Fundamentals of Structural Design - Concrete
Kód předmětu: 133FSTC |
Anotace | (semestr ) |
The course is focused on design of concrete structures based on ultimate state design method. The focal topics are design of reinforced concrete members for basic types of straining (bending, shear, combination of normal forces and bending moments) including determination of load effects; introduction to serviceability limit states. Other topics are technology of production and material properties of concrete and their testing, properties of steel reinforcement and interaction of reinforcement and concrete. The prerequisite courses are Structural mechanics, Theory of Elasticity, Building materials, Building structures. | |
Obsah | |
The course is focused on design of concrete, steel and steel to concrete composite structures including differences of design.
1. Basic properties and static behaviour of bearing elements. Historical survey. Case studies. 2. Technology of production and material properties of concrete, masonry, steel and timber based materials. 3. Testing of material properties, quality control. 4. Design criteria, detailing, execution 5. Design models, design procedures, reliability, 6. Loading, terminology, global structural analysis 7. Design load, basic design cases 8. Design of elements exposed to tension, compression. 9. Design of elements exposed to bending. 10. Design of elements exposed to shear, interaction of loading 11. Ultimate state design, bases, simplified procedures 12. Design calculations and drawings. 13. Today structures, new materials, recycling, sustainable constructions. | |
Literatura | |
Povinná literatura: [1] Procházka, J. - Štemberk, P.: Concrete Structures 1. CTU in Prague, 2009. ISBN: 978-80-01-03607-5 [2] Procházka, J. - Štemberk, P.: Design Procedures for Reinforced Concrete Structures. CTU in Prague, 2009. ISBN: 978-80-01-04240-3 | |
Návaznosti | |
Tento předmět lze klasifikovat až po klasifikaci předmětu 132TELA ------ Bez absolvování tohoto předmětu nelze klasifikovat předmět 133CM01 Bez absolvování tohoto předmětu nelze klasifikovat předmět 133CM02 | |
Studijní plány | |
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů: - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2020), skupina Civil Engineering, 4th semester (BD20200400), dop. semestr 4 (valid from 2020/21 to 2022/23 ) - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2023), skupina Civil Engineering, 4th semester (BD20200400), dop. semestr 4 (valid from 2023/24 ) |