
Kód předmětu: 144BT1
Garant předmětu: doc. Ing. Bohumil Šťastný, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: ZK
Počet kreditů: 2 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 2+0

Anotace(semestr )
Water treatment, design and operation of circulation water for swimmnig pool, natural and artificial complexes for water recreation and spas.
Trends, actual situation in swimming pool construction, design of individual objects and equipment, chemistry of swimming pool water; material specification; hygiene service; theory of swimming pool water regeneration; swimming pool water exchange system; indoor and open air swimming pools; water blow-off in swimming pools; economy, legislation

[1]  Swimming pool - design and construction , Philip Perkins, EN
[2]  Commercial swimming pool design, Victor K. de Fontenay, AU
Studijní plány 
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů:

- studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2020), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20200700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2020/21 to 2022/23 )
- studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2023), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20230700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2023/24 )