Unified appearance of doctoral thesis Faculty of Civil Engineering
The form of the dissertations is subject to
the new graphic manual of CTU.
Recommended font is TECHNIKA CTU. (Instructions for installing the font - see
*.) You can use the font ARIAL.
- Binding:
- 1st inside page
- Declaration
- Abstract in Czech
- Abstract in English
- Table of Content
- Text (including the apparatus of footnotes)
- Bibliography
A doctoral thesis shall be printed on both sides of the paper.
A doctoral thesis is written in accordance with these documents:
Methodological Instruction No. 2/2024 of the Vice-dean for S&R for the Defence of Doctoral Students´ Dissertations
Guideline no. 2/2024 for adhering to ethical principles when elaborating an academic final thesis
Direct quotations (i.e. text of a quoted author) are recommended to be written in italics.
Instructions for installing the font you can find in
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user name in the form "xxxxxxxx@cvut.cz"
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