Failures, Deterioration, Renovations

Course code: 124PDRD
Course guarantor: doc. Ing. Eva Burgetová, CSc.
Form of exams: A,EX
Number of credits: 3 credits
Weekly load: 2+1

Abstract(semestr B241)
Types of defects, symptoms, significance, criticality, causes, reason for failures, Records of faults: origin, frequency, performance Agencies causing deterioration, durability of materials, role of external forces, instability and deficiency of structures, failure patterns Failures of foundation, walls and DPCs, claddings and roofs
Characteristic failures of buildings and their lifetime, analyses of loading impacts and influences from point of failure view, non-force impacts, building-technical survey of buildings, degradation and corrosion processes, historical structures (foundations, vaults, ceilings, roof trusses), failures and reconstruction of masonry, concrete, reinforced concrete, wooden, steel and prefabricated structures, protection of buildings against increased moisture effects.
[1]  Ashurst J., Ashurst N.: Practical Building Conservation, volume 1-3, ISBN 0-291-39747-6
[2]  Hollis M.: Pocket Surveying Buildings, RICS Books, ISBN 978-1-84219-242-9
Course 124BSD1 has to be completed before this subject can be clasified
Studijní plány 
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