Doctoral study programmes courses taught in English

D01AER_EN - Evolution equations with applications in civil engineering

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on qualitative properties of mathematical models of heat and moisture transport in porous materials. The lectures are devoted to derivation of models of transport processes in multiphase systems and solutions of corresponding initial-boundary value problems. The main topics of the subject: Balance equations, mass balance equations, energy balance equations, balance equations in multi-phase systems, heat and mass transport in porous materials, constitutive equations, Darcy’s law, Fourier’s law, Fick’s law, state equations, hygro-thermal parameters in transport models. Mathematical formulation of the problem, initial and boundary conditions. The method of Rothe, Faedo-Galerkin method. Solutions of elliptic problems generated by the method of discretization in time, existence and convergence theorem for the abstract parabolic problem, applications on simplified models of heat transport and isothermal moisture flow in porous materials. Coupled heat and moisture transport in porous materials.

D01ALM_EN - Computer Algebra System Maple

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal is to make students familiar with basic mathematical tools provided by the computer algebra system (CAS) Maple. Course participants will acquire basic skills in applying Maple to solving mathematical and engineering problems. Topics: Differences between CAS and numerical software (Matlab, for instance). Maple core and packages. Maple worksheet and document modes; interaction with the user – palettes, context menu, line commands. Help system. Basic terms and operations: variable, expression, function, procedure, symbolic manipulation with expressions and functions, differentiation, integration, loops, conditional execution, assumptions, etc. Plots and animations, customizing plots (color, text, font, etc.), multiple plots. Exporting. Advanced tools: solving ordinary differential equations, initial and boundary value, problems, linear algebra. Numerical calculation. Course participants are expected to present one case study per student motivated by their research topic.

D01AMN1_EN - Applied mathematics and numerical methods I

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The aim is to acquaint students with the basic problems of numerical mathematics. Thematic areas are: Systems of linear equations. Direct and basic iterative methods. Solving nonlinear equations and their systems Eigenvalue problem Approximation of functions Numerical quadrature Numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions.

D01AMN2_EN - Applied mathematics and numerical methods II

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The subject follows the Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods I, the aim is to master methods of solving partial differential equations. Both elliptical and parabolic tasks will be solved. Less attention will be paid to hyperbolic problems. Problems of effective preconditioning of emerging systems of linear systems will also be addressed.

D01AP1_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods I

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The aim is to acquaint students with the basic problems of numerical mathematics. Thematic areas are: • Systems of linear equations. Direct and basic iterative methods. • Solving nonlinear equations and their systems • Eigenvalue problem • Approximation of functions • Numerical quadrature • Numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions.

D01AP2_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods II

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The subject follows the Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods I, the aim is to master methods of solving partial differential equations. Both elliptical and parabolic tasks will be solved. Less attention will be paid to hyperbolic problems. Problems of effective preconditioning of emerging systems of linear systems will also be addressed.

D01APL_EN - Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Selected parts of numerical methods of algebra and selected parts of mathematical analysis and numerical methods of analysis. Some numerical methods for solving systems of linear algebraic functions. Ordinary and partial differential equations and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions. Partial differential equations, especially elliptic and evolutionary equations. Numerical solution of partial differential equations of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic type, especially net method and variational methods. Integral equations and numerical methods of their solution, selected parts of computer graphics and integral transformation

D01DDS_EN - Differential equations and dynamical systems

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The course covers selected chapters from the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations and also of dynamical systems. Contents: Linear systems, nonlinear systems – local theory, nonlinear systems – global theory, nonlinear systems - selected topics of bifucation theory.

D01DS_EN - Dynamical systems

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The course covers selected topics of the theory of dynamical systems. Contents: Systems with stable asymptotic behavior, linear maps and linear differential equations, recurrence and equidistribution, conservative systems, simple systems with complicated orbit structure, entropy and chaos, hyperbolic dynamics, homoclinic tangles, strange attractors.

D01ER_EN - Evolution Equations

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Physical derivation of typical nonequilibrium problems in continuum physics, formulation and interpretation of initial and boundary conditions, classification of PDEs (parabolic, hyperbolic), solution methods (Galerkin, time discretization) including a survey of the basic theory of Sobolev spaces and embedding theorems, qualitative properties of solutions as, e. g., stability or instability of solution trajectories, occurrence of shock waves, or systems with memory.

D01FAN_EN - Functional analysis

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The lectures will be devoted to the study of Hilbert and Banach spaces and operators on them with regard to applications in the theory of partial differential equations. We say basic theorems of the functional analysis, Hahn-Banach's, Banach-Steinhaus's theorem, and the theorem on open mapping and on the closed graph. The concept of dual space and reflexivity, the quadratic functional, the theorem about the minimum and the relation with the operator equation have been introduced. Furthermore, we can prove Riesz's theorem on representation and Lax-Milgram's theorem. We will introduce a weak convergence and we will prove a weak compactness of the unit ball. We show that the convex continuous coercive functional in the reflexive Banach space has a minimum. Let's mention Browder's theorem about monotone operators. Finally, we will show applications on elliptical problems.

D01FRA_EN - Fractal sets

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Metric and topology of Euclidean spaces. Examples of fractal sets: Cantor set, Sierpinski triangke and carpet, Koch curve, Menger sponge. Elementary measure theory. Lebesgue measure, Hausdorff measure. Box-counting and Hausdorff dimension. Calculation of dimension. Examples. Self-similar sets. Iterated function systems. Hutchison operator. Attractors. Collation Theorem. Barnsley fern and other self-affine sets.

D01GS_EN - Geostatistics

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Geostatistics is concerned with the estimation and prediction problems for stochastic phenomena on the Earth, using data obtained at a limited number of spatial locations called geodata. It refers to the application of general statistical principles of modeling and inference to geostatistical problems.

D01KLE_EN - Qualitative properties of solutions to linear elliptic equations

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The aim of this course is to provide doctoral students with an introduction in the theory of elliptic partial differential equations. The subjects of study are the following: the Laplace and Poisson equations, classical formulation of a boundary condition for the Laplace and Poisson equations, the Dirichlet, Neumann and Newton boundary conditions. Qualitative properties of solutions to the Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, maximum principle, the Harnack inequality. A priory estimates of solutions and behavior of solutions near the boundary. Generalization of the qualitative theory of solutions to Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for linear elliptic second order equations.

D01MET_EN - Metric spaces and topology

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
winter, spring
Topology and metric in the plane and Euclidean spaces; convergence, continuous functions and mappings. Metric spaces. Topology of metric spaces, convergence, continuous functions and mappings, Urysohn Lemma, Tietze Theorem. Complete metric spaces, Banach Fixed Point Lemma. Compact metric spaces. Compactness in Euclidean spaces. Lipschitz and Holder functions. Topology on a set. Open and closed sets, closure, boundary. Urysohn Lemma, Tietze Theorem. Cartesian products, projections. Connected and totally disconnected spaces. Compactness. Tychonoff Theorem for finitely many spaces. Arzelá-Acoli Theorem. Stone-Weierstrass Theorem.

D01MKP_EN - Finite Elements method

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Hilbert's spaces Bilinear forms and functionals Quadratic functional, symmetry, positive definitness, theorem about the minimum and relation to the equation Riesz's theorem and Lax-Milgram's theorem Finite element method, convergence (generally for nonsymmetric operator) - Riesz‘s and Galerkin‘s method It can converge slowly Better regularity converges better The least square method Variational crimes Selection of base functions: h-version, p-version, hp-version, hierarchical base, cascade Linear system preparation Methods of solution of the resulting systems - direct procedures - iterative procedures - possibilities of preconditioning

D01MLO_EN - Local Optimization Methods

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal is to make students familiar with common methods for the minimization of functions of one or several real variables. Unconstrained as well as constrained minimization are considered. By using software tools (Matlab, SciLab, Octave, Python, etc.), course participants are expected to present a solution to a minimization problem motivated by the subject of their research. Topics: Minimization of functions of one real variable. Unconstrained minimization of functions of several real variables. Conditions for local optimality. Conjugate gradient method, quasi-Newton methods. Constrained minimization of functions of several real variables. Lagrange multipliers. Conditions for local optimality. Penalty method, active set method, gradient projection method, SQP method (Sequential Quadratic Programming). Introduction to linear programming, simplex method.

D01MMPD_EN - Modern Methods for solving of Linear Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)

D01MMPT_EN - Mathematical models of flow of incompressible fluids

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the subject is to derive mathematical models of steady and nonsteady flow of incompressible fluids. Course contents: Vector and tenzor calculus, function spaces (Lebesque and Sobolev spaces), some known theorems of integral calculus that will be applied to derive mathematical models (Green's theorem, Stokes theorem, Gauss-Ostrograph's theorem), continuum and its kinematics, tenzor of small deformations, tenzor of velocity of deformation, Eulerian and Lagrangian description of motion, Reynolds transport theorem, the volume forces, the surface forces, the stress tenzor and its properties, constitutive equations, Stokesian fluids, basic types of Stokesian fluids: ideal fluid, Newtonian fluid, the pressure, the dynamic stress tensor, mathematical models of flow of incompressible fluid, formulation of boundary value problems for steady and nonsteady flow of incompressible fluid.

D01MS1_EN - Mathematical Statistics I

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
Random sample. Idea of statistical inference. Random variables and their distribution. Normal distribution. Central limit theorem. Multiple distribution. Independence. Correlation. Theory of estimation. – point and interval estimate. Hypotheses testing. Test statistic and statistical decision. P-value. Simple linear regression – parameters estimation, hypotheses testing, prediction intervals, regression diagnostic. Simulation independent realizations of random variables.

D01MS2_EN - Mathematical Statistics II

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
Multivariate normal distribution. Principal component analysis. Linear regression. Nonlinear regression. Bayes theorem. Bayesian parameters estimates. Bayesian inference in linear model. Time series and their frequency domain description. Kalman-Bucy filtr. .

D01MSA2_EN - Mathematical Statistics II - Time Series Analysis

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Notion of time series. Stationary time series. Basic characteristics and their estimates. ARMA models. Frequency analysis of time series. Markovian sequences with finite number of states. Stationary distribution and method MCMC. Idea of MCMC for a continuous set of states.

D01MSP - Advanced course of Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Distributions connected to normal distribution (chi square, t distribution). Multiple normal distribution and estimates of its parameters. Theory of estimation – a method of moments, a maximum likelihood method. Bayesian estimates. Method of principle components. Multiple linear regression. Non-linear regression. Bayesian approach to linear ans nonlinear regression.

D01MSP1_EN - Advanced course of Mathematical Statistics and Probability I

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Distributions connected to normal distribution (chi square, t distribution). Multiple normal distribution and estimates of its parameters. Theory of estimation – a method of moments, a maximum likelihood method. Bayesian estimates. Method of principle components. Multiple linear regression. Non-linear regression. Bayesian approach to linear ans nonlinear regression.

D01MST_EN - Mathematical Statistics

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Advanced methods of mathematical statistics, terms of probability, discrete and continuous random variables, multidimensional distributions and estimates of distribution parameters. Introduction to sequential hypothesis testing and Bayesian methods. Multidimensional regression and submodel testing. Different types of continuous distributions, simulation questions, especially inverse distribution method and rejection method. Multidimensional distribution. Time series, especially stationary time series and their study in time and frequency domain.

D01MTNS_EN - An introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal of the subject is to inform students about the basics the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations for the incompressible fluid. The content of the subject: The description of the Navier-Stokes equations, the introduction of the fundamental concepts, the definition of the fundamental function spaces, the description of the basic relations between the function spaces, the definition of the classical and weak solution, the expulsion of the pressure from the definition of the weak solution, Helmholtz decomposition, some elementary properties of the weak solution, the proof of the existence of the weak solutions by the Galerkin method in a general domain, the discussion of several different definitions of the weak solution, qualitative properties of the weak solution, energy inequality, strong energy inequality, the sufficient conditions for the energy equality, the problem of the uniqueness and regularity, the fundamental uniqueness theorem, the role of the initial conditions, brief discussion of the asymptotic behavior of the solution, brief discussion of large solutions, brief discussion of various proofs of the existence of the weak solution, mild solutions.

D01NLA_EN - Numerical linear algebra

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Students are introduced to basic computational methods related to the problems of linear algebra which can be obtained in engineering problems. The following topics are studied. Basics of linear algebra: vectors, matrices, systems of linear equations, solvability. Vector and matrix norms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Spectra of matrices. Coordinates with respect to a basis; change of a basis. Schur complement. Symmetric and positive definite matrices. Gauss elimination. LU decomposition. Matrix iterative methods: Jacobi method, Gauss-Seidel method. Gradient methods: method of steepest descent, conjugate gradient method. Convergence criteria and convergence rate. Conditioning of a system of linear equation. Preconditioning methods. Incomplete LU decomposition. Eigenproblems. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Discrete Fourier transformation and its properties. Circulent matrix.

D01NMA_EN - Numerical Computing with Matlab

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal is to make students familiar with basic mathematical and numerical tools provided by Matlab, a language and environment for mostly numerical calculations. Course participants will acquire basic skills in applying Maple to solving mathematical and engineering problems. Topics: Matlab interactive environment, Matlab toolboxes. Basics of the Matlab language; vector, matrix, structure, variable, function; loop, conditional execution, m-file. Numerical iterative algorithms for solving nonlinear equations and systems of linear equations. Approximation and interpolation. The least-squares method, minimization of functions of several variables. Numerical integration. Plots and animations. Symbolic operations. Partial Differential Equation Toolbox, Optimization Toolbox, Global Optimization Toolbox. Course participants are expected to present one case study per student motivated by their research topic.

D01NSM_EN - Non-Stochastic Methods for Uncertainty Quantification

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal is to make students familiar with some non-stochastic methods for uncertainty quantification. Uncertainty is considered in parameters entering mathematical models. Consequently, the model output represented by a quantity of interest is also uncertain and this uncertainty is to be assessed. Topics: Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Differential equations with uncertain data. Various approaches to uncertainty quantification. The worst- and best-case scenario method. Elements of fuzzy set theory (membership function, alpha-cut, Zadeh’s extension principle). Fuzzification, various definitions of membership functions, a connection to information gap theory by Y. Ben-Haim. An introduction to the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST), belief and plauzibility, Dempster’s rule of combination. Probabilistic interpretation of DST. Application to engineering problems with uncertain data and a non-trivial state problem. Tools for solving such problems – minimization algorithms, sensitivity analysis, finite element method.

D01OBJ_EN - Object-Oriented Programming

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Basic principles of object-oriented programming (C ++, D, ADA, Fortran), algorithms design, component programming, coexistence of different platforms, portability of programs on various hardware platforms, security aspects of programming.

D01ODE_EN - Ordinary differential equations

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
This course provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of ordinary differential equations and methods of finding their solutions. Many models in engeneering can be expressed as differential equations. Knowledge how to select and use an apropriate model and techniques for finding its solutions is essential for scientists and engineers. The course covers core topics such as first order differential equations (separable equations, exact equations, homogeneous equations, linear equations, the Bernoulli and Riсcati equations), initial and boundary value problems, linear higher-order differential equations, systems of differential equations.

D01PFS_EN - Function spaces

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The lectures will be devoted to the study of function spaces with respect to applications in the theory of partial differential equations. The Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces will be introduced. The teorem about the density of smooth functions and the theorem about extending the operator from a dense subset will be proved. In addition, the Hausdorff measure will be introduced, and Lebesgue spaces on the boundary and non-integer order spaces will be defined. Proofs of embeddings, trace, inverse traces, and compact embeddings will be proved. Finally, we will show applications on elliptic problems.

D01PLS_EN - Positive linear systems

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The course covers selected topics of the theory of nonnegative matrices and also of positive operators. Contents: Matrices that leave a cone invariant, nonnegative matrices, semigroups of nonnegative matrices, iterative methods for linear systems, finite Markov chains, examples. Positive operators, spectral theory of positive operators, examples and possible applications.

D01PSM1_EN - Theory of Reliability and Mathematical Statistics

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Multiple normal distribution. Multiple linear regression. Method of principal components. Time series in time and frequency domain. Bayesian procedures. Selected Monte Carlo methods

D01RNS_EN - Regularity of weak soutions to the Navier-Stokes equations

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
The goal of the subject is to inform students about the basics of the regularity theory for the weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equtions (NSE) for the incompressible fluid. The content of the subject: the description of NSE, the introduction of the fundamental concepts from the mathematical theory of NSE, the definition of the basic function spaces, the definition of the weak solution, a brief proof of the existence of the weak solution by the Galerkin method, structure theorem, epochs of irregularity, Hausdorff measure and dimension, parabolic measure, the size of the set of time singular points, the definition of the suitable solution, regular and singular points in spacetime, partial regularity, local regularity conditions, dimension of the set of singular points, conditional regularity, Prodi-Serrin conditions, conditional regularity in terms of one or two components of the velocity field, conditional regularity in terms of some items of the velocity gradient, conditional regularity in terms of pressure, pressure gradient, vorticity and other quantities.

D01RS_EN - Robust statistics

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Robust statistics deals with statistical methods which are not sensitive to small depatrures from model assumptions. Robust statistics became a part of mainstream statistics only a few years ago yet it is implemented in many statistical softwars.

D01SNM_EN - Stochastic numerical methods in uncertainy quantification

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Students are introduced to basic solution methods for problems dependent on random input variables and for estimating of models and their parameters from measured data. The subject focuses on the computational properties of these methods, related numerical methods, their convergence conditions and efficiency. The particular topics are numerical solution of determinic partial differential equations, finite element method, finite difference method (only a sketch of them both); basic methods of computational probability; partial differenetial equations with random parameters; Monte Carlo Method; collocation method; stochastic Gallerkin method; solution spaces of problems with random data; Karhunen-Loeve expansion; Mercer’s lemma; covariance matrix decomposition; convergence with respect to random variables; Bayesian methods; inverse analysis.

D01VMT_EN - Variational Methods in the Theory of Elasticity

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on variational formulations and solutions of fundamental static and quasistatic problems in the mathematical theory of elasticity. The lectures are devoted to boundary value problems for elliptic equations with emphasis on the problems of the existence and uniqueness of solutions. The main topics of the subject: Stress tensor, equations of equilibrium, strain tensor, equations of the compatibility of strain, Hooke’s law, the spaces of functions with finite energy, classical and variational formulations of boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity, Rellich's theorem, coerciveness of strains, Korn's inequality, coercive and weakly lower semi-continuous functionals, differentiability in the Gateaux sense, solvability of problems in the theory of elasticity, variational principle, elasto-inelastic bodies, models with internal state variables

D01VTP_EN - Vector and Tensor Calculus

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
winter, spring
Transformation of bases and transformation of vector coordinates, curvilinear coordinates. Tensor algebra and analysis in Cartesian and Curvilinear coordinates. Tensor function and tensor fields, differential operators. Geodesy tensors, Marussi tensor.

D01VTV_EN - Highly Efficient Methods for Scientific Computing

Taught at:
K101 - Department of Mathematics
(not mentioned)
Iterative methods of solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Fast algorithms. Gradient methods. CG and GMRES. Preconditioning and its methods. Multilevel Methods for Elliptical Problems (Multigrid Methods). V-cycle, W-cycle. Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM). Overlapping methods, methods without overlapping. Neumann-Neumann methods. Balanced DD method.Methods of Scwarz type (Fully Black Box Methods). Special methods for non-eliptic and indefinite problems. Typical tasks, Helmholtz equation, Navier-Stokes system. Aggregation of the Leontief System. Stationary vectors of probability of stochastic matrices. All methods and algorithms are interconnected and illustrated on non-academic examples of models of mechanics, elasticity, strength and reliability of buildings.

D02AMZP_EN - Analytical Methods in Environmental Engineering

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Basic quantum mechanics. Wave – particle duality, wave function and its interpretation. Schroedinger equation. Structure of atom. Excited states. Spontaneous and stimulated electron transitions. Transition probability. Spectral lines. X – rays, structure and composition of substances. Principle of lasers (population inversion, solid state, gas and liquid lasers). Spectroscopic techniques (spectrometers, raman spectroscopy), preparation of samples. Physical principles of microscopy (optical, scanning electron microscopy, AFM). Surface forces (liquids, solids). Tensiometry, wetting angles and surface energies on atomic flat/rough surfaces.

D02BEM_EN - Noncontact Measuring Methods of Experimental Mechanics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Noncontact optical and electronic methods for measurement of macrotopography and microtopography of surfaces. Optical methods of deformation and displacement measurement. Noncontact vibration measurements and measurements of velocity and flow using optolelectronic techniques.

D02DIC_EN - Algorithms and Use of Digital Image Correlation in Experimental Mechanics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
*Elective course* The students will be introduced to the method of digital image correlation (DIC) and its use in experimental mechanics. Hardware requirements will be discussed along with the introduction of essential algorithms and post-processing of results. The students will be actively engaged in experimental measurements and processing of results. Those interested in programming will be involved in development of open-source DIC codes. Besides DIC, the students will be introduced to numerical modeling in order to comprehend the meaning of the experimentally obtained data and become able to analyze them critically. The introduction of high-speed cameras and their use in experimental mechanics is also within the scope of the subject.

D02EFTM_EN - Experimental Physics and Theory of Measurement

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
General principles of metrology, quantities and units, standardization and certification for individual tasks. Fundamentals of uncertainty theory. Processing of measured data. Principles of experiments, assembly of apparatus, monitoring of measured quantity. Direct measurement of weight, length, time and other quantities. Measurement by indirect methods. Basics of practical electrical engineering. Measurement of non-electrical quantities by electrical methods, types of sensors (transducers). Experiment and computer-controlled measuring system, assembly sensor, measuring device, AD converter, computer. Measurement of the thermal conductivity coefficient and other thermal parameters of building materials.

D02FCH_EN - Physical Chemistry

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Substance structure. Description of the microworld at quantum mechanical level. Interactions between atoms and molecules. Chemical bonding. Phases. Phase equilibrium and phase transitions. Phase diagrams. Physicochemical properties of solids and fluids. Surfaces. Adsorption, adhesion, wettability. Measurement of surface tension/energy. Hydrophobicity, hydrophility. Transport processes. Diffusion, heat conductivity. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics.

D02FPL_EN - Solid State Physics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Atomic structure. Wave function and its interpretation. Schrodinger equation. Chemical bonds (ionic, covalent, metallic, Van der Waals). Aggregate states of matter (plasma, gas, liquid, solid state). Structures of solids (crystalline, amorphous). Basic crystallography (symmetry, crystal lattice, reciprocal lattice, Miller indices). Experimental determination of crystal structures (Bragg condition, diffractions-X-ray, neutron scattering, electron diffraction). Lattice defects (point, dislocations). Types of materials (metals, ceramics, glass, polymers, composites, concrete) and their properties (mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical).

D02IAM_EN - Instrumental Analytical Methods

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Principles of quantum mechanics. Wave-particle duality, interpretation of wave function. Schrodinger equation. Quantum structure of atoms. Excited atomic states. Induced and spontaneous electron transitions. Transition probabilities. Spectral lines. X-rays, structure and composition of matter. Physical principles of laser (generation of population inversion, types of lasers-semiconductor, liquid, gaseous). Applications in material science. Basic principles of spectroscopic techniques (spectrometers, Raman spectroscopy) and samples preparation. Physical principles of microscopy (optical, scanning microscopy, AFM). Surface and interfacial forces (fluids, solids). Experimental determination of wetting angles and surface energies/tensions on atomic smooth-rough surfaces.

D02MFPY_EN - Advanced Modeling of Physics and Engineering Problems Using Python Programming Language

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to provide students with a deeper insight into problems of advanced modeling selected real physical and engineering tasks with the use of modern tools for mathematical description and numerical solution of such problems. For that purpose, it is handy to use the elegant and easy-to-learn Python programming language. Even though the course is not intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to Python, prior knowledge is not required. The students will be given handouts with basic Python commands and algorithms and during regular lectures will be introduced to (1) algorithmizing the physics problems (5 hours), (2) numerical solution of complex equations (3 hours), (3) simulations (6 hours), (4) statistical modeling (4 hours), and (5) basics of machine learning (8 hours). Students will be also encouraged to use the gained knowledge for their own work and projects and individual consultations.

D02NTS_EN - Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Types of polymers (natural, artificial). Structure of polymers (amorphous, crystalline, fibres, elastomers). Input materials for polymers preparation. Thermodynamical and kinetic aspects of polymerization. Chemical bonds in polymeric chains. Physical and chemical properties of polymers (mechanical, thermal). Electrospinning principle and NANOSPIDER equipment. Nanofibers vs. makroscopic matters-differential properties. Modifications of polymer nanofibres (via plasmatic technologies,heterogeneous nucleation, bakteriocidity). Properties of polymer-based nanofibres thin films (hydrophobicity). Application of polymer-based nanofibres in modern civil engineering, protection of cultural heritage and in environment (microfiltration, hydrophobicity,, bacteriocidity). The visits of specialized labs (NANOSPIDER, Institute of Physics) are also expected.

D02OPTE_EN - Optics and Optoelectronics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Fundamentals of geometric, physical and quantum optics. Relativistic optics. Fundamentals of physical electronics. Lasers, laser beams and thein applications. Modern part of optics and thein applications in science and engineering (adaptive optics, gradient index optics, nonlinear optics, acoustooptics, electrooptics, etc.). Sources and detectors of optical radiation. Physical principles of modern optical elements and instruments with applications in science and engineering.

D02OPZ_EN - Optical imaging and modern optics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Fundamentals of electromagnetic wave theory. Polarization, interference and diffraction of electromagnetic waves. Radiation and detection of electromagnetic waves. Geometric and diffraction theory of optical imaging. Aberration theory. Laser beams. Fundamentals of photometry and colorimetry. Fundamentals of Fourier optics. Digital methods of reconstruction and processing of image information. Modern areas of optics and their applications in technology (active and adaptive optics, gradient optics, nonlinear optics, acousto-optics, electro-optics, etc.).

D02OZE_EN - Renewable Energy Sources

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Basic principles of renewable energy resources, their impact on environment, recent trends. Solar energy: thermal, photovoltaic. Biomass: burning, biogas, liquid fuels. Nuclear energy: fusion and fission.

D02OZO_EN - Optical Imaging and Methods for Image Processing

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Geometric and diffraction theory of optical imaging. Theory of aberrations of optical systems. Fundamentals of radiometry, photometry and colorimetry. Transfer properties of optical systems. Deconvolution techniques in spatial and spectral domain. Digital methods of image processing.

D02POZP_EN - Polymers in Environment Conservation

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Polymers classification (natural, synthetic). Structure of polymers (amorphous, crystalline, fibres, elastomers). Preparation of polymer materials. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of polymerization. Chemical bonds in polymer chains. Physico-chemical properties of polymers (mechanical, thermal). Electrospinning and NANOSPIDER. Nanofibers vs. Macroworld. Modification of polymer-based nanofibres (plasmatic technologies, heterogeneous nucleation, bacteriocidity). Properties of polymer-based thin films (wettability, hydrophobicity). Application of polymer-based nanofibres in environment (microfiltration, hydrophobicity, bacteriocidity).

D02PVN_EN - Polymers in Nanotechnologies

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Polymers classification (natural, synthetic). Structure of polymers (amorphous, crystalline, fibres, elastomers). Preparation of polymer materials. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of polymerization. Chemical bonds in polymer chains. Physico-chemical properties of polymers (mechanical, thermal). Electrospinning and NANOSPIDER. Nanofibers vs. Macroworld. Modification of polymer-based nanofibres (plasmatic technologies, heterogeneous nucleation, bacteriocidity). Properties of polymer-based thin films (wettability, hydrophobicity). Application of polymer-based nanofibres in environment (microfiltration, hydrophobicity, bacteriocidity).

D02TEP_EN - Theory of Electromagnetic Field

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Maxwell's equations. Constitutive relations. Boundary conditions. Linear and nonlinear electromagnetic media. Electromagnetic waves. Polarization, interference and diffraction of electromagnetic waves. Radiation and detection of electromagnetic waves. Electric and magnetic circuits.

D02TER_EN - Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Basic terminology, definitions, principles and postulates of equilibrium thermodynamics. Thermodynamical system, phase, aggregate state of matter. State equations. Gibbs model of phase interface. Thermodynamical equilibrium conditions. Ehrenfest classification of phase changes. 1st order phase transitions (Clausius-Clapeyron equation, nucleation). Condensation, solidification, melting, sublimation. Surfaces. Surface energy and surface tension. Young-Laplace equation. Experimental determination of surface tension/energy. Fundamentals of small systems thermodynamics.Porous systems. Introduction to linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics.Generalized forces and fluxes.Balance equations for mass, impulse and energy.

D02TF1_EN - Theoretical Physics I (Statistical Physics)

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Structure of matter. Modeling of processes at various temporal/spatial levels of description. Fundamentals of probability theory (distribution functions, discrete/continuous variables, Stirling approximation). Introduction to statistical physics. Fluctuations. Boltzmann distribution (microstates, physical interpretation). Statistical ensembles (microcanonical, canonical, grandcanonical). Translational, rotational and vibrational partition functions. Elements of statistical thermodynamics. Determination of macroscopic characteristics of fluids and solid states (energy, heat capacity, potentials). Kinetic theory of gases (mean free path, pressure, effusivity).

D02TF2_EN - Theoretical Physics II (Kinetic Processes in Materials)

Taught at:
K102 - Department of Physics
(not mentioned)
Transport of mass and energy. Particles diffusion in fluids and solid states. Statistical and phenomenological description. Fick law, diffusion equation, analytical solutions. Diffusion in small systems. Heat transfer. Fourier law, heat conduction equation, analytical solutions. Heat conduction in small systems. Modern theory of phase transitions. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. Nucleation rate. Nucleation of water molecules in atmosphere-condensation. Formation of solid clusters in metastable liquids. Modeling of a very first stage of hydratation processes.

D10CHCK_EN - Behaviour of Cementitious Composites Subjected to High-speed Impulsive Loadings

Taught at:
K210 - Experimental Centre
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to different types of loads that are faster than quasi-static loads. These are earthquake, vehicle impact, falling object impact, ballistic impact and blast-type loads. The course will discuss the specifics of each load condition, the standards for their classification, and most importantly their effect on building structures with a focus on ultra-performance fibre-reinforced cementitious composites. This is a practically oriented course with real demonstrations.

D10DESE_EN - Design of Experiments and Specific Experimental Devices

Taught at:
K210 - Experimental Centre
(not mentioned)
*Elective course* The aim of the subject is to introduce students to modern methods of experimental verification of material properties using specifically tailored experimental means of their own design/construction such that will be manufactured with the aid of 3D printing. Materials investigated within the course can be, for example, composites with a functional microstructure, metamaterials, very flexible (soft) materials with applications in soft robotics or biomedicine. During the course, the enrolled students are expected to design their own test procedure, including the design and assembly of a prototype of their own experimental equipment and control software for a chosen problem, ideally directly related to their dissertation topic.

D10NSIK_EN - Design of Special Engineering Structures

Taught at:
K210 - Experimental Centre
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is give the students overview on modelling, computing and design of special structures The course will focused on design of thin wall and slabs, massive foundation decks, thinwall and composite structures in point of view of different civil engineering materials (concrete, steel, wood, glass, platics, etc.).

D22CTE -

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)

D22JUS - Judicial Activity for PhD Students

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
The subject deals with the issue of poor quality in the investment process and the exploitation of the results of the system of material productioThe student is acquainted with the basic principles and pieces of legislation in the area of expert activity. The subject gradually analyzes individual building constructions from the point of view of faults assessment and their solution in an expert opinion of an expert and an expert organization. The subject acquaints students with the position of the individual participants in the investment process in expert evidence, ending with an expert opinion. The student is acquainted with the basic principles of the Act on Experts, the method of processing expert opinion, his requisites, form and application in the system of material production. The theoretical principles are documented on specific examples of expert opinions.

D22RAB - Risk Analysis of Building Processes

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
Assignment of risk of project documentation at the level of documentation for building permits and implementation documentation, event. workshop documentation. Risk allocation in the construction system – contractor and subcontractors. Analysis of individual critical processes in terms of risk (what if) in processes with regard to Pareto's rule – earthworks, foundations, utilities, supporting structure (brick, monolithic concrete, prefabricated), roofing, internal rough work surface finish inside and outside , finishing, exterior finishing and some other selected technologies. Assignment of risk of these processes with connection to input, intermediate and final quality control. Risk assessment with a link to back quality assurance. Practical risk analysis processes – project (contractual relationships – who is the bearer PD), climate factors, geological factors, warranty, contract quality, price fluctuations, contractual penalties, the interaction between actors on site and their interdependence, third party BOZ (not , that occupational accidents or illnesses have significant financial implications, but their minimization is part of the corporate culture), fire protection, environmental protection and others. Assigning risk to the maintenance of the building. Determining the likelihood (or frequency) of occurrence of specified risks for individual processes and the quantification of consequences, antirisking and derisking. Optimization of partial probabilities and risk calculation (eg tree event analysis).

D22ROC - Robotization in Construction Technology

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
During the course, doctoral students will be introduced to the basics of robotics, the basics of industrial automation, the programming of industrial robots in construction technology, and the basics of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots.

D22ROP - Robot Programming in the Construction Technology

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
During the course, doctoral students will be introduced to the programming of industrial robots in construction technology, the basics of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots. They will try modeling in simulation software and practical control of industrial robots (KUKA Agilus R1100 and KUKA KR120 Quantec R3901).

D22SCI - Sustainability of Critical Infrastructure

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
The basics of industrial robot programming in construction technology: elements, concepts, types of control systems, programming languages and development environments. Fundamentals of parametric modeling and its use for controlling industrial robots. Modeling of robotic systems in simulation SW. Configuration, installation and calibration of robots in the construction process. Define and programming the workspace and zones. Safety of building production with using industrial robots. Programming of robotic movements: types of movements, manual control, program execution, optimization of movements according to mathematical methods. Processing and programming of terminal equipment. Modeling and programming of technological building processes: masonry, 3D printing, painting and plasters, control activities. Configuration of input and output signals, advanced sensors, 3D cameras, image processing. Introduction in PLC programming. Expert programming of robotic systems.

D22TCP - Technology of Construction Processes for PhD Students

Taught at:
K122 - Department of Construction Technology
(not mentioned)
Optimisation of the design or implementation of a structure. Deterministic and stochastic methods of modelling of rough construction processes and development of new technologies in 4.0 industry conditions, including the help of robots. Links among construction processes resulting from spatial and technological structure of the building process. Design, optimisation and multi-criteria assessment of machine groups. Software systems for auxiliary constructions design. Interdisciplinary connections in construction technology, links to construction design, relation to economy and ecology area. Manufacturing process, principle of production, production technique, production and natural component of the construction process. Technological law and use of its principles. Development of new processes in internal and external surface finishes, floor stacks, facade claddings and finishing works. Building readiness, optimisation of the technological flow, application of the quality assurance system according to relevant standards and conditions of the building production, effectiveness of control inputs (input, intermediate and final quality checks). Extended diagnostics of existing building structures with a special focus on the corrosive effects of the environment in reinforced concrete structures and on the quality of concrete structures. Diagnostics of building structures using infrared spectrum, moisture diagnostics in structures using advanced impedance methods. Faults and defects caused by technologies.

D23ACHP_EN - Applied Chemistry – Practical Laboratory Lessons

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
The course Applied Chemistry – practical laboratory lessons follows the theoretical classes of Applied chemistry course. According to the themes the practical laboratory measurement will be performed. Students will be familiarized with devices operation, possibilities of outputs and useful applications. In the branch of chemical analysis the classical and modern approach will be compared. The electrical methods include high temperature dilatometry and conductometry. The separatory method will be presented using liquid chromatography. ED XRDF and IR spectrometry will represent the optical methods. Finally, the particle size measurement using laser analyser will be realized.

D23ACH_EN - Applied Chemistry

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
The course Applied Chemistry brings information in a branch of classical and modern Chemistry. The goal of this course is to improve chemical knowledge of postgraduate students and show them the possibilities of chemical approach to solve their projects. The course comprises some thematic branches, namely chemical analysis, separatory, optical and electrical methods. In the branch of chemical analysis the classical and modern approach will be compared, it means qualitative and quantitative analysis. The electrical methods include conductometry, TDR technique and high temperature measurements. The principle of the separatory methods will be illustrated due to liquid chromatography. The optical methods will be presented by optical microscopy, ED XRDF and IR spectrometry. Finally, the possibilities of particle size and distribution determination will be solved, using sewing method and laser analysis.

D23AUM_EN - Acoustic and Ultraacoustic Measurements

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
Sound propagation, basic acoustic quantities, frequency-dependent characteristics. Spatial acoustics (sound level measurements, reverberation time, …) Description of instruments used for acoustic measurements - generators, sensors, amplifiers, analyzers and recording devices. Experimental determination of acoustic properties of building materials - attenuation of sound propagation through building materials, description of measuring apparatus. Non-destructive measurements of materials properties by means of acoustic and ultrasonic methods (measurements of elastic modulus, velocity of waves propagation, attenuation of waves). Ultrasonic defectoscopy (identification of cracks and cavities in materials, determination of inhomogeneities, ...)

D23IMP_EN - Interaction between Materials and Environment

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
Influence of the environment on the structure and properties of materials, their aging and degradation. Chemical deterioration of materials. Concrete carbonation, corrosion of metals. Degradation of natural materials and polymers. Protection of materials against environmental impact. Lectures: 1. Influence of CO2 on building materials, concrete carbonation 2. Degradation and rehabilitation of concrete 3. Electrochemistry 4. Corrosion of metal materials 5. Biodegradation, wood rehabilitation 6. Aging and degradation of polymers

D23MAI_EN - Material Engineering

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
The aim of the subject is to provide to students detailed knowledge in the field of current trends in materials used in construction industry and also in materials applied historically in older and culture heritage valuable buildings. The scope of the subject comprises description of building materials and interpretation of their properties and performance in relation to their structure and composition. Within the frame of Materials Engineering course, the students will summarize their knowledge in materials behaviour and dependence of their mechanical-physical parameters on exterior effects and climate conditions changes. The students will also gain knowledge and skills in the field of materials research and actual and latest trends in materials basis for building industry.

D23MTV_EN - Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Materials

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
Thermal conductivity of gases. Dynamical theory of crystal lattice. Heat capacity of materials. Conduction and radiation heat transfer in materials. Heat transfer equation. Thermal field. Measurement methods of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity of solids, fluids, and gases. Impulse measurement methods. Temperature sensors. Linear and volumetric thermal expansion of solids, fluids, and gases. Thermal expansion coefficient of isotropic and anisotropic materials.

D23RTP_EN - Computer Solving of Transport Phenomena

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
*Elective course* Solution of steady-state and transient processes using finite element method Computer implementation of finite element method Programming of finite element method problems in C language Methods of solving nonlinear problems Convergence of finite element method, error estimate Solution of problems involving phase change and chemical reactions Computational modeling of one-dimensional problems Computational modeling of multi-dimensional problems Computational modeling of multi-dimensional problems using parallel solvers

D23TJ1_EN - Transport Processes in Materials I

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
1. Kinematics of continuum thermomechanics 2. Forces, work, and power in continuum thermomechanics 3. Global balance laws of continuum thermomechanics 4. Local balance laws of mass and momentum 5. Local balance laws of kinetic, potential, and mechanical energy 6. Thermodynamic postulates and thermodynamic laws 7. Thermodynamic potentials 8. Continuum without irreversible processes, model of thermoelastic continuum 9. Local balance law of internal energy 10. Local balance law of total energy 11. Local balance law of entropy 12. Unified form of balance laws in thermomechanics 13. Fundamentals of the theory of mixtures, balance law of mass of a mixture component

D23TJ2_EN - Transport Processes in Materials II

Taught at:
K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(not mentioned)
1. Description of porous medium 2. Water vapor transport in porous medium 3. Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion in porous medium 4. Liquid water transport in porous medium 5. Phase changes of water in porous medium 6. Convective models of moisture transport 7. Diffusion models of moisture transport 8. Construction of constitutive equations using methods of irreversible thermodynamics 9. Thermodynamic model of coupled heat and moisture transport 10. Diffusion models of coupled heat and moisture transport 11. Convective models of coupled heat and moisture transport 12. Coupled heat, moisture, and chemical compounds transport 13. Effect of electric field on heat and moisture transport

D24BIP - Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
Optimisation of the design or implementation of a structure. Deterministic and stochastic methods of modelling of rough construction processes and development of new technologies in 4.0 industry conditions, including the help of robots. Links among construction processes resulting from spatial and technological structure of the building process. Design, optimisation and multi-criteria assessment of machine groups. Software systems for auxiliary constructions design. Interdisciplinary connections in construction technology, links to construction design, relation to economy and ecology area. Manufacturing process, principle of production, production technique, production and natural component of the construction process. Technological law and use of its principles. Development of new processes in internal and external surface finishes, floor stacks, facade claddings and finishing works. Building readiness, optimisation of the technological flow, application of the quality assurance system according to relevant standards and conditions of the building production, effectiveness of control inputs (input, intermediate and final quality checks). Extended diagnostics of existing building structures with a special focus on the corrosive effects of the environment in reinforced concrete structures and on the quality of concrete structures. Diagnostics of building structures using infrared spectrum, moisture diagnostics in structures using advanced impedance methods. Faults and defects caused by technologies.

D24BRA - Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on selected topics in the field of room and building acoustics, especially on the description of the acoustic field, absorbing materials and diffusers, and the transmission of airborne and impact sound through building elements and in buildings.

D24CMA - Calculation Methods in Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
This course is freely related to the course "Experimental methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on calculation prediction methods of acoustic properties of buildings.

D24EXA - Experimental Methods in Building and Room Acoustics

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
This course is freely related to the course "Calculation methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on measurements of acoustic properties of building elements and buildings.

D24EXM - Experimental Methods in Hygrothermal Protection of Buildings

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The main goal of the course is to acquaint students with test methods which are used for evaluation of real acoustic properties of building elements, buildings and sound sources. Students will acquire the basics of measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation, noise from service equipment and room acoustical parameters. This course is freely related to the course "Calculation methods in building and room acoustics", but it focuses on measurements of acoustic properties of building elements and buildings. The course is divided into three areas: sound insulation in buildings, noise of building service equipment and room acoustics. Within each part, students will learn about one or two topics. For sound insulation in buildings it means measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation between rooms. Noise from service equipment is focused on sound power levels of sound sources and sound pressure levels in rooms and room acoustics is devoted to the measurement of reverberation time. Basic principles of test methods are the content of lectures, while the seminars are focused on the application of acquired knowledge and practical experience. Students will provide measurements with modern equipment, which includes sound analyzer, special sound sources for building and room acoustics and sound intensity measurement system.

D24FZS_EN - Optimization and Multicriterial Evaluation of Functional Performance of Building Structures

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
Optimization of buildings and structural elements from the viewpoint of material and energy efficiency, and with respect to fulfilment of required level of performance requirements and assurance of required reliability and durability of structure. Life-Cycle Assessment of Buildings and its elements. Optimization of building structures from environmental point of view. System model. Methods of numerical optimization. Weighting. Multicriterial evaluation and optimization of environmental impacts of buildings.

D24MAS - Modelling of Hygrothermal Processes in Buildings

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on numerical modelling of heat and water vapor transfer in building constructions and buildings. The solution of various types of diffusion and convective-diffusion equations (e.g. heat transfer by convection and conduction and the combination of such transport mechanisms) is being discussed with emphasis on the possibilities of the finite element method. Main part of the course deals with practical applications of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) modelling for the solution of selected building physics problems (e.g. air, heat and moisture transport in spaces with different usage and heat sources, the influence of leakages in constructions on the moisture transfer and the risk of vapor condensation, hygro-thermal behaviour of constructions with ventilated air layers etc.). Students will have opportunity to work with several software simulation tools during the course so they will be able to study discussed transport phenomenons practically on specific examples.

D24RAD - Radon Transport through Building Materials and Structures

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
(not mentioned)
Main study topics: 1. Theory of radon diffusion and convection through building materials, mathematical description, methods of solving transport equations 2. Physical parameters of building materials describing radon transport (radon diffusion coefficient, radon transmittance, radon resistance, radon diffusion length) 3. Methods of radon detection, the use of continuous radon monitors to study the transport of radon through building materials 4. The principle and construction of measuring devices suitable for study of radon transport through building materials and for determining the physical parameters describing this transport 5. Individual experiments conducted by students on selected building materials (for example waterproofing materials, thermal insulations, silicate materials etc.) in order to determine the values of selected physical parameters describing the radon transport and their dependence on temperature, moisture content, homogeneity, chemical composition, surface treatments, degree of degradation etc.

D24TDL - Selected Topics in Daylighting

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
The topic of lighting needs to be explored in its complexity with overlaps into a number of technical and non-technical areas. The new European standard Daylighting in buildings (2018) introduces a number of new methods for assessing the quality of the daylighting in buildings. New technologies and tools suitable for assessing daylight in buildings and beyond expand the possibilities for prediction and optimization in lighting practice.

D24TPB - Thermal Protection of Buildings in Environmental Perspective

Taught at:
K124 - Department of Architectural Engineering
The course is based on fundamental knowledge in thermal protection of buildings. It is focused on buildings with extremely low energy demand (passive and zero-energy buildings). Environmental performance of such buildings will be analyzed. An extra attention is given to combination of minimized energy demand and application of components with renewable energy use. Methods of estimation of energy demand of buildings and their assemblies suitable for early stages of design processes, for support of strategic decisions at city level and as an input for more general models. Aggregated energy characteristics of buildings are used for mid-time and long-time prognoses considering the changed boundary condition due to climate change.

D25AES - Alternative Energy Sources

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Course extends the knowledge of student in the area of renewable energy source, especially in the field of solar technologies (solar thermal systems, photovoltaic systems) and heat pumps in connection with evaluation and operation of building systems. Student within the individual topic performs an analysis of renewable energy sources implementation in defined building, favourably with use of advanced simulation tools.

D25BEM - Selected Chapters from Building Energy Performance Modelling

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
A course focused on modelling the energy behaviour of buildings using advanced simulation tools. Form of teaching – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work. The subject ends with a test in the form of a discussion on the submitted semester work. Used sw tools: DesignBuilder, ESP-r, TRNSYS. Examples of semester papers: Criteria for optimizing design of building energy systems. Comprehensive vs. single-purpose simulation programs for TZB systems. Modelling of dynamic phenomena in building services systems. Overview of SW for Building Energy Systems Analysis (TRNSYS, Phoenics, Moist). Modelling, simulation and object analysis using ESP-r. Modelling of the thermal and technical properties of the peripheral structures, ventilation and ventilation of the building, heating equipment, renewable sources. Simulation of the effect of changing the operating mode on the energy consumption of the object.

D25EAB - Selected Chapters from Energy Audit of Building

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Subject focused on energy audit of buildings. Getting acquainted with the methodology of energy auditing of buildings in terms of exploration, assessment of the current state, design of austerity measures, calculation of energy performance, economic and environmental evaluation. Analysis of energy and environmental behaviour of buildings and technical systems. Introduction to legislation and activities of energy specialist. Form of teaching – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work.

D25RES - Renewable and Unconventional Energy Sources for Buildings

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Solar energy: physical principles, active air and water systems, photovoltaic cells, passive solar elements in building energy systems – winter garden, solar window, short, medium and long-term heat energy accumulation, transparent insulation, double facades, energy roofs. Biomass energy: fuel issues – woods, wood waste, wood chips, wood pellets. Geothermal energy: direct use, heat pumps – ground – water – air, heat accumulation. Wind energy: direct use and energy storage. Heat Recovery. Fuel cells for building energy system.

D25TIE - Selected Chapters from the Theory of Indoor Environment

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
Doctoral subject focusing on the indoor environment of buildings. Teaching approach – consultation, attendance of selected lectures, self-study. During the introductory seminar an individual study plan of the subject is prepared, specifying the topic of the semester work and recommended lectures and seminars. The topic of the semester essay is given individually, preferably in relation to the topic of doctoral work. The subject is concluded with a test in the form of a discussion on the submitted semester work. Examples of topics: Thermal comfort of the environment. Odour microclimate. Toxic substances in the interior. Microbe threat. Aerosols. Static electricity in the interior. Electro-ion microclimate. Electromagnetic Component of the Environment. Psychic microclimate.

D25VAC - Selected Topics of Ventilation and Air-conditioning

Taught at:
K125 - Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering
(not mentioned)
1. Principles of ventilation. Requirements for indoor air quality. Sources of indoor environmental degradation. 2. Balance of a ventilated room with a constant and variable source of pollutants. 3. Natural, hybrid and forced ventilation – design methods. Ventilation concept. 4. Thermodynamic properties of dry and humid air. Theory of humid air and application of psychrometric principles. Advanced air treatments in ventilation and air-conditioning. Outdoor and indoor climatic conditions. 5. Heat load of air-conditioned and non-conditioned rooms. 6. Theory of isothermal and non-isothermal air flow in rooms, simulations. Methods of distribution and diffusion of air in rooms. Selection and positioning of the terminal elements for supply and exhaust of air. 7. Design of air ducts. 8. Ventilation of civil buildings – residential premises, etc. 9. Design of single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems. Air systems, combined air – water systems, water systems incl. cooling ceilings, refrigeration systems. 10. Selection, design and control of ventilation and air conditioning systems. 11. Distribution of heat, cold and fresh air in buildings. Free cooling by outdoor air. 12. Analysis of heat transfer in ventilation and air-conditioning systems, dimensioning of devices for minimal energy consumption. Energy demand for heating and cooling of air. Recuperation of heat and humidity

D26ACM_EN - Advanced Cost Management

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The subject offers the opportunity to deal with the issues of advanced cost management methods. Part of the tutorial is the processing of case study. • Analysis and calculation of LCC (life cycle cost) - construction project, building, structure. Deterministic and stochastic approach. • Cost management of large construction projects – cost planning, cost controlling, claim management, change management etc. • Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (T-D ABC) • Activity-Based Management (ABM) and its linkage to cost management • Strategic cost management tools • Value management

D26APM_EN - Advanced Methods of Project Management

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
Distinguish different project life cycles (predictive, adaptive and iterative) and different approaches to managing project depending on the project life cycle. For each approach will be presented the pros and cons and discussed the suitability for using the specific types of projects. The focus will be given to stakeholders. The student will learn how to identify and analyse them and set the proper stakeholder communication strategy. The student will be able to identify potential risks from the various stakeholders. The student will learn to understand to project environment and its dynamics. The course will focus on the systematic approach to planning and managing project.

D26ASM_EN - Theory and Practice of Strategic Management in Construction

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on the management theory of a large construction company applied to the area of strategic decision-making. • Analysis of the construction market and creation of possible procedures in the area of strategic marketing, capital investment strategies and business policy for the company, • organizational models for standardization of legal status within a group of companies, development of organizational models and standardization of process management, including links to individual types of procurement systems for construction contracting, • creation of a system solution enabling optimal design of information systems for the coordination and management of procurement processes, financing in individual phases of preparation and implementation of key projects of a given group of companies, • specialties of the capital investment of the construction company in machinery and equipment or land for the related construction development, • management procedures for bidding, planning processes and management of productivity, • risk management of the implementation and financing of contracts, avoidance of disputes and arbitration, • standard procedures for crisis management of a construction company or very large projects.

D26ENM_EN - Energy Management

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The course on energy management covers the issues of management in general, energy management, energy systems, and energy efficiency in the European legislation framework. The main target of the course is to explain basic principles and future changes in the construction industry, specifically in the field of energy efficiency economics. The students will increase their knowledge about strategies towards sustainable energy in buildings and mainly about energy efficiency. A specific part of the course is dedicated to the evaluation of energy efficiency measures, supporting schemes for energy efficiency, tackling energy poverty, multi-criterial evaluation of projects, LCA (live cycle assessment) and LCC (life cycle cost), moreover the students receive overview of the cost optimum calculation.

D26EUF_EN - Feasibility Study of Projects and Public Funds

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The course goal - Students will be competent in accessing public support sources for the realization of research, investment or educational projects. Students will gain an understanding of Methodology of the Project feasibility study - assessment of project effectiveness and viability. To verify the understanding of the information obtained, students work on a specific project in the field of his research area or professional activity. Financial and Risk Analysis is a part of the Project

D26IFM_EN - Information Systems for Facility Management

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The course deals with information modeling and multidimensional parametric object-oriented modeling of buildings and processes (BIM) as a modern tool for control (PIM) and operation (AIM) of construction projects. BIM and FM connectivity. Influencing and optimizing operating costs in the project phase. Efficient property management including maintenance and renovation. Assessing buildings in terms of environmental impacts. Use of the IS for Green Building Certification / Recertification. Linking the database and the graphical model. Problems of implementation of FM information systems and obstacles related to implementation. The subject is focused on the interconnection of FM with legislation, public procurement, supply systems (IPD) and use in various sectors of construction.

D26INO_EN - Construction Innovation Engineering

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
Strengthening the competitiveness of construction in an economic and technical environment. Breakthrough of the innovation process and investment process. Processes for strengthening scientific - technical development. Innovation theory, innovation rules, innovation potential of the Czech Republic. Legislative support. Potential financing, capacity potential, structured in the economy in construction. Concept of innovation potential in the national economic context. Innovation management. Dynamic innovative business. Designing innovative business. The evaluation of the projects. Business plan for an innovative business. Preparation of a science and technology park project. Principles of innovation management in an enterprise. Innovation policy as part of corporate strategy. Business marketing, business model. Innovation efficiency assessment, business opportunities. Technology Transfer, Organizational Forms, Technology Transfer Networks. Expression of the influences and factors influencing the company in terms of innovation management. Solutions of innovative product projects with application for construction. Technical, economic and socioscientific aspects of innovative engineering.

D26MIM_EM - Management and Information Models for Construction Management

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
(not mentioned)
The course offers the opportunity to deal with the issue of managerial and information modeling of various types of technical and economic processes. The study is verified on own application or hypothetical example. In the case of information modeling, the content basis is a penetration into the issues in the field of construction. The advantage is possibility to focus the outputs from the subject and use them in the processed doctoral thesis. General outline: 1. Research of possibilities with a link to the topic of seminar paper. 2. Defining an application or scientific example for managerial or information model creation. 3. Decomposition of the task and specification of the elements of the model. 4. Design of mathematical model structure and choice of modelling environment. 5. Model implementation in suitable software environment. 6. Behaviour analysis and testing of assembled model. 7. Definition of risk factors in model structure, specification of their impacts on resulting behaviour. 8. Investigation of possibilities of BIM, PIM, AIM management tools. 9. Analysis of implementation possibilities of information model. 10. Analysis and consideration of possibilities of different types of analysis (stability, sensitivity, risk, statistical). 11. Definition and processing of output information from solved task.

D26MVP_EN - Scientific Research Method

Taught at:
K126 - Department of Construction Management and Economics
winter, spring
The aim of the course is make students acquainted with the procedures and instruments of scientific work. The student should be able to define purpose of the thesis, the objectives including type of outputs, formulate adequate research questions together with hypotheses and assumptions on which work will be built and to define the scientific method to be followed. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be also able to find out all relevant information sources for his/her dissertation.

D27AEK_EN - Architecture Landscape And Applied Ecology

Taught at:
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
(not mentioned)
The subject of Architecture and Construction at the doctoral level is a continuation of the acquired knowledge from the previous master's degree. It deals with the architecture of structures in terms of their design principle, used material, functionality, financial demands, feasibility, ecology, energy, etc. Learning outcomes of the course unit The course Architecture and Construction contributes to deepening the scientific field of architecture theory and building construction. Modern constructions in confrontation with contemporary theory and practice of architecture are an integral part of architectural creation, enhancing its aesthetic values. The use of progressive constructions increases the quality of buildings by extending the typological diversity of polyfunctional building blocks and their integration in modern spatial structures. The use of ergonomics, ecology and economics of building constructions is an indispensable part of quality design and functioning of the building unit. Learning outcomes of the course unit The course Architecture and Construction assists the PhD student in the field of architecture with a focus on the field of building structures with an emphasis on current building trends. It introduces news in the field of load-bearing structures of buildings for use in new buildings and reconstructions.

D27ASK_EN - Adaptation of Urban Structures to Climate Changes

Taught at:
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
(not mentioned)
The content of the course is the elaboration of a seminar work focused on a specific territorial unit (municipality) and preparation of materials for the planning documentation. Evaluation of the state of the territory, completion of the Territorial Analytical Data, evaluation of the requirements arising from the Spatial Development Policy and the Principles of Spatial Development, determination of problems to be resolved in the territory and elaboration of the zoning plan of the given municipality. Part of the work will also be an evaluation of functional systems of the municipality and requirements for the completion of public infrastructure and determination of urban development concept based on its own investigation.

D27KKZI_EN - Cultural Landscape and Characteristic Features of its Individuality

Taught at:
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
(not mentioned)
The subject develops a question of individuality of the landscape character as an important idea of the landscape quality conception according to the European Landscape Convention. An idea of individual qualities of the landscape is consequently projected into the tools of territorial and landscape planning. Therefore the attention will be paid to the features of identity of historic cultural landscapes as evidences of cultural-historic and economic conditions of periods of development, the analysis of historic maps and their interpretation from the hypothetical visual expression of the landscape structure point of view, analysis of historic iconographic basic documents and identification of characteristic typological features. The final view is focused on the image of the current landscape – identification of attributes of individual historic periods of transformations of the landscape picture of the Czech landscape, which aims to searching the features of identity of the current cultural landscape and its individual types. The students will analyze particular landscapes from the standpoint of the presence of features of the character individuality in their development and at present and will analyze the collected results, interpret their meaning and propose their use in the tools of territorial and landscape planning.

D27USUU_EN - Urbanistic Structures – Urbanity and Sustainability

Taught at:
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
(not mentioned)
The subject develops the knowledge of significant properties of urban structures, which are evident in the quality of urban environment and in the assumptions of sustainable development of cities. It is actually urbanity caused by the arrangement and form of housing development and simultaneously urbanity caused by lifestyle of inhabitants, or more precisely by stimulation of social functions. An important sphere of problems are therefore the public places, their urban quality and typological traditions, perceived by users and giving possibilities of grasping the space as well as identification with the space. The attention will be also paid to the aspects of sustainable development of cities, which is connected both with ecological and urban requirements – for the economical and considerate treatment with the territory and minimization of environmental burdens influenced by the development tendencies. An important topic of the landscape problems of a town are the questions of green infrastructure of a town and particularly urban spaces as a part of residential greenery systems and their functions in the city landscape. The students will carry out an analysis of particular town territories, identification of qualitative features of urban environment and interpretation of their meanings for sustainability of urban structure development and for the quality of urban environment.

D27UUP_EN - Urbanism and Spatial Planning

Taught at:
K127 - Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
(not mentioned)
The subject deals with the broad issue of landscape architecture, especially the relationship of construction and landscape, the integration of buildings into the landscape, landscape character and its protection, landscape planning with its various forms and other landscape issues (natural environment of settlements, public greenery, historical forms of greenery, development of garden and landscape design, history of landscaping, etc.), in so far as they relate to the profile of graduates in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering. An integral part of the course are also the issues of applied ecology and nature and landscape protection, again in relation to architectural, urban and land-use planning. The aim is to emphasize the importance of architectural and urban aspects of landscape design and to understand the importance of landscape as a part of architectural and urban design and the importance of landscape in the structure of cities and urban regions. The specific focus of the course depends on the student's preferences and the topic of his / her dissertation.

D28INZ_EN - Engineering Informatics

Taught at:
K128 - Department of Applied Informatics
(not mentioned)
Students will familiarize with methods form fields of systems engineering, information systems, process modeling including process optimization methods, database systems and data formats and other fields of engineering informatics based on focus of their Ph.D. thesis. Current applications of engineering informatics in civil engineering will be explained. Focus of the course will be always to the field of student’s interest and topic of Ph.D. thesis. Goal of the course will be to define application of engineering informatics methods for research goals of students Ph.D. thesis or to define requirements of engineering informatics methods adaptation or define new methods in order to support research goals of Ph.D. thesis. Outputs will be in the form of seminar work.

D28SMZP_EN - Statistical Methods in Environmental Egineering

Taught at:
K128 - Department of Applied Informatics
(not mentioned)
In this course students will be intoduced into basic terms of probability theory, combinatorics and mathematical statistics. Basic statistic distribution and basic types of random proceses will be introduced. Also the problematic of hypothesis testing and accordance between theoretical and empiric distribution will be mentioned.

D29AIS_EN - Architecture of Engineering Structures

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
Engineering constructions as a part of architectural creation, typological essence and aesthetic values. History, typology and design of engineering constructions - roads, railways, buildings for power engineering, water constructions, bridges, special constructions. Landscaping and town-forming function of engineering constructions and architect's share in the design of these constructions.

D29ARC - Architecture and Construction

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The subject Architecture and Construction at the doctoral level builds on the knowledge gained from the previous Master's degree program. It deals with architectural design in terms of their construction principle, used material, functionality, financial demands, feasibility, ecology, energy and so on. The subject of Architecture and Design contributes to the deepening of the field of the theory of architecture and the construction of buildings. Modern designs in confrontation with contemporary theory and practice of architecture are an integral part of architectural creation, enhancing its aesthetic value. The application of progressive structures increases the quality of buildings by extending the typological diversity of multifunctional building blocks and their integration into modern spatial structures. The application of ergonomics, ecology and economics of building structures is an indispensable part of the quality design and functioning of the building. The subject of Architecture and Design assists the scientific work of doctoral students in the field of architecture focusing on the field of building structures with an emphasis on current building trends. It introduces new features in the field of load-bearing structures of buildings for use in new buildings and renovations.

D29CAR - 20th Century Architecture

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The course consists lectures, one two-hour block per week. The lectures are devoted to key works of modern architecture, as well as its theory. Urban planning and socio-economic aspects of industrial development is also discussed.

D29HIP - Historic Preservation

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on the field of monument care in the context of the whole-world and provides a basic orientation in the theory and practice of this issue with an emphasis on the protection of building heritage and methods of its restoration. Preservation of monuments includes the necessary overview of the institutional structure as well as the need for orientation in legal and regulations aimed at the protection of cultural heritage at national and international level. Part of the course is to acquire the principles of care for the heritage fund, to analyze the types of modifications of the historical building in relation to its value potential. The course will also present up-to-date knowledge in the field of cognition of the historical building stock (traditional and innovative approaches, techniques and technologies), complement information on international events in the field and adopted international conventions and conventions. The course is divided into four thematic parts (history of monument care, monument care in the Czech Republic, monument care in the international context, care for the building fund) combining lectures (theoretical background), seminars and excursions (or workshops) into monument buildings representing a specific form of restoration of monuments (conservation, restoration, reconstruction, transformation, etc.) During the semester the seminar paper will be consulted.

D29IAR - Industrial Archeology

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
Industrial archeology is an interdisciplinary field that examines, records, inventory and protects evidence of tangible and intangible documents, artifacts, stratigraphies and structures, human settlements and landscapes that have arisen for or as a result of industrial processes. The methods of investigation do not only concern surveys of landscapes, settlements and individual objects, but also in connection with the history of technology and working and production processes, which have retroactively influenced the appearance of landscapes, settlements and objects. Main topics: Defining industrial heritage values. Legal protection issues. Contemporary interpretations accentuating current issues such as: public space, cultural tourism, social aspects. Possibilities of preservation of industrial heritage mainly in the form of new use. The importance of education, training, promotion and popularization of industrial heritage, education of the general public affected by industry deprivation. International documents and institutions dealing with industrial heritage. Introduction to the basic literature and methodology of the field. The contents of the exam and the paper are both general knowledge and a selected topic directly related to the subject under examination.

D29PRA_EN - Industrial Revolution – Urban Planning, Architecture and Fine Arts

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The lectures deal with the influence of the industrial and post-industrial era on the form of urbanism, architecture and art. They are focused not only on the ground-plan, spatial and visual concept, but also on architectural-social and theoretical problems. Industrial revolution and its influence on the form of the city and landscape, the initial chaos of industrialization, the emergence of metropolises and suburbs. New theories of modern urbanism. Idealistic visions, social utopias and reformations (eg Arts and Crafts), social unrest and ideas. Depiction of the Industrial Revolution and Industrial Procedures in the 19th Century Fine Art. New industrial typologies and technologies and their influence on aesthetics and spatial concept of contemporary architecture. Theoretical concept of modernism, its links to industrialization, typing, standardization and prefabrication. Tendencies of solving social problems of society by means of modern architecture and urbanism (responses also in fine arts). Industry stagnation, transition to the information society and reflection in urban planning / architecture and fine arts. Conversion and brownfields.

D29TEA_EN - Theory of Architecture

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The of theory of architecture, closely connected with philosophy, sociology and other humanities, is a methodical tool of contemporary interpretation of architecture and building culture, or of reflection on it. The student is acquainted with the main interpretative streams: Modernism based on theoretical suggestions of important representatives of 20th century architecture (Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Siegfried Giedion, Mies van der Rohe, Kenneth Frampton, Ignasi de Sola Morales, ...). Semiotics, the science of character, based on the interpretation of W. Morris, F. de Saussure, in Ch. Jenckse. Phenomenology as an alternative way of interpreting architecture perceived as existential and lived space, based on the philosophy of E. Husserl and M. Heidegger, in architecture by K. Lynch and Ch.Norberg Schulz. Iconology dealing with the symbolism and significance of the construction work (E. Panofsky, etc.). Tendencies based on recent knowledge of the relationship between architecture and the digital age (W. Maas - MVRDV, Rem Koolhaas, BIG, etc.). Contemporary issues: architecture and public space, scenology, architecture and fine arts. These methodological approaches are confronted with the available theoretical literature, on the basis of which students work on the interpretation of the selected construction work.

D29VKT_EN - Selected Chapters from Typology of Buildings

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
Links of selected typological types of buildings with contemporary practice and contemporary theories of architecture and urbanism as a reflection of current needs of society. Functional, layout and operational requirements for buildings and ensembles in relation to contemporary urban and architectural aspects. Possibility to improve the quality of buildings and complexes by extending typological diversity by polyfunctional constructional complexes and their integration in modern spatial structures. The use of ergonomics as an indispensable part of the correct design and quality functioning of the building as a whole.

D29VPU_EN - Public Space: Urban Communictaion in a Sustainable Development Context

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
Communication is a fundamental principle and function of the city - in the historical as well as in the urbanistic sense. Public space is the platform for this communication: the physical public space of streets, squares, buildings, and land accessible to the public - and the virtual public space of the media. The communication of complex urban values in a vital public space is the basis for sustainable urban development.

D29ZVP_EN - Basics Of Scientific Work For Architects

Taught at:
K129 - Department of Architecture
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to provide basic orientation in the method and sense of scientific work. The main topics are: What is a dissertation, its structure and particulars. Science, basic and applied research, ethics of scientific work. Theory, methodology, method and tool, empirical and logical methods. Induction, deduction, Kolba experimental cycle Research questions and hypotheses. Quantitative and qualitative research. How to write professional publications. Doctoral research grant support.

D32ANM - Advanced Numerical Methods in Coupled Multiphysics Problems

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The aim of the course is to solve coupled multiphysics problems, e.g. thermoelasticity, coupled heat and moisture transfer, thermo-hydro-mechanical problem, electordiffusion, etc. First, the balance equations together with constitutive laws will be summarized for selected coupled multiphysics problems. Discretization in space and time (Galerkin-Bubnov method, Galerkin-Petrov method, generalized trapezoidal rule, etc.) will follow. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations obtained after discretization (the use of symmetry and sparsity, direct methods, iterative methods). Solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations (Newton-Raphson method, the arc-length method). Utilization of parallel computers for solution of large problems based on domain decomposition methods.

D32DSK_EN - Dynamics of Structures

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
Advanced design methods of structures subjected to dynamic loading.

D32EX1_EN - Experimental Analysis of Structures I

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The course is intended for students who did not have the opportunity to study basic goals, tasks and elementary means of an experimental analysis during the course of the bachelor’s and master’s degree study. Within the course, students will familiarize with basic procedures and principles of the experimental analysis of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation of the problems will include the overview of testing methods used to determine basic material properties, the description of experiments focused on observation of climate loads, the examples of verification and identification of theoretical models based on experimental results, the experiments realized on physical models for estimation of wind effects in wind tunnels and for investigation of earthquake effect on shake tables, the long term monitoring of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation will further include the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of static load tests realized on structural elements or whole structures, the basic methods used for an analysis of measured data obtained during dynamic tests, the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of dynamic tests including an experimental modal analysis and a dynamic load test, the principles of experiments focused on evaluation and assessment of vibration effects on building structures from the view of the load capacity limit state and on users of building structures from the view of the serviceability limit state, the demonstration of several practical tasks.

D32EX2_EN - Experimental Analysis of Structures II

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The major goal of the course is to expand knowledge about experimental analysis of building and civil engineering structures obtained during master’s or doctoral degree study. Within the course, students will familiarize with the basic design of the static and dynamic experiments applied on building and civil engineering structures, relative sensors, absolute sensors, strain gauges, principles of strain measurement by means of strain gauges, basics of estimating measurement uncertainty, experiments realized on physical models, basics of the similarity theory, model laws, experimental methods for axial tensile force determination in rods, cables and stays, static and dynamic load tests and long term monitoring realized on building and civil engineering structures illustrated on practical examples (real reasons for realization, arrangement of experiments, ways of processing data, basic conclusions), the demonstration of practical tasks.

D32MEC_EN - Mechanics of Composite Materials

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The aim is to explain basic properties of anisotropic and heterogeneous materials, philosophy of their solution and ways of homogenization. Micro-, meso-, macro-, view of composite materials. Hill's theory of composites. Variation formulation, Hashin-Shtrikman's variation principle, consequences for the methods of homogenization of composites. Tension, Eshelby tractions, Mori-Tanaka method, self-consistent, penalty method. Applications, cylindrical shells, deskframe structures, selected building structures (tunnels, underground constructions, etc.).

D32MFA_EN - Microscopy and Phase Analysis of Construction Materials

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
winter, spring
Fundamentals of transmission a reflexion optical microscopy. Polarization of light and its application in the phase study of the materials. The sample preparation for microscopical research. Fundamentals of scannig electron microscopy and microanalysis. Electron sources and eletron interaction with matter, detection of secondary signals and interpretation of secondary emissions. Scannig (SEM) a transmission electron microscopy (TEM), elementary microanalysis (EDS/WDS) a electron diffraction (BESD-O.I.M.). The outline of the most applications SEM, ESEM, EDS, WDS, O.I.M). Implementation of SEM and EDS in material research. The sample preparation. X-ray phase diffraction and structural analysis. The fundamentals of XRD analysis and its application in the structural and phase exploration of construction materials. Phase identiffication, preffered orientational textural arangement and XRD textural analysis of stress and deformation. The sample preparation.

D32MH1_EN - Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials I (Analytical Methods)

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course will cover analytical methods for multiscale modeling of heterogenous materials, with emphasis on: 1. Introduction, overview of governing equations of elasticity, tensor notation, and averaging 2. Minimum energy principles, material symmetries 3. Elementary theory of overall moduli, concentration factors, Voigt-Reuss bounds 4. Exact solution for two-phase composites, idea of improved bounds 5. Eshelby problem 6. Approximate evaluation of overall moduli: dilute approximation, self-consistent method, Mori-Tanaka method 7. Improved bounds on overall moduli: Hashin-Shtrikman bounds 8. Thermo-elasticity 9. Extension to stationary transport processes

D32MH2_EN - Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials II (Numertical Methods)

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course will cover numerical methods for multiscale modeling of heterogenous materials, with emphasis on: 1. Overview of the finite element method for elasticity and heat conduction 2. Introduction to the method of asymptotic expansion for heat conduction and elasticity 3. First-order computational homogenization for elasticity 4. First-order computational homogenization for heat conduction and thermo-elasticity 5. Homogenization nonlinear problems -- application to non-linear conduction and elasticity 6. Two-scale simulations -- basic principles and implementation strategy, applications Reduced-order models, combining computational homogenization with micromechanics

D32MMG1_EN - Measurement and Modelling of Geotechnical Structures I

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The course is devoted to the measurements and modeling of basic laboratory tests using the finite element method. Attention is concentrated on the description of nonlinear response of soil with the help of traditional material models. Knowledge gained from the modeling of simple laboratory tests will be exploited in the analysis of selected geotechnical structures. All numerical simulations will be performed employing the GEO5 FEM software package.

D32MMG2_EN - Measurement and Modelling of Geotechnical Structures II

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The course is devoted to the modeling of time-dependent problems in geomechanics. Advanced laboratory measurements in gallery Josef will be accompanied by numerical modeling using the finite element method. The course covers 4 different topics: (i) Heat transport, (ii) Steady state ground water flow, (iii) Transient ground water flow, (iv) Coupled mechanical and ground water flow in fully saturated deformable soil body – consolidation. Numerical modeling will be performed employing the GEO5 FEM and SIFEL software packages.

D32MPO_EN - Micromechanics and Microstructure Characterization of Materials

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on familiarization with modern measuring methods and their connection to calculation methods for determining micromechanical characteristics and their application for the description of materials. Cement composites and geopolymers are in the forefront of interest. The course will include the basics of the following areas: -Experimental methods of micromechanics - mainly nanoindentation, atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy for different types of materials. -Methods for determining micromechanical properties for heterogeneous microstructures in the submicron region. -Models for describing the microstructure of building materials. -Methods for calculating composite properties and homogenization (analytical, FEM, FFT). -Calorimetry. -Practical measurements and application to building materials.

D32NU1_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics I

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The objective of the course is to deliver an introduction to numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, with particular focus on finite element method. It is suitable for students without previous knowledge in the field. It consists of the two main parts: - overview and derivation of fundamental equations for theory of elasticity and heat transfer, introduction to method of weighted residuals, strong and weak solution, choice of approximation and weight functions. - application of finite element and finite difference method to solution of selected problems from engineering practice (1D elasticity, beams, grids on elastic foundation, plates on elastic foundation, 1D and 2D stationary and transient heat transfer). The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32NU2_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics II

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The objective of the course is to extend basic knowledge of numerical methods for solving PDEs and particularly finite element method towards their advanced applications in engineering. The course will focus on problems of geometrically and materially nonlinear static (theoretical framework, linearization, algorithmic aspects, solution methods – direct and indirect control, plasticity and damage based models). Introduction to Isogeometric analysis, eXtended finite element method, mesh generation and efficient methods for solution sparse linear systems. The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32OPT_EN - Optimalization of Structures and Numerical Models

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
The aim is to clarify the approaches and methods of optimization of building structures and their associated computational models. Types of optimization of building structures, variation formulations, selected optimization methods, using modern numerical methods - FEM, BEM, SPH, semianalytical methods, models of rod and plate structures. Nonlinear optimization, plastic analysis, buckling. Eigenparameters, transformation field analysis. Application, modeling of steel bridges, contact problems (piping, slopes, tunnel lining).

D32PNM_EN - Advanced Numerical Methods in Coupled Multiphysics Problems

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The aim of the course is to solve coupled multiphysics problems, e.g. thermoelasticity, coupled heat and moisture transfer, thermo-hydro-mechanical problem, electordiffusion, etc. First, the balance equations together with constitutive laws will be summarized for selected coupled multiphysics problems. Discretization in space and time (Galerkin-Bubnov method, Galerkin-Petrov method, generalized trapezoidal rule, etc.) will follow. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations obtained after discretization (the use of symmetry and sparsity, direct methods, iterative methods). Solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations (Newton-Raphson method, the arc-length method). Utilization of parallel computers for solution of large problems based on domain decomposition methods.

D32PRE_EN - Deformation and Failure of Materials

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course focuses at systematic mathematical description of mechanical behavior of materials. The subjects include: The model of continuum and the concept of representative volume element. General principles of constitutive modeling. Theories of elasticity (hyperelasticity, Cauchy elasticity, hypoelasticity). Viscoelasticity and the theory of creep. Yield and failure criteria. Incremental theory of plasticity. Damage mechanics. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue.

D32RAM_EN - Risk Analysis and Management

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
1. Terminology 2. Theory - Probability and mathematical statistics, Reliability 3. Risk analysis/assessment - Hazard identification - Risk quantification - Tools and numerical methods - Classical statistical inference - Bayesian inference - Monte Carlo methods 4. Risk management - Decision analysis - Utility theory in decision analysis

D32TEM_EN - Tensor Mechanics

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
(not mentioned)
This course covers the fundamentals of tensor algebra and calculus and demonstrates the power of tensor notation applied to formulation and solution of engineering problems. Selected examples cover solid and fluid mechanics, as well as heat and mass transport problems. The first part of the course is devoted to the definition of tensors, understood as linear mappings, to algebraic operations with tensors, to tensor fields and their differentiation, and to transformations between volume and surface integrals based on the Green and Gauss theorems. In the second part, it is shown how these mathematical tools enable an elegant description and analysis of various physical problems, with focus on applications in civil and mechanical engineering. The classes combine lectures and seminars, with emphasis on problems assigned as homework, which form the basis of presentations and discussions in class. The objective is not only to transfer specific knowledge, but also to develop the students‘ aptitude for independent thinking and critical analysis. At the same time, mastering of tensorial notation by the students will greatly facilitate their future reading of modern scientific literature in many fields of research.

D32TES_EN - Theory of Reliability

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The covered material splits into three blocks: (i) Important relations and theorems necessary in the area of the theory of reliability and mathematical statistics, (ii) Analytical and simulation methods to analyze reliability of structures, (iii) Advanced methods of reliability analysis exploiting the Bayesian inference in conjunction with MCMC simulation. List of lectures: 1. Basic relations, definitions and notation, 2. Selected probability distributions and important inequalities, 3. Transformation of probability density function (one and more variables), 4. Reliability of simple structures, 5. Evolution of reliability in time, 6. Reliability and solution methods, 7. Renewable systems, 8. Reflection of the theory in EC standards, 9. Analytical methods to address reliability, 10. Simulation methods, 11. Monte Carlo type simulation, 12. MCMC sampling (Markov chain-Monte Carlo, Bayesian statistical method).

D32TWPE - Scientific Writing and Publishing in English

Taught at:
K132 - Department of Mechanics
winter, spring
In this course, which is taught exclusively in English, attention is paid to the structure of a scientific or technical paper, to grammatical and stylistic aspects and to the creative scientific writing process from manuscript preparation up to its publication (including the selection of an appropriate journal and the manuscript submission and review process). Other topics covered in the course include effective search for and processing of information sources in a network environment, exploitation of library, open-access and other resources and tools, citation rules and publication ethics. Students get acquainted with citation managers, manuals of style, typesetting rules and tools for the preparation of a technical manuscript in LaTeX. Basic information on bibliometric tools and evaluation of scientific output is also provided.

D33AIC_EN - Automation in Concrete and Masonry Construction

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for design of concrete and masonry structures when automated production is used. This course consists of lectures focused on digital fabrication technology, structural aspects of production equipment, automata control systems, definition of building materials which are used by automata, structural analysis methods suitable for digital fabrication construction processes.

D33BEK_EN - Concrete Structures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The use of probabilistic approaches and modern computational methods at one time represents an effective tool for concrete structures analyses. By using stochastic methods, an optimized design of concrete structures can be achieved with respect to particular conditions, uncertainties and random variables. Non-linear analyses of concrete structures serve for simulating the real behaviour of structures subject to various load. The objective of this course is to gain practical knowledge necessary for the evaluation of experimental data of advanced materials, development of material models and numerical simulations of concrete structures by using modern computational methods and approaches.

D33BOO_EN - Concrete Containment Buildings

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of the course is to introduce the students into the state of the art in the area of concrete nuclear containments. The course will cover selected topics from the following areas: Historical development of nuclear containments. Containment vs. confinement. Types of containments, alternative solutions. Overview of valid standards and safety requirements. Loads and load cases for structural design. Principles of structural design and design of prestress. Structural and material design of internal sealing liner. Numerical modeling of containments and their components. Construction of containments.

D33BVN_EN - Explosion and impact safety

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course will acquaint students with the principles of explosion resistance of buildings using advanced methods of modeling explosion phenomena, air shock wave propagation through space and its interaction with structures, explosion and shock wave propagation by structural elements and impact structures. The course provides information that is not included in other subjects of compulsory study plans. The course is focused on the use of numerical modeling in this area. It is modeling by nonlinear dynamics using explicit solver based on the finite element method with fluid dynamics (ALE), particle models (PBM) as well as simplified semi-empirical methods. In the part focused on numerical modeling is also highlighted the issue of inputs into software tools. Possibilities and pitfalls of determining the inputs needed for individual models are explained, with the main focus on the characteristics of materials in terms of shock wave propagation. Emphasis is also placed on a suitable way of verifying the results by means of model verification and validation. The experimental program is closely related to verification. Within the course, the student will become acquainted with the possibilities of testing structures, possibilities of testing structures on a smaller scale, etc. The last part of the course is the design of protective measures for structures where it is necessary to consider the explosion or shock load.

D33CHT_EN - Concrete Structures Exposed to High Temperatures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on understanding and deepening knowledge in the field of the effect of high temperatures on concrete and concrete structures. The main topics are: materials, fire, high temperatures, fire design of structures, simplified methods, advanced numerical models, computer modelling.

D33DEG_EN - Deterioration of Concrete and Masonry Structures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Deterioration processes in concrete structures (chemical, physical and mechanical deterioration) including diagnostic methods and design and performing of rehabilitation measures. Deterioration of concrete structures documented by bestrespectively worse-practice examples. Deterioration of masonry structures at examples of housing and transport infrastructure.

D33EAC_EN - Early-age Concrete Members

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Issues related to early age concrete – hydration, development of microstructure, stress-strain diagrams. Numerical modeling of early age concrete. Advanced methods for analysis and their application to formwork removal with respect to displacement control. Design of anchor zones for prestressed concrete at very early ages.

D33EZB_EN - Effect of Extreme Loadings on Concrete Structures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Performance of concrete subjected to high (strain) velocity loading, such as blast, impact (objects, vehicles, etc.) or penetration (projectiles). Blast wave propagation in (confined) space and in material in particular with respect to the heterogeneity of material. Interaction of various extreme loadings, e.g. blast and fire. Principles of numerical modeling of fast dynamic phenomena.

D33FRC_EN - Fibre Reinforced Concrete Composites

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Fibre reinforced concrete as a structural material has become popular in the construction industry. Its nonlinear behaviour and material properties encourage to use nonlinear computational methods for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures. The computational accuracy of obtained results leans on the development and the calibration of material models. The objective of this course is to gain knowledge of short-term and long-term behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete composites, general rules, regulations and recommendations for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures, as well as the utilization of modern computational approaches for the predication of both crack occurrence and crack propagation.

D33FUZ - Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Civil Engineering

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for work with uncertainty or insufficient information, which can be used for numerical description of behavior of materials and structural systems. This course consists of lectures focused on difference between classical and fuzzy sets, definition of fuzzy sets, basic operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy arithmetic, difference between classical and fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic modeling and methodology of fuzzy logic modeling.

D33KHK_EN - Assessment of Existing Concrete and Masonry Structures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on assessment of existing concrete and masonry structures in terms of them most recent approaches and standards.

D33NBK_EN - Design Methods of Concrete Structures

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Advanced design of reinforced concrete structures - comparison of analysis models and methods. Non-linear behaviour, concrete structures in high temperatures mode. Plastic behaviour, formation of yield hinges, plastic strain in the ultimate limit state, rotation capacity. Limit of load capacity, strain control of elements.

D33TK1_EN - Theory of Structures I

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
Factors influencing creep and shrinkage of concrete. Main features and effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete. Increase of deflections and redistribution of internal forces. Structures changing structural system and second order effects. Time development of the humidity and temperature distributions in concrete members. Environmental conditions and analysis of temperature and humidity transfer. Non-uniformity and time development of humidity distributions. Strain softening. Stress analysis. Creep and shrinkage prediction models. Calculation of strain from a known stress history. Direct integration and methods of time-discretization. Analysis of stress variation with known strain history; relaxation. Creep and shrinkage analysis of structures. Structural analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures, homogeneous and non-homogeneous, changing structural system. Methods of structural analysis. Redistribution of internal forces. Stress variation in concrete structures subjected to support settlements. Stress distribution in box girders. Creep analysis of high-rise buildings. Creep buckling. Excessive deflections of prestressed concrete bridges. Findings from experimental investigations. Measurements of stress and deflection developments. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions. Statistical variability of material creep parameters and environmental factors. Uncertainty of creep predictions. Variability of stresses and deformations. Conclusions and practical recommendations.

D33UBJ_EN - Application of Concrete in Nuclear Facilities

Taught at:
K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for design and safety assessment of concrete structures in nuclear facilities. This course focuses on effect of radiation on mechanical properties of concrete and its components, possibilities of numerical modeling of effect of radiation on concrete and concrete structures, corium-concrete interaction and possibilities of hermetic insulation provided by concrete structures and concrete structural components.

D34ARVR_EN - Technical facilities risk analysis, management and settlment

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
Risk theory, sources of risks in human system, sources of risks in technical systems, ie Equipment, technology, processes and technical equipment, causes of diagonal risks, work with risks in engineering fields - methods, procedures and tools, hazard determination, risk engineering methods used in simple and complex technical systems, risk management for support reliability, security and safety, risk management principles, risk management responsibilities, risk management over time, risk engineering, risk management - measures, decision support system for risk management of technical equipment, management plan risks.

D34FIS - Fire Safety

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The objective of this course is to gain knowledge and skills necessary for work with uncertainty or insufficient information, which can be used for numerical description of behavior of materials and structural systems. This course consists of lectures focused on difference between classical and fuzzy sets, definition of fuzzy sets, basic operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy arithmetic, difference between classical and fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic modeling and methodology of fuzzy logic modeling.

D34GLS - Glass Structures

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.

D34OCM_EN - Steel Bridges

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
The subject prepares the students for the holistic design for designing steel and composite bridges during the whole life. The corrosion and deterioration will be included, together with the methods of the refurbishment of steel bridges. Special focus will be given to the FRP design. 1. The design of large span bridges 2. Bridges for the high speed railways 3. Fatigue 4. Residual life time of bridges from the fatigue perspective 5. Diagnostics and assessment of steel bridges 6. Strengthening of steel bridges with composites 7. Strengthening of steel bridges with prestressing 8. Advanced erection technologies 9. Holistic approach to the design of steel bridges, LCC, LCA

D34POB_EN - Fire safety

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the principles of ensuring fire safety of buildings using advanced methods of fire modeling, heat transfer to the structure and the behavior of the structure at elevated temperature when exposed to fire. Teaching is focused on the use of numerical modeling by the method of zone models and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) used for the calculation of temperature field, FEM (Finite Element Modeling) used for the calculation of heat transfer and mechanical behavior of structures, which include both parts of the calculation. In the part focused on numerical modeling is also highlighted the issue of inputs into software tools. Possibilities and pitfalls of determination of inputs needed for CFD and FE models are explained, with the main focus on fire technical characteristics (PTCH) of materials. Emphasis is also placed on a suitable way of verifying the results by means of model verification and validation. This section includes an introduction to benchmark cases. Verification is closely related to the physical testing of structures. Teaching includes an experimental part. Several type tests are prepared for experimental teaching. It is a test of gas temperature measurement (elevated temperature from the radiation panel is measured using various types of sensors, the results of which are subsequently evaluated), tests of heat transfer to structures (in concrete, steel and timber elements are measured temperatures at different depths, with numerical models).

D34RRKD_EN - Management of complex technological facilities risks at operation

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
Features of complex technical equipment, sources of technical equipment risk in operation, full quality management and risk management rules, methods of handling technical equipment risk in operation, reliability / security / management of technical equipment, safety culture and safety rules, limits and conditions, criticality tests technical equipment, risk monitoring and tests, risk-based inspections, maintenance, response to accidents and breakdowns of technical equipment, rules and responsibilities for risk management of technical equipment focused on safety, decision support system for risk management and risk management plan.

D34TIS - Timber Structures

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.

D34TO1_EN - Theory of Steel Structures I

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
Reliability of steel structures. Global and local stability. Stability of plate structures. Thin walled cold formed structures. Interaction with sheeting structures. Composite steel and concrete structures.Fire design.

D34TO2_EN - Theory of Steel Structures II

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject goal is focused on study of not-native references relating to dissertation (preparation of the "State of the art").The subject is oriented to the following spheres: steel structures, composite steel and concrete structures, glass and hybrid (from various materials) structures. The resulting seminar work should cover analysis and evaluation of essential contribution of the studied references, establishing of the proper Czech terminology, preparation of scientific papers according to the given rules. The seminar work is subjected to a discussion and evaluation.

D34YSMK_EN - Structural stability

Taught at:
K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(not mentioned)
Subject YSMK covers two parts. The first one deals with stability and strength of steel plates, the second one with stability and strengths of steel frame structures. In the first part the historic collapses of steel structures are analysed including the importance of imperfections for a design of thin plated structures. Presented are principles of theory of buckling, linear and nonlinear theory of buckling of thin plates. The results are applied to the 4th class cross sections in harmony with Eurocode. Buckling due to normal, shear and local loadings including their combination is analysed in a detail. In the end the application of the results is shown together with design of necessary stiffeners. The second part is focused on member and structure stability. Possible global analysis methods are presented together with methods for compression and bending interaction for slender members. In detail, specific cases of lateral torsional buckling are explained including also tapered members.

D35DZ_EN - Soil Dynamics

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on basic principles of soil dynamics – on waves in flexible environment and with properties of soils when dynamically loaded. Methods of laboratory and filed dynamic properties of soils are the starting point for the students. After that they will be acquainted with modern methods of the determination of dynamic shear modulus with help of bender elements. The attention will be devoted after that on the impact of the dynamic properties determination with respect to the fidelity and availability of individual values for the solution of the specific geomechanical task. Students after that will solve basic tasks of the determination dynamical soil properties na on the base of wave velocity spreading in soils and also on the base of penetration tests. Students will provide individually and with teammate realize laboratory measurements of the dynamic shear modulus of soils.

D35GMZ - Geotechnical monitoring and field testing

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
Monitoring of structures and subsoil applied as a tool for verification of assumptions made at design stage, selection of input data for calculations and for serviceability approval. Relationship of instrumentation by sensors and reliability to describe subsoil response and development of behaviour of monitored structure in real scale. Data gathering for back analyses and modelling of subsoil and structure deformation development. Practical training of line-wise monitoring of 3D displacement in instrumented borehole in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Examples if instrumentation and data gathering for different types of displacement sensors, mechanical stress and temperature. Description, execution and evaluation of results of selected field tests. Examples of applications of field tests and applications for calculations and modelling. Design of field tests and field instrumentation for selected types of structures and site conditions.

D35GMZ_EN - Geotechnical Monitoring and Field Experiments

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
Monitoring of structures and subsoil applied as a tool for verification of assumptions made at design stage, selection of input data for calculations and for serviceability approval. Relationship of instrumentation by sensors and reliability to describe subsoil response and development of behaviour of monitored structure in real scale. Data gathering for back analyses and modelling of subsoil and structure deformation development. Practical training of line-wise monitoring of 3D displacement in instrumented borehole in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Examples if instrumentation and data gathering for different types of displacement sensors, mechanical stress and temperature. Description, execution and evaluation of results of selected field tests. Examples of applications of field tests and applications for calculations and modelling. Design of field tests and field instrumentation for selected types of structures and site conditions.

D35MRPK_EN - Modeling for natural disaster management

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
Landslides - introduction: what is a landslide, why and how it arises, basic input data for assessing the stability of a territory. Types of landslides and classification, characteristics, lands prone to landslides, CGS / USGS. Mechanical description, slope stability calculation methods (limit equilibrium, numerical methods). Input parameters for assessing the stability of the territory, methods of detection (laboratory / field tests). Triggering effects - sensitivity to input parameters for stability calculations. Modeling and reverse analysis of landslides, verification of tightness of outputs - monitoring requirements. Case studies. Floods: Hydrological bases, measurements, uncertainties, climate change and affected data. Modeling in hydrology and surface water flow - numerical models. Reducing the consequences of floods - vulnerability analyzes, technical and soft measures, physical models. Critical infrastructure objects - flood handling and management. Case studies of natural and special floods from the Czech Republic and abroad.

D35NVP_EN - Numerical Calculations of Underground Construction

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
The course discusses the basic differences of structural calculations of underground buildings from those of ground structures (inaccuracy of input data, influence of the technology of implementation, main sources of errors, importance of parametric studies and back analyses). The principles of design of tunnels using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method are explained (stability of unreinforced excavation, design of primary shotcrete lining, design of the influence of supporting elements). Furthermore, the modelling of tunnel borings using tunnel boring machines (TBM) in rocks and earth shields (EPBS) in soils (including the influence of pressures before the face) is discussed. The principles of segmental lining design in mechanized excavation are also explained. The issue of overburden settlement is discussed generally without the influence of tunnelling methods. The basic tools for the calculation and design of underground structures (empirical relationships, manual calculations, numerical methods, available software) are presented and compared.

D35VSMZ_EN - Selected Items of Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on the upgraded level of Soil Mechanics needed to design geotechnical structures, first with agreement of Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. Logical scheme of the geotechnical structure design is presented – starting with specification of geological model, followed by geotechnical model, numerical model and ending with phase of realization and structure monitoring. Therefore the methods of sample collection, realization of laboratory and in situ tests are specified, guaranteeing evaluation of the reliable geotechnical properties. Evaluation of the design situations on the limit states of failures and serviceability. The initial state of stresses is emphasized followed by stresses changes (stress paths). Analytical calculation methods versus numerical methods (FEM). Deformation under 1 D 2D and 3 D conditions together with time effect (‘soil consolidation) Differences between short term and long term stability, bearing capacity. Progressive failure of soils. Different relation between change of stresses and strains for different types of soils. Different behaviour of saturated and partly saturated soils. In the part of geo-environmental engineering, the attention is focused on geo-environmental investigation, on remediation methods for subsoil decontamination, on the construction on brownfields, exploitation of geothermal energy, natural hazards, as are floods, landslides and rock-falls. Part of the subject are laboratory tests performed in soil mechanics laboratory.

D35ZKVS_EN - Earth Structures in Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Taught at:
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(not mentioned)
Detailed acquaintance with specificity and demands for Earth structures of hydro engineering (fill dams, small dams, dikes, historical dams, canals), and environmental engineering (different types of landfills, tailing dams and soil heaps). Soil as the main construction material, manners of utilization, compaction and controls. Applicability of soil for different parts of earth structures (sealing element, filter, and stabilization zone). Verification of limit state of serviceability, either for fulfilment of the basic purpose – water retention, sealing, or the elimination of settlement of the earth body with respect to it functionality or utilization of the surface in future. Verification of the limit state of failure with specification on limit states typical for hydro engineering, as stability, bearing capacity, uplift, surface erosion, internal erosion (including all possible manners). Differences between the behaviour of earth structures with long term contact with water (principle of saturated soil) and earth structures with limit contact (principle of partly saturated soil). Part of the subject are also laboratory experiments in soil mechanics laboratory.

D36EXS_EN - Experimental Examination of Materials and Structures Used in Transport Structures

Taught at:
K136 - Department of Road Structures
winter, spring
The course is intended for PhD students who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of materials research and assessment of the behaviour of road structures. In particular, the aim is to provide students with knowledge in the area of advanced functional (performance-based) and dynamic testing, which is used in the in-depth assessment and evaluation of materials and composites of road structures.

D36MEK_EN - Urban Roads

Taught at:
K136 - Department of Road Structures
(not mentioned)
Specifics of urban roads to roads and highways ot of town, influencing factors. Design of urban roads and traffic safety. Design principles, principles of calculating of roads capacity and intersections, pedestrian and bicycle transport facilities. Parking problems - possibilities, principles. Outlook ensuring viewing at intersections and pedestrian crossings. Traffic lights – design and proposal for coordination. Principles of traffic calming

D36PK2_EN - Roads and Motorways II

Taught at:
K136 - Department of Road Structures
(not mentioned)
The course is intended for students of doctoral studies who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of construction implementation and control mechanisms on construction sites. Emphasis is placed on asphalt surfaced roadways.

D36TDP_EN - Trafic Surveys and Theory of Traffic Flow

Taught at:
K136 - Department of Road Structures
(not mentioned)
Traffic surveys - classification, types, traffic analysis, prospective intensities. Special traffic surveys - cyclists, pedestrians, parking, public transport, vehicle weighing. Basic ways of monitoring traffic flow. Basic characteristics of the movement of an individual vehicle. Equation of continuity, traffic flow density. Parameters of traffic fluency and their relationship to fuel consumption. Microscopic and macroscopic models of traffic flow. Monitoring of risk - conflict situations.

D36TVU_EN - Theory of Roadways and their Sustainability

Taught at:
K136 - Department of Road Structures
(not mentioned)
Types of pavement structures, their basic models, approaches to calculation (theoretical design of multilayer systems). Requirements for a complex design method, characteristics of road construction materials, boundary conditions (subgrade conditions, climatic conditions, etc.). Diagnostics and assessment of the technical condition of pavements and subgrade - methods. Non-destructive diagnostics of pavements and subgrade - GPR method. Pavement degradation. Calculation of reinforcement. Pavement management.

D37DJD_EN - Diagnostics of Railway in Relation to Noise Measurement

Taught at:
K137 - Department of Railway Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject focuses mainly on the diagnostics of railway tracks in railway and tram lines. Within the theoretical part of the subject, students will focus on diagnostics and classification of surface defects of rails influencing the acoustic situation in the vicinity of the railway track during the passage of a vehicle. In addition, the concepts of rail wear and track maintenance will be explained within the subject. Students will be acquainted with the methods of non-destructive testing of the rails and the system of tracking of rail defects. They will become acquainted with the basic methods of defectoscopy with a focus on the measurement of wavelength and roughness of the rails heads, which are crucial methods in the contemporary implemented pan-European methodology of Cnossos. In the practical part, the students will learn the basics of the measurement of the rail corrugation and the roughness of the rails. As part of the field measurements, the student will, with support of a teacher, collect data using equipment for measuring rail corrugation and roughness of the rails. The measured data will be evaluated by a student. The practical output will be the processed measurement protocol.

D37MHKD_EN - Noise Measurement in Railway Transportation

Taught at:
K137 - Department of Railway Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject introduces students to the principle of noise measurement in the field with a focus on modern methods of locating noise sources in rail transport on a real passing vehicle. As part of the practical part of the course, field measurements will be carried out using a modern device - an acoustic camera, which enables the display of the measured acoustic signal in the video camera image, or sound level meter be used. Students will learn to operate this device as part of the practical part. As part of post-processing, the student will perform a thorough analysis of the frequency range of the signal. Based on the performed frequency analysis, the student will determine which noise sources can be identified as significant and which can be neglected. At the end, an optimal anti-noise measure will be proposed.

D37ZHKD_EN - Sources of Noise in Railway Transportation

Taught at:
K137 - Department of Railway Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject focuses on the issue of noise generation and propagation in rail transport. As part of the theoretical part, students will gain knowledge about the problem of noise, its localization and propagation, with an emphasis on rail transport. They will be introduced to both basic and innovative applications of anti-noise measures, both on the vehicle side and on the infrastructure side, and learn to implement their optimal combination to achieve the best possible effect. The practical part of the subject is field measurement, where the dominant sources of noise on a real moving vehicle will be located with the help of a modern acoustic camera.


Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
The discussion seminar is intended for PhD students whose thesis topic concerns hydrology at the scale of soil profile and hillslope, subsurface hydrology, transport processes in porous media or hydrological fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The seminar will be used to present research work, exchange information and experiences, defend own results and discuss them in a group with emphasis on understanding and critical evaluation of the methods used. In addition, thematic seminars will be organized on the most important publications and current issues in the field. The seminar can also be a platform for establishing collaboration among participants and will provide information on how to write and continuously update a literature search on relevant topics or how to publish in journals listed in the Journal Citation Report database.

D41HKZ_EN - Critical Zone Hydrology

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
Critical Zone is defined as a thin layer of the Earth’s surface and near-surface terrestrial environment from the top of the vegetation canopy, or atmosphere–vegetation interface, to the bottom of the weathering zone, or freshwater–bedrock interface (US National Research Council, 2001). A variety of physical, chemical and biological interactions between the biotic and abiotic constituents of the critical zone occurs over a range of spatial and temporal scales. These interactions determine near surface fluxes of mass, energy and momentum and control transport and cycling of water, carbon and other chemicals. Understanding critical zone processes is an important prerequisite for the prediction of the consequences of surface pollution, climate change impacts and land use adaptation effects. The course aims at making students understand basic principles facilitating the quantitative description of the state and flow of water and transport of dissolved chemicals and energy in the critical zone, with emphasis on the processes crucial for the soil–plant–atmosphere system. The course covers the topics of parameterization of soil and plant hydraulic properties; formulation of governing equations of water flow, solute transport and heat transfer; initial and boundary conditions of the governing equations and basic measurement techniques. Specific attention will be paid to the individual hydraulic and transport processes, such as: infiltration, evaporation, redistribution, capillary rise, plant root water uptake, sap flow and plant transpiration, surface and subsurface stormflow, preferential flow and transport of contaminants in the soil profile.

D41HYO_EN - Hydraulics of Structures

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
In the subject students will be introduced into the problems of hydraulics of objects on watercourses with special focus on the issue of flood flow. In the case of the culvert the study will focus especially on highlighting the difference of attitude to the solution of the loss at the inlet into the culvert with the free surface water flow and the pressure regime. The study will also focused on the spatial course of the water level after the inlet into the culvert during the free surface water flow, the problems of the leaping water jump behind the culvert inlet and the depth of water in the case of influenced water flow in the culvert and the approaches to the determination of loss on the outflow from the culvert under the pressure flow in the culvert. The course will also focused on the bridge hydraulics with centre pillars, comparison of approaches based on application of the Bernoulli equation and theorem of momentum, flow around pillar and the wreck formation, bridge hydraulics when flooding the upper face of the bridge, the size narrowed depth under the bridge deck under this regime, the problem of influencing this regime by the lower water flow. Another part of the study will be devoted to the problem of overflowing over a weir or broad crown when flooding with lower water, especially at its high level. Students will be acquainted with the results of research on both physical and 3D mathematical models.

D41IHL_EN - Quantitative Hydrology

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
The aim of this subject is to extend the basic knowledge on runoff genesis (precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff processes) in the catchment scale by using techniques developer by water management and landscape ecology. The planned seminars will be concerned predominantly on the observation of meteorological and hydrological variables, and their application in the catchment – reservoir system and water resources recharge. The special attention will be paid to the critical phases of runoff and water quality genesis with respect to the impacts of global climate change and socio- economic situations.

D41MOR_EN - River Morphology

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
The activity of running surface water in terms of morphological changes of the Earth's surface can be definitely viewed as a dominant factor. River landscape is among the most dynamically developing landscape features. The subject therefore focuses on areas that determine the major potential in the transformations and development stages of watercourses. The key hydrological theme of the study will be the concept of a dominant channel flow and pulse changes due to flood flows. Furthermore, the natural development stages of water channels and river floodplain will be studied, which can be documented by direct field observations, simple laboratory experiments, or remote sensing monitoring methods. Attention will be paid not only to qualitative descriptive ways of transport processes and morphological changes but also to the ways of their quantification or dynamic processes in their modelling. The course will also focus on the role of human activities in the context of negative and positive influences on natural morphological processes in river system. The main area for active participation of the students within this course is the study and analysis of mutually influencing natural or anthropogenically induced factors within the application of a dynamic model of morphological development. Students will be motivated to prepare a state of the art report in the given field fluvial morphology or to prepare a simple demonstration experiment in order to explain fluvial response to induced changes. Other areas include streambank stability, the main factors and processes leading to bank failures, monitoring of fluvial changes, stabilization and bank protection measures, the connection between the erosion of the bed and the banks of the bed and demonstration methods. The course is also open to other related topics brought by students themselves, such as the relationship between river morphological processes and animal and plant communities in flowing waters (renaturation and instream habitat restoration).

D41PPO_EN - Flood Control

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
Operational management of flood protection: Meteorology, hydrology and hydraulics of floods. Rescue measure. Structural and non-structural flood protection measures. Institutional and legislative aspects of flood protection. Forecasting and flood warning system, organization of warning process, flood control plans. Humanitarian aspects. Land-use planning: Mapping of flood risks. Constructions in flood prone areas. Flood protection in land-use planning of municipalities in the Czech republic.

D41RTP_EN - Reactive Transport in Soils

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on processes affecting the transport of water-dissolved chemicals in natural porous systems. In addition to reactive substances, conceptualization of basic transport processes is considered for non-reactive (conservative) substances. The emphasis is put on mathematical description of water movement and transport of solutes in soils including transformation processes (initial and boundary conditions, governing equations, analytical and numerical solution, parameterization of transport coefficients). Attention is also be paid to the concept of breakthrough curve, parameterization of sorption and degradation processes, description of chemical transport using a two-region/two-site model, existing databases of transport parameters of organic compounds, and different approaches used to assess mobility of organic compounds in the vadose zone.

D41VPR_EN - Multiphase Flows

Taught at:
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
(not mentioned)
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge of two- and three-phase flows (a combination of phases: liquid – solids (particles) gas) with applications in pressurized pipes and open channels. Fundamental principles are discussed of flow of mixture with particular attention paid to mechanisms governing behaviour of mixture flow (dispersion, sedimentation, boundary friction and inner friction, including effects of Newtonian and non-Newtonian carrier). Theories and on theories based predictive models are introduced and their application demonstrated on practical case studies of e.g. pumping and transport of sludge in technological processes, hydraulic transport of solids in pipelines and launders, or sediment transport in rivers and streams. Also discussed are examples of computation of multiphase flows in commercial software including CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software. In the course, each student submits his/her seminar work on a chosen subject.

D42FMH_EN - Physical Modelling in Hydraulic

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
A scale modelling in hydraulic engineering, choice of optimal methodology. The theory of similarity of complex hydrodynamic phenomena, scaling laws. Boundary condition modelling. Measuring techniques and measurement methods. Processing results. Aerodynamic models. Similarity theory, methods and measurement techniques. Methods of analogy, continuous, differential, structural and hybrid analogy. Methods of investigation of hydraulic phenomena "in situ".

D42MHS_EN - Modelling of Pressure Hydraulic Systems of Water Power Plants

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
The dynamics of the hydropower system hydraulic affects not only its function for providing energy system services, but also influences the design parameters for the dimensioning of pressure penstocks and surge tanks. The simulation of the behavior of the system in its transition states (whether operational or emergency) is also important for understanding the linkages between individual system elements. Even in dynamic systems, static characteristics can be used with some simplifications, and these can also be used for dynamic analysis. Torque and flow turbine characteristics can be used.

D42MPP_EN - Experimental Determination of Parameters of Models and Pilotes of Water Turbines

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
Introduction to terminology, methodology of measurement, relevant standards, principle and method of measurement of individual physical quantities, calculation of probable error, data processing, conversion and graphical representation. Practical demonstration of measurements at the testing room including processing of measured data.

D42RESV_EN - Risks and Expert Systems in Water Management

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
The subject represents an introduction overview of the sources of failures in hydraulic systems, the definitions of the risk categorization and representations of risk and the risks of non-compliance with the purpose of water works or system. Followed by quantifying the risks and possibilities of the application risk analysis of vice-criteria evaluation of task and problems. An essential part of the subject of the introduction of knowledge-based and expert systems (basic concepts and principles), understanding the principles of work with knowledge and familiarization with the basic activities and practices from the field of knowledge engineering. In the context of understanding the technology processing expertise, students will be also acquainted with the processes of discovery, capture, creation, classification and representation of expert knowledge. Knowledge of learning theory will be applied to the pilot examples of knowledge-based methods in water management practice.

D42TCK_EN - Theory and Behaviour of Hydraulic Structures

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
Introductory part of the study deals with the interpretation of loads – actions (water, weights, temperature changes, loads of soils and rocks, seismic actions, another internal forces etc) - and corresponding reactions of structures. The next area of the study is focused on the behaviour of massive structures and corresponding parts of foundation because of the broad application of different massive structures in a water management construction. In detail are studied soil structures, rockfills, concrete and steel structures. As well vibrations are studied because of frequent action of vibrations induced by hydraulic effects at water structures and seismicity, and corresponding dynamic loads, stresses and fatigue. The modelling technologies for the back analysis and for the prediction of the behaviour of structures will be presented including the problem formulation and initial and boundary conditions description. Examples of linear, plane and space problems will be demonstrated. Application of the theory of reliability to structures for water management will be explained.

D42VSO_EN - Water Resources Systems

Taught at:
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
(not mentioned)
Objects of the course are stochastic and system methods of solution of reservoirs and water resources systems. Includes probability concepts for solution of storage and flood control capacity of reservoirs, optimization problems in system design and management, real-time management issues including the use of mathematical models. Control theory and its applications. Linear programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming. Multi-criteria optimization. Mathematical models for system control (especially simulation models, adaptive and learning models), use of modern real-time management technologies (expert systems), water management dispatching issues, system management in new economic conditions.

D43EHY_EN - Experimental Methods in Soil Hydrology

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The students will learn the principles of modern experimental and monitoring methods in fields of soil hydrology and transport processes. Students will acquaint themselves with methods of laboratory and field measurement of soil moisture and temperature, water fluxes and water potential in the subsurface. Modern methods for the detection of hydraulic properties of soils will be presented. The principles of non-destructive diagnostic methods (neutron radiography, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray tomography) and their application in geosciences will be explained. Students will work individually or in small teams on assignments that will include field or laboratory measurements. The emphasis will be on data analysis, data interpretation and presentation of results. Excursions to experimental catchments and other experimental sites are an integral part of the course.

D43HYP_EN - Hydraulics of Porous Medium

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
Theory of flow of water in variably saturated porous media. General flow equation, capacity and diffusivity forms, initial and boundary conditions. Methods of solution, numerical simulation models. The applicability in natural conditions. Soil hydraulic properties, hysteresis effects, advanced measurement techniques, data processing software, theory of capillary models, inverse optimisation programs, practical and theoretical weaknesses of the methods, reliability control, spatial and temporal variability. Heterogeneity and preferential flow. Reviw of relevant literature, the topics will relate to the field of disertation of a particular student.

D43IHY_EN - Isotope Hydrology

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The course will introduce students to modern methods of isotope hydrology of stable and radioactive isotopes in waters for determination of water movement in the environment. Students will be acquainted with methods of field sampling of natural samples and preparation of artificial tracers based on stable isotopes. Students will use the method of laser spectroscopy of stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Students will be provided with the issue of other isotopes present in water and their use for estimating the age of ground water or indicating the contribution of groundwater in the formation of the total runoff. Part of the subject will be the processing of measured data by methods of isotope separation of runoff, average water residence time in river basin and estimation of evaporation in laboratory conditions. Students will solve an individually or team tasks within field or laboratory measurements when experimenting with penetration of the substance, including analysis of acquired data and presentation of results. Excursions to experimental catchments and localities are part of the lesson..

D43MEP_EN - Soil Erosion Monitoring

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
Course students get acquainted with the principles of modern methods of monitoring of erosion processes and monitoring of sediment transport and sediment bound pollutants. Monitoring of transport of substances is linked to transport models and options for verification of their equations. The basis of the subject is getting practical skills and practices in the field and in the laboratory. The individual components of monitoring: remote sensing of eroded surfaces (laserscan, close range photogrammetry, Structure From Motion) and volumetric analysis; in-situ monitoring (field plots, catch bags); monitoring with the use of a rainfall simulator; continuous and episodic monitoring in small water flows (turbidimetry and auto sampler); monitoring using electromagnetic tracers; monitoring of sediment in the reservoirs. Students will solve a separate or team role with the realization of measurements in the laboratory or in the field, including the analysis of collected data and the presentation of results. Part of the teaching are field excursions and monitoring campaigns.

D43MHPP_EN - Watershed Modelling

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
Course will introduce students into GIS analyses and numerical modelling of water movement and water retention on the scale of a watershed. The aim is to quantitatively evaluate and predict different components of the hydrologic cycle. Single rainfall runoff events, long term studies and the effect of various measures and scenarios of watershed management will be discussed.

D43MMPP_EN - Methods of Measurement Small-Scale Surface Processes

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
Learning outcomes of the course is to apprise of the students with the individual components of surface runoff and erosion processes. The conditions of the arising these processes arise, the measurement and modeling options. The basis of the subject is the measurement and subsequent analysis of data using rainfall simulations on the elementary scale in decimetres to square meters. Students will be acquainted with the methods and possibilities of the measurig with rainfall simulations, including laboratory methods to analyze physico-chemical properties of transported substances. Experimentally obtained values will be used for numerical modeling. Optimization of computational relations, calibration and verification of models. Extrapolation from small scale to basin size will be also tested. Students will be involved in work teams to acquire measurement techniques and develop a stand-alone assessment and modeling role. Excursions to field experimental sites are part of the lessons.

D43PMOP_EN - Advanced Methods in Watershed Management

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The subject is focused on understanding and training in description and quantification of basic hydrological processes within the catchment (relations between rainfall – retention – runoff – transport – deposition) concerned to water, solid particles and dissolved pollutants. Student will examine listed relations within selected catchment, will apply various mathematical models and methods and will try to determine critical hot spots within the catchment. Further he will search for various ways of compensation, will quantify the effect of applicable control measures and will compare expenses related to benefits. Questions of effectiveness – bot of functional and economic will be discussed, to reach consensus concerning of feasibility and applicability in real conditions. To determine recent situation within the catchment, student will apply modern experimental techniques, tools and setups, allowing monitoring of current status of soil, vegetation, water regime and further parameters of locality. The subject is oriented practically and will conclude knowledge from previous theoretical subjects, focused on individual processes, their measurement and description on theoretical level. If there are more students within the group, team work will be preferred with focus on various processes, activities and land-use and landscape exploitation types.

D43SAED_EN - Environmental Data Collection and Analysis

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The course covers modern techniques for monitoring of meteorological, hydrological and hydropedological variables and processes in the cultural landscape. Students will learn how to design the monitoring networks for the both long term and short term monitoring, how to optimize available instrumentation. Students will learn the basics of the environmental data analysis, interpretation and visualization.

D43TEZ_EN - Theoretical Issues of Landscape Engineering

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The subject will introduce to students basic principles of landscape engineering and landscape conservation. Complex understanding of the topic, interrelations and synergies will be emphasized, rather than particular tasks of individual disciplines. There will be defined specific target area for individual student, or group of students (according to their specialization), where strong interaction between human activities and landscape occurred or is expected. The goal of the work (project) then will be understanding to relations, processes, effects and conditioning within given locality, possible effects on the landscape by planned or realized activity and possibly brief proposal of compensation or prevention measures or modification of original project. Students should ideally work within the team, search for interdisciplinary solutions, analyses, to apply multicriterial approach.

D43TPPV_EN - Transport Processes in the Subsurface

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
The subject is the continuation of Hydraulics of Porous Media. Fundamentals of solute transport in the subsurface. Complexity of the problem, miscible flow, conservative flow, advection-dispersion equation, initial and boundary conditions, methods of solution. Velocity field determination.. Dispersion characteristics, methods of determination, inverse optimisation programs, scale dependence. Parameter identification. Transport of reactive species, types of chemical reactions. Multiphase (immiscible) flow, NAPLs, mathematical description. Numerical simulation models. Flow of water and migrants in natural conditions, preferential flow and transport. Aplication of HYDRUS simulation models. Geochemical and multipdase simulation models. Case studies. For this subject the passing of the Hydraulics of Porous Media is assumed. In negative case, the basic knowledge of the theory of flow in porous media is given in initial lectures supplemented by individual reading of selected literature and followed by testing of relevant knowledge.

D43TSFP_EN - Sediment and Phosphorus Transport in Watersheds

Taught at:
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
(not mentioned)
Course students get acquainted with the principles of modeling of water erosion and sediment transport and sediment bound nutrients. The basic tools used are empirically based distributed transport models (Watem/SEDEM, SWAT, etc.). The topics cover calibration and verification, options to provide relevant input data, principles of balancing phosphorus in large river basins, the importance and the retention capacity of the individual components of the landscape (agricultural land, other areas, waterways , water tanks). The processes are described and shown on the examples of how to implement field data (measurements in the catchment area, suspended solids flows and sediment in the tanks). Students will solve a separate or team role with the realization of measurement in the field, build a model, analysis of collected data and the presentation of results. Part of the teaching are excursions to the experimental basin and model site.

D44CHZP_EN - Environmental Chemistry

Taught at:
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
(not mentioned)
The aim of the subject is deepening of knowledge of a PhD student in the field of the environmental chemistry, the basis of which is lectured in Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering study program and later in Master degree, Environmental Engineering and Water Management orientation. Topics of theoretical lessons: chemistry of the five parts of the environment: hydrosphere (focussed particularly on specific pollution – micropollution), atmosphere (inorganic and organic gaseous pollutants, global change of the content of the atmosphere, monitoring of atmospheric pollution, chemistry of the internal environment of buildings), pedosphere and geochemistry (chemical substances/pollutants in soil environment, water – soil interaction, colloids in soil), anthroposphere (industrial ecology and green chemistry, sustainable energy and materials), biosphere (environmental biochemistry and toxicology). Practical laboratory seminars will be focussed on specific micropollutants (heavy metals, pesticides, high-molecular organic substances) and their analyses mainly in waters, bed sediments and soils with association to environmental characteristics (basic chemical quality of waters, composition and grainsize of sediments and soils, etc.)

D44MMC_EN - Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Taught at:
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
(not mentioned)
Overview measurement in wastewater treatment plants and their uses. The basis of this subject is the knowledge of processes at WWTP. Students will learn about the possibilities of measurement at individual levels of wastewater treatment. Based on the knowledge of the processes, they learn the measurement possibilities and their application for the management of the sewage treatment plant. Practical exercises will be organized directly at the WWTP in Prague and will be focused on: 1. Flow measurement 2. Measurement of oxygen in activation 3. Measurement of sedimentation and sludge index 4. Density measurement in the settling tank 5. Evaluation of camera recordings from settling tanks 6. Use of measured values in mathematical models 7. Process modeling in sewage treatment plants

D44MMO_EN - Modelling of the Urban Drainage System

Taught at:
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
(not mentioned)
The goal is to acquire knowledge on mathematical description of transport and transformation processes in natural and technical systems and their modelling in individual parts of the urban drainage system as well as in the integrated system consisting of the sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and river. First, basics of the mathematical description of transport and transformation processes in natural and technical systems will be explained. Then introduction of the most common models of water quality modelling in the sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and river will follow. The last part will be active work with software enabling simulation of the integrated urban drainage system and modelling of different scenarios, measures and their consequences.

D44MPU_EN - Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes

Taught at:
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
(not mentioned)
The course focuses on advanced monitoring techniques of urban drainage processes and data analysis. The students will master principles of wide spectra of sensors and techniques and data acquisition methods (on-site, remote sensing, , real-time, on-line, off-line). Students will then gain hand-on experience in monitoring of meteorological quantities (precipitation, temperatures, wind, humidity etc.) in urban environment, flow characteristics in sewer systems and urban streams, water and sediment quality, surface waters ecological and eco-morphological characteristics. Data analysis focuses on the assessment of monitoring uncertainty, uncertainty propagation in models and analysis of long time series.

D44MPV_EN - Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field

Taught at:
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
(not mentioned)
The content of the subject is the monitoring of water supply networks with respect to minimum, average and extreme flows including determination of load parameters in conditions of minimum, average and maximum water consumption, fire water consumption, qualitative parameters monitored in the distribution network, recirculation circuits in selected applied branches such as balneology, the food and pharmaceutical industry and other sectors of applied water supply. Monitoring will be carried out under practical operating conditions and on assembled physical models of the distribution and circulation network. In addition, the influence of pipe network material on water quality changes, pumping system and the application of various disinfecting and coagulating agents will be monitored.

D54AIG_EN - Data analysis in engineering surveying

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
The content is the processing, simulation or modeling of data especially from the survey of engineering geodesy. The course is focused on software tools and possibilities of processing, analysis and statistical evaluation of the measured data. It is assumed to understand and use advanced mathematical algorithms, using the least squares adjustment or other solution methods. Within the course, concrete solved tasks are related to the topic of the dissertation, usually with the requirement of a functional software output or script.

D54GMS_EN - Graphic Information System MicroStation

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
System concept, description of its components. System interface, communication between system, user and peripherals. Graphical data input and output, graphical and non-graphical data editing. Links to databases. User modifications of the system, programming of extensions and macros.

D54GPP_EN - Underground Engineering Surveying

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Underground geodesy includes surveying activities for mines, tunnels, subways, sewers, collectors, cellars and caves. Innovative procedures for positioning, height, connection and rectification, staking and control measurements with the possibility of modeling and verification in UEF Josef (underground learning center). Methods and procedures of documentation of the actual state of underground works with verification in UEF Josef.

D54GUP_EN - Geodetic Problems and their Accuracy

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Problems of intersection, polygonal traverse and geodetic networks in terms of their accuracy, including solutions based on the least squares method (error model, influence of measurement and given points, covariance matrix of coordinates, mean ellipse errors, mean error curve in plane, isocurves for mean coordinate error).

D54MET_EN - Metrology of 3D Measurement

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Processing and analysis of 3D measurements with a focus on calculations and accuracy analysis with respect to 3D scanning and geodetic 3D measurements. Also included are accuracy verification capabilities for polar and non-polar 3D scanners, total stations and multistations. In addition to the evaluation of absolute accuracy, the course also includes a specific area focusing on the determination of displacements and reshaping of mechanical and structural objects, including possible comparison with the designed shape, and including mathematical tools for identification.

D54TAG_EN - Theory of Atmospheric Influence on Geodata

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
Earth's atmosphere, temperature regime of the atmosphere, humidity in the atmosphere, air pressure. Solar radiation. Radiation balance of the Earth's surface. Refractive index of air (phase, group). Atmospheric refraction. Regular and random components of refraction. Astronomical refraction, terrestrial refraction, geodetic refraction (vertical, horizontal refraction), levelling refraction, differential refraction, longitudinal refraction. Geodetic refraction in alpine and flat terrain. Methods of investigating and determining the effect of refraction on geodata.

D54TCH_EN - Theory of Errors

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
The course builds on the courses of theory of errors and mathematical statistics at bachelor and master degrees. The aim is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of probability theory and adjustment calculus with an emphasis on analysis of geodetic and geophysical measurements, which are burdened with systematic and random errors. The course includes a project focused on statistic analysis of measurements and results in the field of student's dissertation.

D54TIG_EN - Theoretical Basis of Engineering Geodesy

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
Staking out - a priori analysis, evaluation of staking quality, planning and optimization, influence of physical measurement. Control measurements. Use of modern measuring, computing and imaging techniques. Local geodetic networks (accuracy characteristics, quality assessment, design and connection issues). Measurement of displacements and deformations (general formulation, methods and their evaluation, fixed points, analysis of results and interpretation).

D54TMS_EN - Theory of Measurement Systems

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
winter, spring
Measuring system - classification and structure of measuring systems, basics of automation, classification of sensors, passive sensors (resistive, capacitive, inductive), active sensors (inductive, optoelectronic). Transformation of selected physical quantities into electrical ones - sensors for determination of length, angle, inclination, tilt, acceleration, temperature, pressure, humidity. Characteristics of measuring systems - static and dynamic characteristics. Bar code. Signal analysis - signal classification and analysis, time series analysis, time series components, filters and filtering. Automated measurement systems - levelling, theodolite, laser, scanner, photogrammetric, inertial. Automated geodetic measurement systems in static and dynamic testing of building and mechanical structures and in control of construction machinery.

D54TZS_EN - Theory of 3D Scanning

Taught at:
K154 - Department of Special Geodesy
(not mentioned)
3D scanning - basic features, division, security. Polar scanners - principle, electronic length measurement, properties, selected systems. Base scanners - principle, CCD sensors, calibration, properties, selected systems. Kinematic systems - principle, inertial navigation, coordinate systems, properties, selected systems. Processing - methods and specifics of adjustment in 3D scanning, transformation, ICP, triangulation, orthogonal fitting, 2D / 3D drawing. Selected software. Quality control of measurement, calibration and calibration procedures.

D55AHK_EN - Analysis of Historical Maps

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
History of cartography in our country and abroad. Analysis of means of expression on old maps. Analysis of accuracy and content of old maps. Making old maps available. Analysis of landscape development and application of old maps at present.

D55DFM_EN - Digital Photogrammetry

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused as a supplementary course of photogrammetry. It brings classical methods in new digital form of intersection and stereophotogrammetry of the 21st century, as well as specialized technologies of satellite photogrammetry, photogrammetry from RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft system). digital documentation of interiors vaults, sculptures, etc., especially for cultural heritage documentation, editing of 3D data, visualization and animation), creation of thematic layers into GIS, especially DTM and DMP. Recently, some methods of direct capturing of 3D point (3D scanning, IBMR - image based modeling and rendering) have been included in photogrammetry.

D55DKN_EN - Digital Cadastre of Real Estate

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates (ISKN) and its link to other information systems of state administration, especially to the system of Basic Registers as defined by Act No. 111/2009 Coll. Content Focus: - Land Registry Information System - Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estate - Legislative standards, decrees and laws related to the CN; - structure and organization of the surveying and cadastre department in the Czech Republic, - INSPIRE Directive and its role at COSMC, - Digital outputs from the CN - Data and services provided by ČÚZK.

D55DMK_EN - Digital Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Application of digital methods in creation of cartographic outputs. Data sources and their availability, database of geographic data in the Czech Republic and in European and international context. Principles of creating topographic and thematic maps, using map creation software. Theoretical aspects of digital cartography. Cartographic outputs from GIS focusing on modern methods of visualization of spatial phenomena. Web cartography, cloud technologies, web services and applications.

D55DPZ_EN - Digital Processing of Remote Sensing Data

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on classical and new methods of image processing. In addition to the classical remote sensing procedures in terms of digital image analysis and classification (controlled and uncontrolled classification, symptoms and diminishing the size of the data set, classification classification success), new textural, hyperspectral and radar image processing procedures are taken into account. An important part is the interconnection of teaching with GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing, also the methods of filtration with regard to DMT, rectification and orthogonalization of VHR satellite data as well as the search for partial primitives about image associated with programming are innovated.

D55FGR_EN - Geospatial Data Collection Methods

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Course contains basic information’s on methods of collection, sorting and evaluation of geomatic-geographic data, methodology of study creation and modeling in geomatics with a focus on regional applications concerning the world and the Czech Republic. The innovative environment is focused mainly on methods of collecting and gaining geospatial data (photogrammetry, remote sensing, RPAS, basic geographic data base. and today's new data sources, services and geographic information such as Google Earth, data repository, free map sources, global satellite data, data collection from free satellite systems).

D55GIN_EN - Geoinformatics

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course is focused on the design and creation of geographic information systems, with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of geoinformatics, its links to geodesy, global positioning systems, remote sensing and digital cartography. Processing and archiving of geographic data in relational or NoSQL databases. Mass processing and analysis of geographic data, their presentation, web services and visualization. Recommended standards and data formats.

D55GIS_EN - Geographic Information Systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The course is focused on significant development of GIS in recent years with respect to new methods of geographic data collection, data warehouses, public and paid data. The basic tasks are focused on the concept of spatial data storage and the processing of big data. A very important component of GIS leadership and creation is setting goals and needs, accuracy, maintenance, analysis and visualization of data for public administration, scientific and commercial purposes.

D55GLS_EN - Global Reference Systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Course is focused on deepening of the knowledge of the methodology and results of the creation of contemporary global coordinate systems, which are based on the use of space surveying methods. New possibilities and applications of GNSS (especially GPS, Galileo, but also Glonass), VLBI (Long Base Interferometry), SLR (Laser Distance Distance Measuring) and DORIS (Doppler Observation). Industry news including fundamental information on defining and implementing the celestial coordinate system ICRS, ITRS implementation, European terrestrial system ETRS and its implementation, implementation of global coordinate systems in the Czech Republic.

D55GPS_EN - Global positioning systems

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Mathematical and physical principles of global positioning systems. Contemporary apparatuses, software tools, geodetic applications. GNSS satellites moving in Earth's gravity field. Principle of GNSS code and phase measurements. Specifics of different navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass). Accurate geodetic GNSS applications. The problem of solving phase integer ambiguities. Statistical methods of real time measurement, data filtering. International services IGS and IERS.

D55KMV_EN - Cartographic Methods of Research

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Georeferencing of map works, theory of plane and spatial transformations in cartography. Software ensuring access to maps on the Internet, development of web map applications. Analysis of map accuracy and methods of their evaluation. Interactive Atlas Cartography. Use of 3D in cartography, 3D visualization.

D55KOG_EN - Space geodesy

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
The aim of the course is to gain a good orientation in the subject from its application point of view. Movement of artificial satellites in Earth's gravity field, influence of non-gravitational forces. Resonance in the orbits of Earth's artificial satellites. Methods of observation of space geodesy. Surveying satellites and satellite missions. Satellite laser location. Moon Laser Location. Interferometry with very long bases. Global Positioning Systems. Solution of inverse problems of space geodesy - determination of Earth's gravitaty field parameters by combined methods, determination of geoid, determination of time variations of Earth's gravitational field. Earth rotation theory and methods for determining the Earth's orientation parameters.

D55MKK_EN - Methods of Cognitive Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Map perception theory, map aspects. Use of eye-tracking methods for map readability and user-friendliness analysis. The use of modern augmented and virtual (virtual) reality methods. Navigation with enhanced and virtual reality. Modern maps for the disabled persons.

D55MKT_EN - Mathematical Cartography

Taught at:
K155 - Department of Geomatics
(not mentioned)
Basic formulas in mathematical cartography, projection equations, projection properties. Estimation the "unknown" map projection. Methodology of design of cartographic projection for selected geographic area. Critical analysis of historical methods of geospatial representation of the Czech Republic - possibility of optimization of existing images. Mathematical Cartography Abroad – Systém UTM.


D04ANG - English

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course is aimed at making doctoral degree students familiar with the basic genres of the academic style and prepare them for real-life communication situations, such as e.g. the presentation of their own research and development achievements, writing grant applications, common correspondence, writing abstracts, etc. The course should also assist in the preparation for the examination in English, which is a compulsory part of doctoral degree study. The course is not compulsory, it is not completed by granting a credit or passing an examination.

D04CES - Czech

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The course in Czech for foreigners is aimed at the university students’ needs for mastering written and spoken language with the basic inventory of linguistic structures needed for making oneself understood in common situations of everyday practical life; advanced students develop the ability of independent work with a simple technical text. This course accents the communicative approach to language teaching. Therefore, individual lessons are primarily centred around an underlying topic that is complemented by the communicative language function. Further appropriate language aspects (i.e. grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills) arise from the given communicative need. Basic communication in common situations is further enriched by communicative skills in a more specific university environment. The course is intended for PhD students, but is not compulsory, it is completed by passing an examination. The Czech course is intended for students, who have already gained a solid basic knowledge in the Czech language, i.e. they are at B1+ level. Information:

D04FRA - French

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in French can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04NEM - German

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in German can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04RUS - Russian

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Russian can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04SPA - Spanish

Taught at:
K104 - Department of Languages
(not mentioned)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Spanish can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.