Dean´s Measure No. 1/2019Ref. 1OD/921/2019



In cases stipulated in Art. 13, par. 10 of the Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU in Prague and in the case of transfer to the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague (FCE CTU) from another University or from another CTU Faculty, based on a student´s written application, the courses completed in previous study can be recognized by the FCE CTU Dean.

The student can apply for one of the following ways of recognition of courses from previous study:

  1. recognition of individual courses evaluated by classification grades A, B, C, D (or equivalent numerical marks)
  2. recognition of a group of courses provided the overall weighted study average of this group of courses is not worse than 2.0.
The above ways of recognition cannot be mutually combined.


Individual courses, or a group of courses respectively, are recognized

  • from previous study at FCE CTU, including study of courses completed within life-long learning,
  • from previous study at other CTU faculties,
  • or from previous study at other Universities.
It is assessed whether the individual courses correspond with each other by their content and type of completion.


Pursuant to Art. 13, par. 10 of the Study and Examination Rules for Students at CTU in Prague, the Dean may condition the recognition of a course on passing differential examinations.

The application for the recognition of courses can be filed by the student only once during the respective study, and is submitted on an official form during registration for the 1st year of study.

This measure invalidates the Dean´s Regulation No. 3/2016.

The measure comes into force on 1st July 2019.


prof. Ing. Jiří Máca, CSc.

12. 6. 2019