Building Engineering (in English) - courses of program

D01AP1_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods I

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The aim is to acquaint students with the basic problems of numerical mathematics. Thematic areas are: • Systems of linear equations. Direct and basic iterative methods. • Solving nonlinear equations and their systems • Eigenvalue problem • Approximation of functions • Numerical quadrature • Numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions.

D01AP2_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods II

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The subject follows the Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods I, the aim is to master methods of solving partial differential equations. Both elliptical and parabolic tasks will be solved. Less attention will be paid to hyperbolic problems. Problems of effective preconditioning of emerging systems of linear systems will also be addressed.

D01MSP - Advanced course of Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Distributions connected to normal distribution (chi square, t distribution). Multiple normal distribution and estimates of its parameters. Theory of estimation – a method of moments, a maximum likelihood method. Bayesian estimates. Method of principle components. Multiple linear regression. Non-linear regression. Bayesian approach to linear ans nonlinear regression.

D01MS2_EN - Mathematical Statistics II

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
Multivariate normal distribution. Principal component analysis. Linear regression. Nonlinear regression. Bayes theorem. Bayesian parameters estimates. Bayesian inference in linear model. Time series and their frequency domain description. Kalman-Bucy filtr. .

D02FCH_EN - Physical Chemistry

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Substance structure. Description of the microworld at quantum mechanical level. Interactions between atoms and molecules. Chemical bonding. Phases. Phase equilibrium and phase transitions. Phase diagrams. Physicochemical properties of solids and fluids. Surfaces. Adsorption, adhesion, wettability. Measurement of surface tension/energy. Hydrophobicity, hydrophility. Transport processes. Diffusion, heat conductivity. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics.

D02NTS_EN - Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Types of polymers (natural, artificial). Structure of polymers (amorphous, crystalline, fibres, elastomers). Input materials for polymers preparation. Thermodynamical and kinetic aspects of polymerization. Chemical bonds in polymeric chains. Physical and chemical properties of polymers (mechanical, thermal). Electrospinning principle and NANOSPIDER equipment. Nanofibers vs. makroscopic matters-differential properties. Modifications of polymer nanofibres (via plasmatic technologies,heterogeneous nucleation, bakteriocidity). Properties of polymer-based nanofibres thin films (hydrophobicity). Application of polymer-based nanofibres in modern civil engineering, protection of cultural heritage and in environment (microfiltration, hydrophobicity,, bacteriocidity). The visits of specialized labs (NANOSPIDER, Institute of Physics) are also expected.

D02TF1_EN - Theoretical Physics I (Statistical Physics)

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Structure of matter. Modeling of processes at various temporal/spatial levels of description. Fundamentals of probability theory (distribution functions, discrete/continuous variables, Stirling approximation). Introduction to statistical physics. Fluctuations. Boltzmann distribution (microstates, physical interpretation). Statistical ensembles (microcanonical, canonical, grandcanonical). Translational, rotational and vibrational partition functions. Elements of statistical thermodynamics. Determination of macroscopic characteristics of fluids and solid states (energy, heat capacity, potentials). Kinetic theory of gases (mean free path, pressure, effusivity).

D02TF2_EN - Theoretical Physics II (Kinetic Processes in Materials)

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Transport of mass and energy. Particles diffusion in fluids and solid states. Statistical and phenomenological description. Fick law, diffusion equation, analytical solutions. Diffusion in small systems. Heat transfer. Fourier law, heat conduction equation, analytical solutions. Heat conduction in small systems. Modern theory of phase transitions. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. Nucleation rate. Nucleation of water molecules in atmosphere-condensation. Formation of solid clusters in metastable liquids. Modeling of a very first stage of hydratation processes.

D22CTE -

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)

D22JUS - Judicial Activity for PhD Students

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
The subject deals with the issue of poor quality in the investment process and the exploitation of the results of the system of material productioThe student is acquainted with the basic principles and pieces of legislation in the area of expert activity. The subject gradually analyzes individual building constructions from the point of view of faults assessment and their solution in an expert opinion of an expert and an expert organization. The subject acquaints students with the position of the individual participants in the investment process in expert evidence, ending with an expert opinion. The student is acquainted with the basic principles of the Act on Experts, the method of processing expert opinion, his requisites, form and application in the system of material production. The theoretical principles are documented on specific examples of expert opinions.

D22RAB - Risk Analysis of Building Processes

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
Assignment of risk of project documentation at the level of documentation for building permits and implementation documentation, event. workshop documentation. Risk allocation in the construction system – contractor and subcontractors. Analysis of individual critical processes in terms of risk (what if) in processes with regard to Pareto's rule – earthworks, foundations, utilities, supporting structure (brick, monolithic concrete, prefabricated), roofing, internal rough work surface finish inside and outside , finishing, exterior finishing and some other selected technologies. Assignment of risk of these processes with connection to input, intermediate and final quality control. Risk assessment with a link to back quality assurance. Practical risk analysis processes – project (contractual relationships – who is the bearer PD), climate factors, geological factors, warranty, contract quality, price fluctuations, contractual penalties, the interaction between actors on site and their interdependence, third party BOZ (not , that occupational accidents or illnesses have significant financial implications, but their minimization is part of the corporate culture), fire protection, environmental protection and others. Assigning risk to the maintenance of the building. Determining the likelihood (or frequency) of occurrence of specified risks for individual processes and the quantification of consequences, antirisking and derisking. Optimization of partial probabilities and risk calculation (eg tree event analysis).

D22ROC - Robotization in Construction Technology

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
During the course, doctoral students will be introduced to the basics of robotics, the basics of industrial automation, the programming of industrial robots in construction technology, and the basics of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots.

D22ROP - Robot Programming in the Construction Technology

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
During the course, doctoral students will be introduced to the programming of industrial robots in construction technology, the basics of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots. They will try modeling in simulation software and practical control of industrial robots (KUKA Agilus R1100 and KUKA KR120 Quantec R3901).

D22SCI - Sustainability of Critical Infrastructure

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
The basics of industrial robot programming in construction technology: elements, concepts, types of control systems, programming languages and development environments. Fundamentals of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots. Modeling of robotic systems in simulation SW. Configuration, installation and calibration of robots in the construction process. Define and programming the workspace and zones. Safety of building production with using industrial robots. Programming of robotic movements: types of movements, manual control, program execution, optimization of movements according to mathematical methods. Processing and programming of terminal equipment. Modeling and programming of technological building processes: masonry, 3D printing, painting and plasters, control activities. Configuration of input and output signals, advanced sensors, 3D cameras, image processing. Introduction in PLC programming. Expert programming of robotic systems.

D22TCP - Technology of Construction Processes for PhD Students

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
Optimisation of the design or implementation of a structure. Deterministic and stochastic methods of modelling of rough construction processes and development of new technologies in 4.0 industry conditions, including the help of robots. Links among construction processes resulting from spatial and technological structure of the building process. Design, optimisation and multi-criteria assessment of machine groups. Software systems for auxiliary constructions design. Interdisciplinary connections in construction technology, links to construction design, relation to economy and ecology area. Manufacturing process, principle of production, production technique, production and natural component of the construction process. Technological law and use of its principles. Development of new processes in internal and external surface finishes, floor stacks, facade claddings and finishing works. Building readiness, optimisation of the technological flow, application of the quality assurance system according to relevant standards and conditions of the building production, effectiveness of control inputs (input, intermediate and final quality checks). Extended diagnostics of existing building structures with a special focus on the corrosive effects of the environment in reinforced concrete structures and on the quality of concrete structures. Diagnostics of building structures using infrared spectrum, moisture diagnostics in structures using advanced impedance methods. Faults and defects caused by technologies.

D24BIP - Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
Optimisation of the design or implementation of a structure. Deterministic and stochastic methods of modelling of rough construction processes and development of new technologies in 4.0 industry conditions, including the help of robots. Links among construction processes resulting from spatial and technological structure of the building process. Design, optimisation and multi-criteria assessment of machine groups. Software systems for auxiliary constructions design. Interdisciplinary connections in construction technology, links to construction design, relation to economy and ecology area. Manufacturing process, principle of production, production technique, production and natural component of the construction process. Technological law and use of its principles. Development of new processes in internal and external surface finishes, floor stacks, facade claddings and finishing works. Building readiness, optimisation of the technological flow, application of the quality assurance system according to relevant standards and conditions of the building production, effectiveness of control inputs (input, intermediate and final quality checks). Extended diagnostics of existing building structures with a special focus on the corrosive effects of the environment in reinforced concrete structures and on the quality of concrete structures. Diagnostics of building structures using infrared spectrum, moisture diagnostics in structures using advanced impedance methods. Faults and defects caused by technologies.

D24BRA - Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on selected topics in the field of room and building acoustics, especially on the description of the acoustic field, absorbing materials and diffusers, and the transmission of airborne and impact sound through building elements and in buildings.

D24CMA - Calculation Methods in Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
This course is freely related to the course "Experimental methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on calculation prediction methods of acoustic properties of buildings.

D24EXA - Experimental Methods in Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
This course is freely related to the course "Calculation methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on measurements of acoustic properties of building elements and buildings.

D24EXM - Experimental Methods in Hygrothermal Protection of Buildings

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The main goal of the course is to acquaint students with test methods which are used for evaluation of real acoustic properties of building elements, buildings and sound sources. Students will acquire the basics of measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation, noise from service equipment and room acoustical parameters. This course is freely related to the course "Calculation methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on measurements of acoustic properties of building elements and buildings. The course is divided into three areas: sound insulation in buildings, noise of building service equipment and room acoustics. Within each part, students will learn about one or two topics. For sound insulation in buildings it means measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation between rooms. Noise from service equipment is focused on sound power levels of sound sources and sound pressure levels in rooms and room acoustics is devoted to the measurement of reverberation time. Basic principles of test methods are the content of lectures, while the seminars are focused on the application of acquired knowledge and practical experience. Students will provide measurements with modern equipment, which includes sound analyzer, special sound sources for building and room acoustics and sound intensity measurement system.

D24FZS_EN - Optimization and Multicriterial Evaluation of Functional Performance of Building Structures

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
Optimization of buildings and structural elements from the viewpoint of material and energy efficiency, and with respect to fulfilment of required level of performance requirements and assurance of required reliability and durability of structure. Life-Cycle Assessment of Buildings and its elements. Optimization of building structures from environmental point of view. System model. Methods of numerical optimization. Weighting. Multicriterial evaluation and optimization of environmental impacts of buildings.

D24MAS - Modelling of Hygrothermal Processes in Buildings

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on numerical modelling of heat and water vapor transfer in building constructions and buildings. The solution of various types of diffusion and convective-diffusion equations (e.g. heat transfer by convection and conduction and the combination of such transport mechanisms) is being discussed with emphasis on the possibilities of the finite element method. Main part of the course deals with practical applications of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) modelling for the solution of selected building physics problems (e.g. air, heat and moisture transport in spaces with different usage and heat sources, the influence of leakages in constructions on the moisture transfer and the risk of vapor condensation, hygro-thermal behaviour of constructions with ventilated air layers etc.). Students will have opportunity to work with several software simulation tools during the course so they will be able to study discussed transport phenomenons practically on specific examples.

D24RAD - Radon Transport through Building Materials and Structures

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
Main study topics: 1. Theory of radon diffusion and convection through building materials, mathematical description, methods of solving transport equations 2. Physical parameters of building materials describing radon transport (radon diffusion coefficient, radon transmittance, radon resistance, radon diffusion length) 3. Methods of radon detection, the use of continuous radon monitors to study the transport of radon through building materials 4. The principle and construction of measuring devices suitable for study of radon transport through building materials and for determining the physical parameters describing this transport 5. Individual experiments conducted by students on selected building materials (for example waterproofing materials, thermal insulations, silicate materials etc.) in order to determine the values of selected physical parameters describing the radon transport and their dependence on temperature, moisture content, homogeneity, chemical composition, surface treatments, degree of degradation etc.

D24TDL - Selected Topics in Daylighting

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
The topic of lighting needs to be explored in its complexity with overlaps into a number of technical and non-technical areas. The new European standard Daylighting in buildings (2018) introduces a number of new methods for assessing the quality of the daylighting in buildings. New technologies and tools suitable for assessing daylight in buildings and beyond expand the possibilities for prediction and optimization in lighting practice.

D24TPB - Thermal Protection of Buildings in Environmental Perspective

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
The course is based on fundamental knowledge in thermal protection of buildings. It is focused on buildings with extremely low energy demand (passive and zero-energy buildings). Environmental performance of such buildings will be analyzed. An extra attention is given to combination of minimized energy demand and application of components with renewable energy use. Methods of estimation of energy demand of buildings and their assemblies suitable for early stages of design processes, for support of strategic decisions at city level and as an input for more general models. Aggregated energy characteristics of buildings are used for mid-time and long-time prognoses considering the changed boundary condition due to climate change.

D25AES - Alternative Energy Sources

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Course extends the knowledge of student in the area of renewable energy source, especially in the field of solar technologies (solar thermal systems, photovoltaic systems) and heat pumps in connection with evaluation and operation of building systems. Student within the individual topic performs an analysis of renewable energy sources implementation in defined building, favourably with use of advanced simulation tools.

D25BEM - Selected Chapters from Building Energy Performance Modelling

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
A course focused on modelling the energy behaviour of buildings using advanced simulation tools. Form of teaching – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work. The subject ends with a test in the form of a discussion on the submitted semester work. Used sw tools: DesignBuilder, ESP-r, TRNSYS. Examples of semester papers: Criteria for optimizing design of building energy systems. Comprehensive vs. single-purpose simulation programs for TZB systems. Modelling of dynamic phenomena in building services systems. Overview of SW for Building Energy Systems Analysis (TRNSYS, Phoenics, Moist). Modelling, simulation and object analysis using ESP-r. Modelling of the thermal and technical properties of the peripheral structures, ventilation and ventilation of the building, heating equipment, renewable sources. Simulation of the effect of changing the operating mode on the energy consumption of the object.

D25EAB - Selected Chapters from Energy Audit of Building

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Subject focused on energy audit of buildings. Getting acquainted with the methodology of energy auditing of buildings in terms of exploration, assessment of the current state, design of austerity measures, calculation of energy performance, economic and environmental evaluation. Analysis of energy and environmental behaviour of buildings and technical systems. Introduction to legislation and activities of energy specialist. Form of teaching – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work.

D25RES - Renewable and Unconventional Energy Sources for Buildings

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Solar energy: physical principles, active air and water systems, photovoltaic cells, passive solar elements in building energy systems – winter garden, solar window, short, medium and long-term heat energy accumulation, transparent insulation, double facades, energy roofs. Biomass energy: fuel issues – woods, wood waste, wood chips, wood pellets. Geothermal energy: direct use, heat pumps – ground – water – air, heat accumulation. Wind energy: direct use and energy storage. Heat Recovery. Fuel cells for building energy system.

D25TIE - Selected Chapters from the Theory of Indoor Environment

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Doctoral subject focusing on the indoor environment of buildings. Teaching approach – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester essay is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work. The subject is concluded with a test in the form of a discussion on the submitted semester work. Examples of topics: Thermal comfort of the environment. Odour microclimate. Toxic substances in the interior. Microbe threat. Aerosols. Static electricity in the interior. Electro-ion microclimate. Electromagnetic Component of the Environment. Psychic microclimate.

D25VAC - Selected Topics of Ventilation and Air-conditioning

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
1. Principles of ventilation. Requirements for indoor air quality. Sources of indoor environmental degradation. 2. Balance of a ventilated room with a constant and variable source of pollutants. 3. Natural, hybrid and forced ventilation – design methods. Ventilation concept. 4. Thermodynamic properties of dry and humid air. Theory of humid air and application of psychrometric principles. Advanced air treatments in ventilation and air-conditioning. Outdoor and indoor climatic conditions. 5. Heat load of air-conditioned and non-conditioned rooms. 6. Theory of isothermal and non-isothermal air flow in rooms, simulations. Methods of distribution and diffusion of air in rooms. Selection and positioning of the terminal elements for supply and exhaust of air. 7. Design of air ducts. 8. Ventilation of civil buildings – residential premises, etc. 9. Design of single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems. Air systems, combined air – water systems, water systems incl. cooling ceilings, refrigeration systems. 10. Selection, design and control of ventilation and air conditioning systems. 11. Distribution of heat, cold and fresh air in buildings. Free cooling by outdoor air. 12. Analysis of heat transfer in ventilation and air-conditioning systems, dimensioning of devices for minimal energy consumption. Energy demand for heating and cooling of air. Recuperation of heat and humidity

D29ARC - Architecture and Construction

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The subject Architecture and Construction at the doctoral level builds on the knowledge gained from the previous Master's degree program. It deals with architectural design in terms of their construction principle, used material, functionality, financial demands, feasibility, ecology, energy and so on. The subject of Architecture and Design contributes to the deepening of the field of the theory of architecture and the construction of buildings. Modern designs in confrontation with contemporary theory and practice of architecture are an integral part of architectural creation, enhancing its aesthetic value. The application of progressive structures increases the quality of buildings by extending the typological diversity of multifunctional building blocks and their integration into modern spatial structures. The application of ergonomics, ecology and economics of building structures is an indispensable part of the quality design and functioning of the building. The subject of Architecture and Design assists the scientific work of doctoral students in the field of architecture focusing on the field of building structures with an emphasis on current building trends. It introduces new features in the field of load-bearing structures of buildings for use in new buildings and renovations.

D32ASWE - Advanced Scientific Writing in English

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course, taught entirely in English, is designed for doctoral students with the potential to publish in leading international journals and submit internationally recognized dissertations. Active involvement of all participants is required, and emphasis is placed on editorial work with their own full-text drafts. Classes are taught in small groups under the guidance of two tutors (one linguistic and one technical) and aim to achieve good style and optimal layout of a longer text of about 20 pages, such as a journal article or a chapter of a dissertation. In addition to working on and presenting their own texts, students are encouraged to participate actively in discussions of their peers' output. The course is open to candidates who have completed the basic scientific writing course D32TWPE with excellent results, or to others selected on the basis of an entrance test.

D32DSK_EN - Dynamics of Structures

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
Advanced design methods of structures subjected to dynamic loading.

D32EX1_EN - Experimental Analysis of Structures I

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The course is intended for students who did not have the opportunity to study basic goals, tasks and elementary means of an experimental analysis during the course of the bachelor’s and master’s degree study. Within the course, students will familiarize with basic procedures and principles of the experimental analysis of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation of the problems will include the overview of testing methods used to determine basic material properties, the description of experiments focused on observation of climate loads, the examples of verification and identification of theoretical models based on experimental results, the experiments realized on physical models for estimation of wind effects in wind tunnels and for investigation of earthquake effect on shake tables, the long term monitoring of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation will further include the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of static load tests realized on structural elements or whole structures, the basic methods used for an analysis of measured data obtained during dynamic tests, the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of dynamic tests including an experimental modal analysis and a dynamic load test, the principles of experiments focused on evaluation and assessment of vibration effects on building structures from the view of the load capacity limit state and on users of building structures from the view of the serviceability limit state, the demonstration of several practical tasks.

D32EX2_EN - Experimental Analysis of Structures II

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The major goal of the course is to expand knowledge about experimental analysis of building and civil engineering structures obtained during master’s or doctoral degree study. Within the course, students will familiarize with the basic design of the static and dynamic experiments applied on building and civil engineering structures, relative sensors, absolute sensors, strain gauges, principles of strain measurement by means of strain gauges, basics of estimating measurement uncertainty, experiments realized on physical models, basics of the similarity theory, model laws, experimental methods for axial tensile force determination in rods, cables and stays, static and dynamic load tests and long term monitoring realized on building and civil engineering structures illustrated on practical examples (real reasons for realization, arrangement of experiments, ways of processing data, basic conclusions), the demonstration of practical tasks.

D32NU1_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics I

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The objective of the course is to deliver an introduction to numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, with particular focus on finite element method. It is suitable for students without previous knowledge in the field. It consists of the two main parts: - overview and derivation of fundamental equations for theory of elasticity and heat transfer, introduction to method of weighted residuals, strong and weak solution, choice of approximation and weight functions. - application of finite element and finite difference method to solution of selected problems from engineering practice (1D elasticity, beams, grids on elastic foundation, plates on elastic foundation, 1D and 2D stationary and transient heat transfer). The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32NU2_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics II

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The objective of the course is to extend basic knowledge of numerical methods for solving PDEs and particularly finite element method towards their advanced applications in engineering. The course will focus on problems of geometrically and materially nonlinear static (theoretical framework, linearization, algorithmic aspects, solution methods – direct and indirect control, plasticity and damage based models). Introduction to Isogeometric analysis, eXtended finite element method, mesh generation and efficient methods for solution sparse linear systems. The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32PNM_EN - Advanced Numerical Methods in Coupled Multiphysics Problems

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The aim of the course is to solve coupled multiphysics problems, e.g. thermoelasticity, coupled heat and moisture transfer, thermo-hydro-mechanical problem, electordiffusion, etc. First, the balance equations together with constitutive laws will be summarized for selected coupled multiphysics problems. Discretization in space and time (Galerkin-Bubnov method, Galerkin-Petrov method, generalized trapezoidal rule, etc.) will follow. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations obtained after discretization (the use of symmetry and sparsity, direct methods, iterative methods). Solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations (Newton-Raphson method, the arc-length method). Utilization of parallel computers for solution of large problems based on domain decomposition methods.

D32PRE_EN - Deformation and Failure of Materials

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course focuses at systematic mathematical description of mechanical behavior of materials. The subjects include: The model of continuum and the concept of representative volume element. General principles of constitutive modeling. Theories of elasticity (hyperelasticity, Cauchy elasticity, hypoelasticity). Viscoelasticity and the theory of creep. Yield and failure criteria. Incremental theory of plasticity. Damage mechanics. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue.

D32TEM_EN - Tensor Mechanics

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
This course covers the fundamentals of tensor algebra and calculus and demonstrates the power of tensor notation applied to formulation and solution of engineering problems. Selected examples cover solid and fluid mechanics, as well as heat and mass transport problems. The first part of the course is devoted to the definition of tensors, understood as linear mappings, to algebraic operations with tensors, to tensor fields and their differentiation, and to transformations between volume and surface integrals based on the Green and Gauss theorems. In the second part, it is shown how these mathematical tools enable an elegant description and analysis of various physical problems, with focus on applications in civil and mechanical engineering. The classes combine lectures and seminars, with emphasis on problems assigned as homework, which form the basis of presentations and discussions in class. The objective is not only to transfer specific knowledge, but also to develop the students‘ aptitude for independent thinking and critical analysis. At the same time, mastering of tensorial notation by the students will greatly facilitate their future reading of modern scientific literature in many fields of research.

D32TES_EN - Theory of Reliability

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The covered material splits into three blocks: (i) Important relations and theorems necessary in the area of the theory of reliability and mathematical statistics, (ii) Analytical and simulation methods to analyze reliability of structures, (iii) Advanced methods of reliability analysis exploiting the Bayesian inference in conjunction with MCMC simulation. List of lectures: 1. Basic relations, definitions and notation, 2. Selected probability distributions and important inequalities, 3. Transformation of probability density function (one and more variables), 4. Reliability of simple structures, 5. Evolution of reliability in time, 6. Reliability and solution methods, 7. Renewable systems, 8. Reflection of the theory in EC standards, 9. Analytical methods to address reliability, 10. Simulation methods, 11. Monte Carlo type simulation, 12. MCMC sampling (Markov chain-Monte Carlo, Bayesian statistical method).

D32TWPE - Scientific Writing and Publishing in English

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
winter, spring
In this course, which is taught exclusively in English, attention is paid to the structure of a scientific or technical paper, to grammatical and stylistic aspects and to the creative scientific writing process from manuscript preparation up to its publication (including the selection of an appropriate journal and the manuscript submission and review process). Other topics covered in the course include effective search for and processing of information sources in a network environment, exploitation of library, open-access and other resources and tools, citation rules and publication ethics. Students get acquainted with citation managers, manuals of style, typesetting rules and tools for the preparation of a technical manuscript in LaTeX. Basic information on bibliometric tools and evaluation of scientific output is also provided.

D33FUZ - Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Civil Engineering

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for work with uncertainty or insufficient information, which can be used for numerical description of behavior of materials and structural systems. This course consists of lectures focused on difference between classical and fuzzy sets, definition of fuzzy sets, basic operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy arithmetic, difference between classical and fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic modeling and methodology of fuzzy logic modeling.

D34FIS - Fire Safety

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for work with uncertainty or insufficient information, which can be used for numerical description of behavior of materials and structural systems. This course consists of lectures focused on difference between classical and fuzzy sets, definition of fuzzy sets, basic operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy arithmetic, difference between classical and fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic modeling and methodology of fuzzy logic modeling.

D34GLS - Glass Structures

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.

D34TIS - Timber Structures

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.


Knowledge of English and optional language is required for all programs.

D04ANG - English

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course is aimed at making doctoral degree students familiar with the basic genres of the academic style and prepare them for real-life communication situations, such as e.g. the presentation of their own research and development achievements, writing grant applications, common correspondence, writing abstracts, etc. The course should also assist in the preparation for the examination in English, which is a compulsory part of doctoral degree study. The course is not compulsory, it is not completed by granting a credit or passing an examination.

D04CES - Czech

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course in Czech for foreigners is aimed at the university students’ needs for mastering written and spoken language with the basic inventory of linguistic structures needed for making oneself understood in common situations of everyday practical life; advanced students develop the ability of independent work with a simple technical text. This course accents the communicative approach to language teaching. Therefore, individual lessons are primarily centred around an underlying topic that is complemented by the communicative language function. Further appropriate language aspects (i.e. grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills) arise from the given communicative need. Basic communication in common situations is further enriched by communicative skills in a more specific university environment. The course is intended for PhD students, but is not compulsory, it is completed by passing an examination. The Czech course is intended for students, who have already gained a solid basic knowledge in the Czech language, i.e. they are at B1+ level. Information:

D04FRA - French

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in French can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04NEM - German

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in German can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04RUS - Russian

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Russian can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04SPA - Spanish

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Spanish can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.