Master Thesis

Course code: 142DIPM
Course guarantor: --
Form of exams: A
Number of credits: 28 credits
Weekly load: 0+12
Course webpage: není

Abstract(semestr B242)
The work is an individual activity of the student in the preparation of the topic of the final thesis for the period of study on the assigned professional topic.
Master thesis typically focusses on modelling of hydraulic/hydrological processes in particular applications, case studies in water and environmental engineering or short design projects. Student selects a topic of his/her thesis according to the program specialization and he/she is supervised by a supervisor with whom he/she is regularly consulting a progress of his/her work. Furthermore, an additional consulting expert can be assigned to the thesis project to assist the student.
[1]  according to the diploma thesis specification
Studijní plány 
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů:

- studijní plán Water and Environmental Engineering, spec. Hydraulic Engineering (NW20200001), skupina Water and Environmental Engineering, master thesis (NW20200004_1), dop. semestr 4 (valid from 2020/21 )
- studijní plán Water and Environmental Engineering, spec. Environmental Engineering and Science (NW20200002), skupina Water and Environmental Engineering, master thesis (NW20200004_1), dop. semestr 4 (valid from 2020/21 )
- studijní plán Water and Environmental Engineering, spec. Water Management (NW20200003), skupina Water and Environmental Engineering, master thesis (NW20200004_1), dop. semestr 4 (valid from 2020/21 )