Accommodation scholarship eligibility verification: I. The students who are entitled to the accommodation scholarship in a given quarter and who provided their bank account numbers for the scholarship bank transfer payment will have received the accommodation scholarship payment for the 4th quarter of 2024 to their bank account from Wednesday, January 15, 2025. The full amount covering the whole quarter is 1790 CZK. The reason for a potential REDUCTION of this amount is the termination of study before October 31, 2024. II. The students who are entitled to the accommodation scholarship in a given quarter and who failed to provide their bank account number will receive the payment in an alternative way, i.e. in cash at the Faculty cash desk (Room No. C-108), starting from Wednesday, January 15, 2025 during the cash desk office hours. This alternative payment date is a regular payment date pursuant to Art. 6 of the Bursar´s Directive No. 64/2005 of 1st September 2005. We hereby ask students who have not entered their account numbers into the KOS database to do it without further delay.
FCE Student Administration