Buildings Services Systems 2

Course code: 125BSE2
Course guarantor: doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D.
Form of exams: A,EX
Number of credits: 5 credits
Weekly load: 2+2
Course webpage:

Abstract(semestr B241)
Introduction to the indoor environmental quality, building ventilation and basic artificial lighting and electrical installation.
Lectures topics: Microenvironment and its constituents. Microenvironment-health requirements. Design of air-handling systems - basics, criteria. Ventilation systems - Principles of natural and mechanical ventilation. Heat recovery. Parts of air handling systems. Fundamentals of air-conditioning systems. Natural and Combined lighting. Electricity distribution. Electrical installations. Tutorials focused on practical design of ventilation and basic light and electrical systems.
[1]  Chadderton, David V: Building services engineering. Routledge 2013. 6th ed. New York, Abingdon. ISBN 0415699312.
[2]  Hall, F., Greeno, R.: Building services handbook. Routledge 2017, 9th edition. ISBN-10: 9781138244351
[3]  Jokl, M.V.: Microenvironment: The Theory and Practice of Indoor Climate. Thomas, Illinois, USA 1989
[4]  Kabrhel, M., Adamovský, D.: Building services systems 2. Online material. Available at the Department website (
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