Ground Water Hydraulics and Modelling

Kód předmětu: 143GWHM
Garant předmětu: doc. Ing. Martin Šanda, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: Z,ZK
Počet kreditů: 6 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 2+3
Web předmětu:

Anotace(semestr )
Classification of aquifers. Fundamental principles of water flow in saturated porous media. Darcy''s equation. The Dupuit approximation. Unconfined flow in aquifer, well hydraulics. Unsteady flow in aquifers. Numerical modelling of steady and unsteady groundwater flow, boundary conditions. Methods of hydraulic conductivity determination.
The course focuses on the groundwater and its fundamental principles of water flow in saturated porous media. Numerical modelling of steady groundwater flow is a major practical part of the exercises.

1. Introduction, basic terms in groundwater
2. Darcy''s law, homogenity, isotropy, transmissivity
3. Storativity, intergranular tension, equation of continuity, initial and boundary conditions
4. Numerical modelling
5. Dupuit assumptions, storativity
6. Seepage through dam, overflow in aquifers
7. Wells
8. System of wells
9. Groundwater flow modelling with isotopic information
10. Darcy''s law - exercise
11. Flow in confined aquifer
12. Flow in unconfined aquifer
13. Introduction to Modflow / Groundwater Vistas
Doporučená literatura:
[1]  Bear, J. 1979: Hydraulics of Groundwater, New York: McGraw-Hill
[2]  Valentová, J.2001: Hydraulika podzemní vody, 2. vydání, Praha: ČVUT
[3]  Hálek, V. - Švec, J. 1983: Hydraulika podzemní vody, Praha: Academia
Studijní pomůcky:
[4]  online
Studijní plány 
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