
Protection of Intellectual Property and TT Process


The intellectual property protection and technology transfer processes are significant elements in the practical implementation of R&D achievements. In this web site subsection, you can find important up-to-date information related to this topic.

Basic legislative framework

Each research and development achievement created by an employee with an employment contract must be reported to the employer by the employee pursuant to § 9 of Act No. 527/1990 Coll. on Inventions and Rationalization Proposals.

The types of achievements, their advantages, disadvantages and procedural particulars can be found in the section Types of R&D Achievements

Procedural steps of R&D achievements protection

The protection of intellectual property and technology transfer support (IP and TT) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering are within the responsibilities of the Technology Scout, presently Ing. David Pešek. The Department of Technology Transfer providing expert services involving IP protection and TT processes and comprising, in particular, The Patent Centre, has been established at the CTU Rector´s Office.

A brief procedure used in providing protection is described in the section Protection of R&D Achievements


A new Methodology for R&D Achievements Protection and Technology Transfer Processes has been piloted at FCE since 1st December 2019. Its particulars and brief outline can be found in the section TT Process and Methodology