Introduction to Spatial Data Processing

Course code: 155ISDP
Course guarantor: --
Form of exams: A,EX
Number of credits: 6 credits
Weekly load: 2+2
Course webpage:

Abstract(semestr )
Introduction into geospatial data processing. Various workflow automation techniques (interactive tools, Python programming language, and Structured Query Language). Demonstration of various processing environments (desktop applications, database environments, cloud-based computing).
Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets
Geospatial data and web services
Data processing automation
Introduction into Python data processing
Geospatial Python libraries (open source)
Geospatial Python libraries (Esri)
Space-time geospatial data processing
Cloud-based geospatial data processing
Introduction into databases, SQL
Geospatial data in SQL
Geospatial data processing in SQL
Network analysis in SQL
Studijní plány 