Kód předmětu: 144BT1 |
Anotace | (semestr ) |
Water treatment, design and operation of circulation water for swimmnig pool, natural and artificial complexes for water recreation and spas. | |
Obsah | |
Trends, actual situation in swimming pool construction, design of individual objects and equipment, chemistry of swimming pool water; material specification; hygiene service; theory of swimming pool water regeneration; swimming pool water exchange system; indoor and open air swimming pools; water blow-off in swimming pools; economy, legislation | |
Literatura | |
[1] Swimming pool - design and construction , Philip Perkins, EN [2] Commercial swimming pool design, Victor K. de Fontenay, AU | |
Návaznosti | |
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Studijní plány | |
Předmět je zařazen do následujících studijních plánů: - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2020), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20200700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2020/21 to 2022/23 ) - studijní plán Civil Engineering (BD2023), skupina Civil Engineering, Optional subjects, 7-8th semester (BD20230700_2), dop. semestr 7 (valid from 2023/24 ) |