Methodological Instruction of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research of the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague
Defence of Doctoral Degree Students´ Dissertations
The Dissertation (hereinafter "D"), its evaluation and defence are regulated in the
Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU in Prague
(hereinafter “SER”). This Methodological Instruction specifies the procedure and the required enclosures necessary for the proper
acceptance of the Application for the Dissertation Defence in Doctoral Degree study programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
in Prague in accordance with SER and the dissertation checking system.
1 Acceptance of the application
1.1 Application enclosures
- Dissertation in at least 1 copy - hardcover (Department of Science and Research will arrange potential reprinting on request)
- Dissertation in an electronic format as a PDF file
- Brief CV in an electronic format as a PDF file
- Supervisor´s opinion in an electronic format as a PDF file
- Dissertation summary including the English title of the dissertation in an electronic format as a PDF file
- Abstract of the dissertation in Czech and English, keywords of the dissertation (max. 1 A4 page), electronically in an editable format
- Poster in electronic version
- List of own publications (projects) including their reviews divided into works related to the topic of the dissertation and others in the form of
an excerpt from V3S in an electronic format as a PDF file
1.2 The Application for the Dissertation Defence must be submitted in person to the Department of Science and Research, electronic attachments can be sent
in advance at or submitted on a data carrier together with the Application.
Form – Application for permission to defend the doctoral thesis
2 Checking dissertations
The article defines the checking procedure of submitted dissertations for plagiarism in an anti-plagiarism system and specifies the organization
of the dissertation defence procedure.
2.1 Checking dissertations
- Each dissertation written in Czech or English will be checked in an anti-plagiarism system after submission.
- After the dissertation is submitted, the Department of Science and Research will send an electronic version of the dissertation to an authorised
person for checking.
- The authorised person will check the dissertation for plagiarism in an appropriate anti-plagiarism system without delay. The result of the check is
a protocol on the check, which shall include the list of potential offences against the ethics of citation, identification of relevant parts
in the dissertation and references to original sources. It also includes an overall assessment of the dissertation in terms of respect for ethical
citation practices.
- The protocol on the check is subsequently sent to the dissertation Opponents, the Chair of the Dissertation Defence Committee, and the student together
with the dissertation.
- The Opponent is obliged to comment on the seriousness of any violation of the ethics of citation in their opinion. Pursuant to Article 30
of the Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU in Prague, the Opponent may not recommend the dissertation for defence.
2.2 Additional instructions for the dissertation defence
- If the violation of the ethics in citation is stated in the protocol on the dissertation check, the findings must be discussed during the defence itself.
- The student can comment on the facts stated in the protocol on the dissertation check during the defence.
- The Committee will assess the degree of seriousness of the violation of the ethics of citations and assess whether the dissertation meets the criteria for
a dissertation. In the record of the dissertation defence, the Committee shall indicate how any potential findings have been dealt with and whether
the dissertation complies with all the criteria for a dissertation, mainly in terms of its originality and novelty.
2.3 Defence of a revised dissertation
- The dissertation Opponents and the Dissertation Defence Committee, if already appointed, remain the same.
3 Final provisions
3.1 This Methodological Instruction comes into force on 8.4.2024
3.2 This Methodological Instruction replaces the MI of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research No. 1/2022 and the Dean´s Directive No. 4/2017
prof. Dr. Ing. Bořek Patzák, m.p.
Vice-Dean for Science and Research
PDF version of the MI -
see this website
updated February 7, 2025