Overview of courses offered by the department in the previous, current and next semester.
The White book contains all important information about compulsory and compulsory-elective courses included in the study plans of individual study programs and elective subjects.
Code/Lang. |
144YLHN czech |
Mitigation of hazardous substances incidents
144HZIP czech |
Accidents and the environment
144BAPZ czech |
Bachelor Thesis
144BAPV czech |
Bachelor Thesis
144BT1 english |
144DPM czech |
Diploma Thesis
144SCOV czech |
Drainage and treatment of waste waters
144WS english |
Drinking Water Management
144WSE english |
Drinking Water Management
144YECO czech |
Ecotoxicology and Waste Water Treatment
144ENCE english |
Environmental Chemistry
144DIPM english |
Master Thesis
144XMMO czech |
Methods and tools in urban drainage
144DISZ czech |
144PZ02 czech |
Project Design 2
144SESY english |
Sewer Systems
144UDPV czech |
Treatment and distribution of drinking water
144YDUV czech |
Treatment and Distribution of Water
144BTIS czech |
Trenchless technologies for underground utilities
144OUP czech |
Urban drainage
144URDR english |
Urban Drainage
144OUUC czech |
Urban Drainage and Water Quality
144YMIB czech |
Urban engineering and balneology
144YISB czech |
Urban networks and balneology
144VHOB czech |
Urban water management
144MVSO czech |
Urban Water Management Modelling
144PUCV czech |
Wastewater treatment
144CIV czech |
Water quality
144WAQE english |
Water Quallty
Code/Lang. |
D44DPS czech |
Dynamics of Processes in Urban Drainage Systems
D44CHZP czech |
Environmental Chemistry
D44CHZP_EN english |
Environmental Chemistry
D44EMV czech |
Experimental methods in water management practice
D44HSC czech |
Hydraulics in Sewer System and Waste Water Treatment Plant
D44IHB czech |
D44MMC czech |
Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants
D44MMC_EN english |
Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants
D44MEK czech |
Mechanics of Suspensions
D44MMO_EN english |
Modelling of the Urban Drainage System
D44MMO czech |
Modelling of the Urban Drainage System
D44MDS czech |
Modelling of Water Distribution Systems
D44MPV_EN english |
Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field
D44MPV czech |
Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field
D44MPU czech |
Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes
D44MPU_EN english |
Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes
D44COV czech |
Sewage treatment
D44TOX czech |
D44OUU czech |
Urban drainage
D44MIN czech |
Urban Engineering
D44HYC czech |
Water chemistry
D44MZV czech |
Water refining