Urban Drainage

Kód předmětu: 144URDR
Garant předmětu: doc. Ing. David Stránský, Ph.D.
Zakončení předmětu: Z,ZK
Počet kreditů: 6 kred.
Rozsah výuky: 2+3

Anotace(semestr )
The course focusses on complex understanding of urban drainage and its consequences. The students will master urban hydrology processes of surface runoff formation and transport, transport and transformation processes in sewer system, impacts of urban drainage on surface waters, description of urban drainage performance by monitoring and modelling, innovative technologies and purpose oriented mitigation measures planning and innovation.
Urban Drainage - purpose, concept, tasks, integrated approach, tools and methods
Waste waters - quantity, quality, data
Storm waters - quantity, quality, data
Surface runoff processes
Transport and transformation processes in sewer system
Urban streams - ecosystem of streams, urban drainage impacts, protection strategies)
Monitoring and modelling of urban drainage systems
Mitigation - end-of-pipe measures (stormwater basins, RTC)
Mitigation - storm water management I (principles, selection of storm water recipient, admissibility, feasibility)
Mitigation - storm water management II (structures, design, maintenance, examples)
Mitigation - decentralized sanitation and re-use (don´t mix strategy, water re-use, nutrients and organic matter re-use, purpose oriented treatment)
Climate change adaptive urban planning
Summary of lessons learned
Povinná literatura:
[1]  Butler, D., Davie J.W. (2004). Urban Drainage (2nd ed.). Spon Press.
[2]  Akan, A.O., Houghtalen, R.J. (2003). Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics and Stormwater Quality. John Wiley & sons, Inc.
Doporučená literatura:
[3]  Woods Ballard B., Wilson, S., Udale-Clarke H., Scott, T., Ashley, R., Kellagher, R. (2015). The SuDS Manual. CIRIA Report 753, CIRIA.
Studijní plány 
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