River Engineering and Flood Protection

Kód předmětu: 141REFP
Garant předmětu: Ing. Petr Sklenář, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: Z,ZK
Počet kreditů: 6 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 3+2
Web předmětu: Not applicable.

Anotace(semestr )
The course addresses the design and dimensioning of river engineering works to create and ensure the sufficient capacity of a channel as well as to ensure the ecological functions of the watercourse. Design of channels and modifications of formerly heavily engineered channels involves concepts and techniques of open-channel hydraulics and fluvial geomorphology. Special attention is paid to the engineering of river channels in heavily urbanized areas and in predominantly rural landscapes.
1. Rivers in landscape and their functions, ecological river concepts, morphological variability of channels.
2. River classification, factors influencing development of river network, channel-forming flow vers. channel capaciy, river survey and monitoring.
3. Steady and unsteady flow conditions, principles of modelling and simulation in HEC-RAS, flow transition and its hydraulic description.
4. Two-stage channel flows, inbank and outbank flows, compound channels.
5. Natural and engineered channels, channel dimensioning and design procedures, river management techniques in urbanized and rural areas.
6. Bank and bed erosion, stability of channel bed and bank slopes, types of hydraulic loadings and its determination, channel revetments design procedure.
7. Renaturalization and restoration of engineered channels.
8. Quality of river water and its control, biology of stream life, sources of pollution, dispersion of heat or dissolved matter.
9. Maintenance of river corridor and channels, regular maintenance river reach checks, flood control structure inspection, dredging, river vegetation and ice management.
10. Response of river channels, corridor and basin to human impacts, magnitude of change, resistance to change, time of recovery.
11. Operational management of flood protection, flood forecasting and control, awareness, preparedness, rescue service.
12. Land use planning in flood areas, flood protection measures, flood risk mapping, flood hazards and mitigation plans.
13. EU water policy, planning and protecting surface water bodies, cooperation on international rivers (Elbe, Donau, Rhine).
[1]  Essential literature:
[2]  Charlton, R. 2007: Fundamentals of Fluvial Geomorphology. London:Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-33453-5.
[3]  Schumm, S., A. 2005: River Variability and Complexity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0-521-84671-4.
[4]  Julien, P.,Y. 2018: River Mechanics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 1-107-46277-9.
[6]  Suggested literature:
[7]  Strahler, A. 2011: Introducing Physical Geography. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0-470-41811-7.
[8]  Escarameia, M. 1998: River and channel revetments: A design manual. Thomas Telford Publ. ISBN: 0-7277-2691-9.
[11]  Study aids:
[12]  Environment Agency 2009: The Fluvial Design Guide. (web site
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