
Kód předmětu: 123BUC
Garant předmětu: prof. Ing. Martin Keppert, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: Z,ZK
Počet kreditů: 4 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 3+1

Anotace(semestr )
Lectures deal with the basic chemical principles in the branches as general, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. Instances of topics are composition, properties and behaviour of water, soil, air, wood, macromolecular compounds, inorganic binders, metals and other materials used in civil engineering.
1. Inorganic binders I: air cements,their production, hardening, behavior and application.
2. Inorganic binders II: hydraulic cements, their production, hardening, behavior and application.
3. Chemical properties of glass, ceramics, and refractories.
4. Wood, cellulin and resin. Macromolecular compounds on carbon and siliceous basis.
5. Metals in civil engineering.
6. Corrosion and degradation of building materials.
7. Chemical analysis, theoretical principles, sampling and measurements error.
8. Basic chemical and physico-chemical principles.
9. Chemical nomenclature, reactions and calculations.
10. Water: water circulations in nature, physico-chemical water properties, chemical composition etc.
11. Water: drinking and sewage water, water purification, water in building, water protection. Water: main pollutants and their effect on the aquatic environment
12. Air and atmosphere: composition, properties, air pollution and protection. Main pollutants and their effect
13. Soil: composition, properties, pollution and protection. Main pollutants and their effect
Povinná literatura:
[1]  Russell, J. B. (1992): GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., New York, ISBN 0-07-054445-X
Doporučená literatura:
[2]  Malone, L. J. (1994): BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY. John Wiley and Sons., Inc., New York, ISBN 0-471-53590-7
[3]  Pepper, I.L., Gerba, C.P., Brusseau, M.L. (1996). POLLUTION SCIENCE. Academic Press. London. ISBN 0-12-550660-0
[4]  Manahan S.: Environmental Chemistry, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
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