Common information
Common information for bachelor and master students
- Student Administration - office hours
- Forms of Student Administration
- 2024/25 Academic year schedule FCE CTU
- Registration for the semester
- Study programmes and study plans
- Study Courses
- Study Programme Boards
- CTU Institute of Physical Education and Sport - choice of sports and their reservation
- CTU Legislation and Study Regulations
Legislation - complete overview of FCE standards
Selected regulations:
- Study and Examination Rules for Students of CTU
- Use of artificial intelligence at CTU for study and pedagogical purposes in Bc and MSc studies
- Assigning, submitting, archiving and access to bachelor’s and master’s theses
- Dean´s Directive 1/2025 for the implementation of Bc and Ms study programmes at the FCE - new 19.2.2025
The Directive specifies graduation proceedings to fit FCE conditions
- Rules for Granting Scholarships
- Instruction of students of the FCE CTU in Prague on WHS
- Instructing students on fire safety
- Recognition of courses from previous study:
- OD 1/2019 - Recognition of courses from previous study
- Recognition Sheets
- Scholarship opportunities
- Fees Connected with Study --
for current amounts of tuition fees for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree studies in a foreign language (self-funded students), see the
Dean’s Measure No. 9/2023, Part II.
- Payments for exceptional and non-standard administrative services
- Study abroad - Erasmus, internships, double degree study, ...
EuroTeQ Engineering University
- Disciplinary Board
- CTU ID Cards
- Information about passwords, e-mails, etc.
- Information of the Faculty Computing and Information Centre (VIC) -- only in Czech
Notice to students starting Bachelor´s or Master´s degree study – entering the bank account number into IS KOS
Changing the bank account number and changing the contact address in the KOS database within student´s competence
- CTU Payment System (TZS)
- Registration for news from FCE portal
- Survey CTU
- Student organizations, associations, activities, events at FCE and CTU
- ELSA - Studying with a Handicap - ELSA is the support centre for students with special needs.
- Methodical guideline no. 3/2015 on support to parents - students
- Central Library CTU
- University Bookshop for Specialized Literature
- CTU Logo
- FIT Club FCE - in Czech