Departments and projects web hosting

For departments and projects web pages hosting, FCE IT Center offers webhost servers. The hosting is established based on HelpDesk request, project FSv_VIC_IT_Problémy a požadavky. Your request should contain technology requirements, e.g. minimal PHP version or database needs, as well as web address required.

Each hosting must have its technical administrator (the accountable person), which would be contacted by IT Centre when needed. The administrator should pass over the hosting to another person, before he ends his job at FCE. If he/she fails to do that, FCE IT Centre will try to find the person accountable for the hosting. If that effort should fail, the hosting will be terminated.

Web address

The FCE IT Centre offers addresses in a domain. If you want some other domain for your hosting, you will have to take care of it by yourself and direct DNS records to the webhost server. In that case, you may be contacted by CESNET and asked to prove the connection of your project with CTU (simply put - prove that it is not a commercial service).


FCE IT Centre offers hosting for web pages on PHP, Python or .NET technology. Offered databases are PostgreSQL or MariaDB.


Linux Debian server with Apache web server, PHP and PostgreSQL and MariaDB databases. Access via FTPS and SSH/SCP. Account information, instructions for connection, and access for administering the database over web.


Linux Debian server with Apache web server, Python and .NET, and PostgreSQL database.


The hosted pages are backed up once a day, including the database. There are 30 daily and 6 monthly backups available.


For support relating to running web pages or connecting to the sebhost servers, please contact staff of FCE IT Centre via HelpDesk, project FSv_VIC_IT_Problémy a požadavky.