Experimental Studio of Urban Design

Kód předmětu: 127ESUD
Garant předmětu: Ing. arch. Zuzana Boušková, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: KZ
Počet kreditů: 7 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 0+6

Anotace(semestr B242)
The experimental studio of urban design is dedicated to a significant challenge - to create a viable, sustainable place to live in localities that have been devastated, abandoned, or have any of many burdens that do not allow for classical methods of urbanism. Students are challenged with questions of how hard or how easy it is to reuse those localities. The assignments are non-traditional locations such as abandoned quarries or mining sites, testing the student''s creativity to break away from the classic concept of urbanism. The goal is to create a city under difficult conditions that will withstand the 21st century and meet the trends of sustainable living. The Studio also invites experts in landscape architecture, water management, and technical infrastructure to discuss the proposal with.
[1]  periodicals, regulations, standards
[2]  Jan Gehl (2010): Cities for People
[3]  Jan Gehl and Lars Gemzoe (2000): New City Spaces
[4]  Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (2017): Planning A Green-Blue City
Studijní plány 