Building Structures 3

Course code: 124BSD3
Course guarantor: doc. Ing. Vladimír Žďára, CSc.
Form of exams: A,EX
Number of credits: 3 credits
Weekly load: 2+1

Abstract(semestr )
The subject is focused on the complex design of load-bearing structures of roofs, large-span structures and structures of multi-storey buildings. In the first part, the attention is focused on span structures of pitched roofs and hall buildings and on the supporting structures of multi-storey buildings. In the second part, students will learn about the design of prefabricated indoor and multi-storey structures.
Supporting structures of pitched roofs. Boundary conditions and optimization of hall building design. Truss and frame structures of large-span buildings.. Curved, suspended and suspended structures of large-span buildings.. Spatially acting planar and structural structures of large-span buildings.. Rope nets and tensegrites. Membrane structures.. Load-bearing structures of multi-storey buildings.. Stability and spatial rigidity of multi-storey buildings.. Design of precast reinforced concrete systems.. Design of pillar, wall and integrated multi-storey systems.. Design of pillar, wall and integrated multi-storey systems.. Design of pillar, wall and integrated multi-storey systems.. Design of pillar, wall and integrated multi-storey systems..

[1]  Wilden H. a kol.: Precast and prestressed concrete, PCI 1992. ISBN-10: 0937040878
[3]  Schodek D., Bechthold M.: Structures. ISBN-10: 8120348699
[5]  Bill Z., Brabec V., Hruška A., Žďára V.: KPS 50 - Konstrukčně statická analýza vícepodlažních a halových objektů, ČVUT, Praha 1998
[7]  Z. Bill, V. Ždára: Zastřešení budov, TK 6 CKAIT. CSSI Praha 1998
[9]  Gattermayerová H.: KPS 50 - Konstrukce vícepodlažních budov - příklady, ČVUT, Praha 1996
Course 124BSD2 has to be completed before this subject can be clasified
Studijní plány 
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů:

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- studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2023), skupina Civil Engineering, 7th semester (BD20200700), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2023/24 )