Repairing and Strengthening Techniques

Course code: 132RST
Course guarantor: prof. Ing. Petr Kabele, Ph.D.
Form of exams: EX
Number of credits: 5 credits
Weekly load: 3+7

Abstract(semestr B241)
Introduction to repair and strengthening. Strengthening of foundations. Discussion of load transfer and long term effects. Strengthening of concrete structures. Strengthening of metal structures. Design of timber structures. Strengthening of timber structures. Design of masonry structures. Strengthening of masonry structures. Strengthening solutions.
[1]  Ross P.: Appraisal and Repair of Timber Structures, Thomas Telford, 2002.
[2]  Agocs Z., Ziolko J., Vičan J., Brodňanský J.: Assesment and Refurbishment of Steel Structures, Spon Press, 2005.
[3]  Vašek M., Sanace ocelových konstrukcí, DOST-T ČKAIT, 2005,1999.
Studijní plány 
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů:

- studijní plán Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (MA_SAHC_M), skupina Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (MA_SAHC), dop. semestr 1 (International programme, which is realized by an international consortium of universities. Applications for study are accepted and processed exclusively through the consortium secretariat. )