Computer graphics
Course code: 128CGR |
Abstract | (semestr ) |
Foundation of using various types of computer graphics programs. Grid graphics, digital photography, vector drawing, 3D modelling, visualisation. Based computer graphics algorithms. | |
Content | |
Foundation of using various types of computer graphics programs. Grid graphics, digital photography, vector drawing, 3D modelling, visualisation. Based computer graphics algorithms. | |
Literature | |
[1] To come later | |
Prerequisities | |
-- | |
Studijní plány | |
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů: - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2020), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20200700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2020/21 to 2022/23 ) - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2023), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20230700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2023/24 ) |