Soil Mechanics 1

Kód předmětu: 135SOM1
Garant předmětu: --
Zakončení předmětu: Z
Počet kreditů: 3 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 2+1
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Anotace(semestr )
The course focuses on the understanding of basic geological laws and principles in relation to architecture, civil engineering and urban planning. Emphasis is placed on explaining the influence of geological processes, both endogenous and exogenous, on the rock environment and how the geological situation affects the design of structures and their interaction with the rock environment. At the same time, attention is paid to the technical properties of rocks with regard to their practical applications. The course also includes a brief introduction to the regional geology of the Czech Republic.
In the opening part, students are introduced to the role of geology in construction practice. Attention is also given to the Earth''s structure and global tectonics, the lithosphere, the classification of rocks and rock cycle. The basic principles of magmatism are explained, followed by the igneous rock system. Sedimentary rocks and their system, metamorphism and the metamorphosed rock system are also discussed. Students will learn, among other things, the basic principles and importance of structural geology, the origin and significance of tectonic faults, their measurement and imaging. The causes of earthquakes, their consequences with regard to their distribution in the Czech Republic and around the world are explained. Another important aspect addressed is surface water activity and groundwater issues, including its chemistry and influence on building structures. In terms of the action of exogenous processes, attention is also paid to the problem of rock weathering and its practical significance, the formation of soils and their types. The causes and consequences of karst phenomena, the influence of geological activity of glaciers and wind are presented. With regard to construction practice, mass movements, their causes, classification and spread in the Czech Republic are also discussed. Methods of remediation are presented, including practical examples. Students are also introduced to geological maps, prospecting and monitoring. Last but not least, attention is paid to regional engineering geology and the underlying and overlying structure of the Bohemian Massif. The course ends with a credit test.
[1]  Duff, D.: Holmes´Principles of Physical Geology, Chapman and Hall, London, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, 1996, ISBN-13: 978-0412403200
[2]  ?BS EN 1997-2:2007 Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. Ground investigation and testing
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