Water and Environmental Engineering, spec. Water Management -- Study plan

  • Study program: N0732A260028 -- Water and Environmental Engineering (N36WE)
  • Study specialization: Water Management (36T0WEWM )
  • Study plan code: NW20200003
  • Total number of credits in this plan: 120

Information: valid from 2020/21

Compulsory Subjects
sem. Water and Environmental Engineering, 1st semester code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
1Hydraulics - Advanced Course 141HACE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
1Hydrology 141HYLE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
1Water Quality 144WAQE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
Water and Environmental Engineering, 2nd semester code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
2Reservoirs Design and Management 142RDME  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )schedule
2Ground Water Hydraulics and Modelling 143GWHM  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )schedule
Water and Environmental Engineering, 3rd semester code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
3Risk Analysis 142RIAE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
3track based Project 141PJTB  ( A )6 credits ( 0+4 )
Water and Environmental Engineering, 4th semester code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
4Series of Water and Environment Invited Lectures 141WEIL  ( A )2 credits ( 2+0 )
8 courses and 44 credits to complete
sem. Water and Environmental Engineering, specialization Water Management code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
1Water Resources Management and Watershed Modelling 143WRME  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
2Urban Drainage 144URDR  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )schedule
3Drinking Water Engineering 144DWE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
3Water and Waste Water Treatment 144WWWT  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
4 courses and 24 credits to complete
Choice of subject in compulsory area
sem. Water and Environmental Engineering, facultative subjects code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
1Probability and Statistics 101MPSE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
1Fluvial Processes and Stream Morphology 141FPSM  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
2River Engineering and Flood Protection 141REFP  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )schedule
2Inland Waterways and Weir Structures 142IWWS  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )schedule
2Environmental Monitoring and Data Assimilation Methods 143EMAM  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )schedule
2Vadose Zone Hydrology 143VZHE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )schedule
3Dam Engineering - Design and Operation 142DEE  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
3Hydropower and Numerical Modelling 142HNME  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 3+2 )
3Subsurface Contamination & Remediation Technologies 143SCRT  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
3Sustainable Landscape and Water Management 143SLWM  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+3 )
min. 4 courses and 24 credits to complete
Compulsory Subject, choice of department
sem. Water and Environmental Engineering, master thesis code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
4Master Thesis 141DIPM  ( A )28 credits ( 0+12 )schedule
4Master Thesis 142DIPM  ( A )28 credits ( 0+12 )schedule
4Master Thesis 143DIPM  ( A )28 credits ( 0+12 )schedule
4Master Thesis 144DIPM  ( A )28 credits ( 0+12 )schedule
1 course and 28 credits to complete

Notice: ▲ -- course will be open every semester