Landscape Heritage

Kód předmětu: 127LAHE
Garant předmětu: Jan Hendrych, ASLA, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: ZK
Počet kreditů: 4 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 0+3
Web předmětu:

Anotace(semestr B242)
Cultural, historical, natural, and ecological processes traditionally shape the human environment, our shared cultural landscape heritage. The course will reveal intrinsic values, functions, and character, and the appropriate conservation techniques and strategies for urban landscape heritage protection.
Study in the areas of Landscape Urbanism and Landscape Design, Landscape Character and its protection and evaluation, Landscape History, Landscape Management, and Landscape Preservation.
[1]  Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Genius loci. Rizzoli, 1991.
[2]  Free PDF: genius-loci-towards-a-phenomenology-of-architecture-d86177309.html
[4]  Goodchild Peter: Landscape Heritage, Biosphere Change, Climate Change, and Conservation. Heritage at Risk 2006/2007.
[6]  Council of Europe, The European Landscape Convention.
[7]  Florence, 20 October 2000.
[11]  Newton, T. Norman. Design on the Land. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1972.
[12]  Jellicoe, Geofrey, Susan. Landscape of Man, shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day. Thames and Hudson, London, 1975.
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