| In Prague on 23. 3. 2023 |
| Ref.: 8/OD/922/2023 |
on setting the amounts for the payment of Doctoral scholarships
In order to implement Article 6 of the
Rules for Granting Scholarships at CTU in Prague,
pursuant to Article 18 par. 4 of the
Statute of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague,
I hereby issue the following measure:
Article 1
Subject of regulation
By this measure, the Faculty Dean sets the eligible monthly part and the eligible annual part of Doctoral scholarships under Article 6 of the
Rules for Granting Scholarships at CTU in Prague.
Article 2
Eligible monthly part of Doctoral scholarships
- Pursuant to the Rector´s Decree No. 09/2022, I set the eligible monthly
part of Doctoral scholarships under Article 6 par. 1 letter a) of the Rules for Granting Scholarships at CTU in Prague in the amount
of 11,000 Kč.
- In accordance with Article 6 par. 5 of the Rules for Granting Scholarships at CTU in Prague, I set the following amount of the eligible monthly
part of Doctoral scholarships for 2nd and 3rd year students who do not fulfil the study obligations stipulated in the
Dean´s Measure on the specification of non-fulfilment of study obligations as follows:
year of study | scholarship |
2 | 9,500 Kč |
3 | 10,500 Kč |
Article 3
Eligible annual part of Doctoral scholarships
For students who do not fulfil their study obligations stipulated by the Dean´s Measure on the specification of non-fulfilment of study obligations,
the eligible annual part of the scholarship under Article 6, par. 1, letter c) is reduced to zero pursuant to Article 6, par. 5
of the Rules for Granting Scholarships at CTU in Prague.
Article 4
Final provisions
- The scholarship referred to in Articles 2 and 3 is only paid to full-time students and is paid for a period of study not exceeding the standard period of study.
- The Dean´s Measure No. 11/2022 is hereby cancelled.
- This measure enters into force on the day of its issue.
prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc., m. p.
Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering