before submitting" button, the student checks if all compulsory attributes of the thesis have been filled in.
  11. By clicking on the "Potvrdit odevzdání/Confirm submitting" button, the student submits the FGT electronic version without a possibility of any further changes. Doing this the student confirms the completeness and correctness of the input data and confirms the identity of the electronic version with the printed one.


Only after this confirmation does the thesis get to the state of "Odevzdána/Submitted", and it is electronically offered to the Supervisor for electronic acceptance and granting a credit for it.

The Supervisor may return the thesis to the student in IS KOS from the state "Odevzdána/Submitted" to the state "Vrátit studentovi/ Return to Student" for the reason of making modifications in the text - this, however, is only possible before the expiry of the deadline for the FGT submission. After this date, the student will not be able to upload the thesis in the database or change the uploaded thesis.

The opponents and the Supervisor upload their reviews in IS KOS; these reviews are accessible to the student in KOS immediately after their uploading.

Any potential queries related to the electronic filing of theses can be solved by students at the Department with their Supervisor.
After their defence, the theses will be published in the CTU Central Digital Library


prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc.
Vice-Dean for Education


The technical procedure for uploading FGT was elaborated by CIC CTU
January 2016, Student Administration of FCE CTU