Geodesy and Cartography (in English) - courses of program

D01APL_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Selected parts of numerical methods of algebra and selected parts of mathematical analysis and numerical methods of analysis. Some numerical methods for solving systems of linear algebraic functions. Ordinary and partial differential equations and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions. Partial differential equations, especially elliptic and evolutionary equations. Numerical solution of partial differential equations of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic type, especially net method and variational methods. Integral equations and numerical methods of their solution, selected parts of computer graphics and integral transformation

D01MST_EN - Mathematical Statistics

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Advanced methods of mathematical statistics, terms of probability, discrete and continuous random variables, multidimensional distributions and estimates of distribution parameters. Introduction to sequential hypothesis testing and Bayesian methods. Multidimensional regression and submodel testing. Different types of continuous distributions, simulation questions, especially inverse distribution method and rejection method. Multidimensional distribution. Time series, especially stationary time series and their study in time and frequency domain.

D01VTP_EN - Vector and Tensor Calculus

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
winter, spring
Transformation of bases and transformation of vector coordinates, curvilinear coordinates. Tensor algebra and analysis in Cartesian and Curvilinear coordinates. Tensor function and tensor fields, differential operators. Geodesy tensors, Marussi tensor.

D02OPTE_EN - Optics and Optoelectronics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Fundamentals of geometric, physical and quantum optics. Relativistic optics. Fundamentals of physical electronics. Lasers, laser beams and thein applications. Modern part of optics and thein applications in science and engineering (adaptive optics, gradient index optics, nonlinear optics, acoustooptics, electrooptics, etc.). Sources and detectors of optical radiation. Physical principles of modern optical elements and instruments with applications in science and engineering.

D02OPZ_EN - Optical imaging and modern optics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Fundamentals of electromagnetic wave theory. Polarization, interference and diffraction of electromagnetic waves. Radiation and detection of electromagnetic waves. Geometric and diffraction theory of optical imaging. Aberration theory. Laser beams. Fundamentals of photometry and colorimetry. Fundamentals of Fourier optics. Digital methods of reconstruction and processing of image information. Modern areas of optics and their applications in technology (active and adaptive optics, gradient optics, nonlinear optics, acousto-optics, electro-optics, etc.).

D32ASWE - Advanced Scientific Writing in English

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course, taught entirely in English, is designed for doctoral students with the potential to publish in leading international journals and submit internationally recognized dissertations. Active involvement of all participants is required, and emphasis is placed on editorial work with their own full-text drafts. Classes are taught in small groups under the guidance of two tutors (one linguistic and one technical) and aim to achieve good style and optimal layout of a longer text of about 20 pages, such as a journal article or a chapter of a dissertation. In addition to working on and presenting their own texts, students are encouraged to participate actively in discussions of their peers' output. The course is open to candidates who have completed the basic scientific writing course D32TWPE with excellent results, or to others selected on the basis of an entrance test.

D32TWPE - Scientific Writing and Publishing in English

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
winter, spring
In this course, which is taught exclusively in English, attention is paid to the structure of a scientific or technical paper, to grammatical and stylistic aspects and to the creative scientific writing process from manuscript preparation up to its publication (including the selection of an appropriate journal and the manuscript submission and review process). Other topics covered in the course include effective search for and processing of information sources in a network environment, exploitation of library, open-access and other resources and tools, citation rules and publication ethics. Students get acquainted with citation managers, manuals of style, typesetting rules and tools for the preparation of a technical manuscript in LaTeX. Basic information on bibliometric tools and evaluation of scientific output is also provided.

D54AIG_EN - Data analysis in engineering surveying

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
The content is the processing, simulation or modeling of data especially from the survey of engineering geodesy. The course is focused on software tools and possibilities of processing, analysis and statistical evaluation of the measured data. It is assumed to understand and use advanced mathematical algorithms, using the least squares adjustment or other solution methods. Within the course, concrete solved tasks are related to the topic of the dissertation, usually with the requirement of a functional software output or script.

D54GMS_EN - Graphic Information System MicroStation

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
System concept, description of its components. System interface, communication between system, user and peripherals. Graphical data input and output, graphical and non-graphical data editing. Links to databases. User modifications of the system, programming of extensions and macros.

D54GPP_EN - Underground Engineering Surveying

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Underground geodesy includes surveying activities for mines, tunnels, subways, sewers, collectors, cellars and caves. Innovative procedures for positioning, height, connection and rectification, staking and control measurements with the possibility of modeling and verification in UEF Josef (underground learning center). Methods and procedures of documentation of the actual state of underground works with verification in UEF Josef.

D54GUP_EN - Geodetic Problems and their Accuracy

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Problems of intersection, polygonal traverse and geodetic networks in terms of their accuracy, including solutions based on the least squares method (error model, influence of measurement and given points, covariance matrix of coordinates, mean ellipse errors, mean error curve in plane, isocurves for mean coordinate error).

D54MET_EN - Metrology of 3D Measurement

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Processing and analysis of 3D measurements with a focus on calculations and accuracy analysis with respect to 3D scanning and geodetic 3D measurements. Also included are accuracy verification capabilities for polar and non-polar 3D scanners, total stations and multistations. In addition to the evaluation of absolute accuracy, the course also includes a specific area focusing on the determination of displacements and reshaping of mechanical and structural objects, including possible comparison with the designed shape, and including mathematical tools for identification.

D54TAG_EN - Theory of Atmospheric Influence on Geodata

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Earth's atmosphere, temperature regime of the atmosphere, humidity in the atmosphere, air pressure. Solar radiation. Radiation balance of the Earth's surface. Refractive index of air (phase, group). Atmospheric refraction. Regular and random components of refraction. Astronomical refraction, terrestrial refraction, geodetic refraction (vertical, horizontal refraction), levelling refraction, differential refraction, longitudinal refraction. Geodetic refraction in alpine and flat terrain. Methods of investigating and determining the effect of refraction on geodata.

D54TCH_EN - Theory of Errors

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
The course builds on the courses of theory of errors and mathematical statistics at bachelor and master degrees. The aim is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of probability theory and adjustment calculus with an emphasis on analysis of geodetic and geophysical measurements, which are burdened with systematic and random errors. The course includes a project focused on statistic analysis of measurements and results in the field of student's dissertation.

D54TIG_EN - Theoretical Basis of Engineering Geodesy

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
Staking out - a priori analysis, evaluation of staking quality, planning and optimization, influence of physical measurement. Control measurements. Use of modern measuring, computing and imaging techniques. Local geodetic networks (accuracy characteristics, quality assessment, design and connection issues). Measurement of displacements and deformations (general formulation, methods and their evaluation, fixed points, analysis of results and interpretation).

D54TMS_EN - Theory of Measurement Systems

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
Measuring system - classification and structure of measuring systems, basics of automation, classification of sensors, passive sensors (resistive, capacitive, inductive), active sensors (inductive, optoelectronic). Transformation of selected physical quantities into electrical ones - sensors for determination of length, angle, inclination, tilt, acceleration, temperature, pressure, humidity. Characteristics of measuring systems - static and dynamic characteristics. Bar code. Signal analysis - signal classification and analysis, time series analysis, time series components, filters and filtering. Automated measurement systems - levelling, theodolite, laser, scanner, photogrammetric, inertial. Automated geodetic measurement systems in static and dynamic testing of building and mechanical structures and in control of construction machinery.

D54TZS_EN - Theory of 3D Scanning

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
3D scanning - basic features, division, security. Polar scanners - principle, electronic length measurement, properties, selected systems. Base scanners - principle, CCD sensors, calibration, properties, selected systems. Kinematic systems - principle, inertial navigation, coordinate systems, properties, selected systems. Processing - methods and specifics of adjustment in 3D scanning, transformation, ICP, triangulation, orthogonal fitting, 2D / 3D drawing. Selected software. Quality control of measurement, calibration and calibration procedures.

D55AHK_EN - Analysis of Historical Maps

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
History of cartography in our country and abroad. Analysis of means of expression on old maps. Analysis of accuracy and content of old maps. Making old maps available. Analysis of landscape development and application of old maps at present.

D55DFM_EN - Digital Photogrammetry

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused as a supplementary course of photogrammetry. It brings classical methods in new digital form of intersection and stereophotogrammetry of the 21st century, as well as specialized technologies of satellite photogrammetry, photogrammetry from RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft system). digital documentation of interiors vaults, sculptures, etc., especially for cultural heritage documentation, editing of 3D data, visualization and animation), creation of thematic layers into GIS, especially DTM and DMP. Recently, some methods of direct capturing of 3D point (3D scanning, IBMR - image based modeling and rendering) have been included in photogrammetry.

D55DKN_EN - Digital Cadastre of Real Estate

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates (ISKN) and its link to other information systems of state administration, especially to the system of Basic Registers as defined by Act No. 111/2009 Coll. Content Focus: - Land Registry Information System - Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estate - Legislative standards, decrees and laws related to the CN; - structure and organization of the surveying and cadastre department in the Czech Republic, - INSPIRE Directive and its role at COSMC, - Digital outputs from the CN - Data and services provided by ČÚZK.

D55DMK_EN - Digital Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Application of digital methods in creation of cartographic outputs. Data sources and their availability, database of geographic data in the Czech Republic and in European and international context. Principles of creating topographic and thematic maps, using map creation software. Theoretical aspects of digital cartography. Cartographic outputs from GIS focusing on modern methods of visualization of spatial phenomena. Web cartography, cloud technologies, web services and applications.

D55DPZ_EN - Digital Processing of Remote Sensing Data

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on classical and new methods of image processing. In addition to the classical remote sensing procedures in terms of digital image analysis and classification (controlled and uncontrolled classification, symptoms and diminishing the size of the data set, classification classification success), new textural, hyperspectral and radar image processing procedures are taken into account. An important part is the interconnection of teaching with GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing, also the methods of filtration with regard to DMT, rectification and orthogonalization of VHR satellite data as well as the search for partial primitives about image associated with programming are innovated.

D55FGR_EN - Geospatial Data Collection Methods

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Course contains basic information’s on methods of collection, sorting and evaluation of geomatic-geographic data, methodology of study creation and modeling in geomatics with a focus on regional applications concerning the world and the Czech Republic. The innovative environment is focused mainly on methods of collecting and gaining geospatial data (photogrammetry, remote sensing, RPAS, basic geographic data base. and today's new data sources, services and geographic information such as Google Earth, data repository, free map sources, global satellite data, data collection from free satellite systems).

D55GIN_EN - Geoinformatics

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course is focused on the design and creation of geographic information systems, with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of geoinformatics, its links to geodesy, global positioning systems, remote sensing and digital cartography. Processing and archiving of geographic data in relational or NoSQL databases. Mass processing and analysis of geographic data, their presentation, web services and visualization. Recommended standards and data formats.

D55GIS_EN - Geographic Information Systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on significant development of GIS in recent years with respect to new methods of geographic data collection, data warehouses, public and paid data. The basic tasks are focused on the concept of spatial data storage and the processing of big data. A very important component of GIS leadership and creation is setting goals and needs, accuracy, maintenance, analysis and visualization of data for public administration, scientific and commercial purposes.

D55GLS_EN - Global Reference Systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Course is focused on deepening of the knowledge of the methodology and results of the creation of contemporary global coordinate systems, which are based on the use of space surveying methods. New possibilities and applications of GNSS (especially GPS, Galileo, but also Glonass), VLBI (Long Base Interferometry), SLR (Laser Distance Distance Measuring) and DORIS (Doppler Observation). Industry news including fundamental information on defining and implementing the celestial coordinate system ICRS, ITRS implementation, European terrestrial system ETRS and its implementation, implementation of global coordinate systems in the Czech Republic.

D55GPS_EN - Global positioning systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Mathematical and physical principles of global positioning systems. Contemporary apparatuses, software tools, geodetic applications. GNSS satellites moving in Earth's gravity field. Principle of GNSS code and phase measurements. Specifics of different navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass). Accurate geodetic GNSS applications. The problem of solving phase integer ambiguities. Statistical methods of real time measurement, data filtering. International services IGS and IERS.

D55KMV_EN - Cartographic Methods of Research

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Georeferencing of map works, theory of plane and spatial transformations in cartography. Software ensuring access to maps on the Internet, development of web map applications. Analysis of map accuracy and methods of their evaluation. Interactive Atlas Cartography. Use of 3D in cartography, 3D visualization.

D55KOG_EN - Space geodesy

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to gain a good orientation in the subject from its application point of view. Movement of artificial satellites in Earth's gravity field, influence of non-gravitational forces. Resonance in the orbits of Earth's artificial satellites. Methods of observation of space geodesy. Surveying satellites and satellite missions. Satellite laser location. Moon Laser Location. Interferometry with very long bases. Global Positioning Systems. Solution of inverse problems of space geodesy - determination of Earth's gravitaty field parameters by combined methods, determination of geoid, determination of time variations of Earth's gravitational field. Earth rotation theory and methods for determining the Earth's orientation parameters.

D55MKK_EN - Methods of Cognitive Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Map perception theory, map aspects. Use of eye-tracking methods for map readability and user-friendliness analysis. The use of modern augmented and virtual (virtual) reality methods. Navigation with enhanced and virtual reality. Modern maps for the disabled persons.

D55MKT_EN - Mathematical Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Basic formulas in mathematical cartography, projection equations, projection properties. Estimation the "unknown" map projection. Methodology of design of cartographic projection for selected geographic area. Critical analysis of historical methods of geospatial representation of the Czech Republic - possibility of optimization of existing images. Mathematical Cartography Abroad – Systém UTM.


Knowledge of English and optional language is required for all programs.

D04ANG - English

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course is aimed at making doctoral degree students familiar with the basic genres of the academic style and prepare them for real-life communication situations, such as e.g. the presentation of their own research and development achievements, writing grant applications, common correspondence, writing abstracts, etc. The course should also assist in the preparation for the examination in English, which is a compulsory part of doctoral degree study. The course is not compulsory, it is not completed by granting a credit or passing an examination.

D04CES - Czech

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course in Czech for foreigners is aimed at the university students’ needs for mastering written and spoken language with the basic inventory of linguistic structures needed for making oneself understood in common situations of everyday practical life; advanced students develop the ability of independent work with a simple technical text. This course accents the communicative approach to language teaching. Therefore, individual lessons are primarily centred around an underlying topic that is complemented by the communicative language function. Further appropriate language aspects (i.e. grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills) arise from the given communicative need. Basic communication in common situations is further enriched by communicative skills in a more specific university environment. The course is intended for PhD students, but is not compulsory, it is completed by passing an examination. The Czech course is intended for students, who have already gained a solid basic knowledge in the Czech language, i.e. they are at B1+ level. Information:

D04FRA - French

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in French can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04NEM - German

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in German can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04RUS - Russian

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Russian can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04SPA - Spanish

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Spanish can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.