Dean´s Directive for Admissions Proceedings to Studies in DDS starting from 1.9.2025
1 Basic provisions
The Directive complements the Dean´s Regulation No.12/2018
on Conditions for Admission to Study in Doctoral Degree Programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague approved
by the Academic Senate of FCE CTU in Prague on 28 November 2018.
2 List of Doctoral Degree study programmes
Type of study: full-time and combined
Standard period of study: 4 years
Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrství
Physical and Materials Engineering
Pozemní stavby
Building Engineering
Konstrukce a dopravní stavby
Structural and Transportation Engineering
Stavební management a inženýring
Construction Management and Engineering
Inženýrství životního prostředí
Environmental Engineering
Vodní hospodářství a vodní stavby
Water Management and Water Engineering
Matematika ve stavebním inženýrství
Mathematics in Civil Engineering
Geodézie a kartografie
Geodesy and Cartography
Architektura a stavitelství
Průmyslové dědictví
Stavební obnova památek
Architecture and Sustainable Development
Integrální bezpečnost
Integral Safety
3 Important dates
Start of Doctoral degree studies | 1. 9. 2025 |
Published on | 2. 12. 2024 |
Submission of applications to the Department of Science and Research | 21. 4. 2025 – 30. 5. 2025 |
- Background materials for admissions proceedings – to Chairpersons of Study Programme Branch Boards
- Information to Heads of Training Departments | by 3. 6. 2025 |
Returned from BB Chairpersons to the Department of Science and Research | 25. 6. 2025 |
Decision on admission (sent to Ph.D. study applicants) | by 25. 7. 2025 |
In exceptional cases, based on an application, the Dean may authorise an extraordinary date of the admissions proceedings.
4 Application
The applicant fills in an electronic application form attaching all compulsory enclosures mentioned below to it.
After the payment of the fee related to the admissions proceedings, the applicant prints out the application form, gets it signed by the Supervisor
and the Head of the Training Department and, including printed attachments, submits it to the Department of Science and Research (Doctoral degree studies)
by the date stipulated by this Dean’s Directive, Art. 3.
Address for submitting documents:
Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague
Department of Science and Research (Room C-105)
Thákurova 7
166 29 Praha 6
In the event of a state of emergency situation, the conditions for submitting applications are currently specified.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague does not accept applications for Doctoral degree studies from applicants who have been expelled from Doctoral
degree studies at FCE CTU in Prague.
5 Application attachments
- CV (hand signed by the applicant)
- Study results from university studies (Bachelor’s and Master’s)
- Copies of certificates of education (authenticated copy of an academic degree diploma in Master’s degree studies, the copy can be certified
by an authorized person by comparing it to the original during registration for Ph.D. studies) – final year university students shall
submit it immediately after graduation.
The applicants who have completed their previous education in a country other than the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic must submit
a certificate of their diploma nostrification together with their application – this is arranged by the
CTU Rectorate.
- List of the applicant’s published and unpublished works and other activities
- References (evaluation) by two experts in the field, at least one of whom must be a university teacher
(for the form see -
- One of the following documents, proving the passing of an examination in Czech in accordance with the Conditions for Admission to Study
(Dean’s Regulation No. 12/2018, par. d),
- applies to foreign nationals (excluding citizens of the Slovak Republic) applying for studies in Czech:
- certificate of graduation from a Master’s Degree programme taught in Czech
- certificate of passing the school leaving or state examination in Czech,
- certificate of passing an examination in Czech at minimally a B2 level according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
at the Department of Languages FCE CTU in Prague or at the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies Charles University.
- One of the following documents, proving the passing of an examination in English in accordance with the Conditions for Admission to Study
(Dean’s Regulation No. 12/2018, par. e)
- applies to applicants applying for studies in English:
- certificate of graduation from a Master’s degree programme taught in English
- certificate of passing the school leaving or state examination in English
- certificate of passing an examination in English at minimally a B2 level according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
at the Department of Languages FCE CTU in Prague or at the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies Charles University.
6 Application submission procedure
6.1 Prior to submitting an application, the dissertation framework topic, the Supervisor and the corresponding Training Workplace (Department) must be chosen.
6.2 Fill in and print out the CTU electronic application at:
Hand in the printed application form, confirmed by the Head of the Training Department and the Supervisor, including all attachments, at the Department of Science and Research
– see Art. 3.
6.3 The fee for the acts related to the admissions proceedings is CZK 950,- and is paid within the electronic application filling procedure either
by card through a payment gateway or by a CTU card. After the application has been registered at the Faculty, the administration fee is not refundable.
6.4 The application will be accepted for the admissions proceedings if the above points 6.1., 6.2 and 6.3 have been complied with by a specified date.
7 Course of admissions proceedings
7.1 The Department of Science and Research hands in the registered applications to the Branch Board Chairpersons of the respective study programmes
by the specified date (Art. 3 of this Directive). At the same time, it forwards the lists of students including the study programme and the required
type of study to the Heads of individual Training Departments. The Head of the Training Department, together with the Supervisors, considers them.
7.2 The Admissions Proceedings Board will review all applicants´ materials. The applicants may be invited by the Branch Board Chairpersons to attend
the entrance examination in person or be invited to a distance interview. If more than one candidate applies for a respective framework topic,
the Board must rank the candidates based on the materials received and potential oral interviews. Pursuant to the CTU Study and Examination Code, Art. 23,
the Supervisor participates in the admissions proceedings and has the right of veto.
7.3 The Branch Board Chairperson (in his/her absence, the Examination Board Chairperson) draws up the "Admissions Proceedings Protocol" on the course
of the admissions proceedings".
7.4 The Examination Board may decide on the result of the entrance examination without the applicant’s presence. This fact is noted in the Protocol
in the "Entrance Examination Course" section.
7.5 The Faculty sends the Dean´s decision on admission/non-admission for studies to the applicants by registered letter to their own hands no later
than 30 days after the entrance examination date. The applicant may apply for a review of this decision. The written application shall be submitted
to the CTU Rector via the Department of Science and Research within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the decision.
Prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc.
Faculty Dean
PDF version of the directive -
see this website