Integral Safety (anglicky) - předměty programu

Upozornění - Program je vyučován v angličtině.

D01MS1_EN - Mathematical Statistics I

K101 - Department of Mathematics
Random sample. Idea of statistical inference. Random variables and their distribution. Normal distribution. Central limit theorem. Multiple distribution. Independence. Correlation. Theory of estimation. – point and interval estimate. Hypotheses testing. Test statistic and statistical decision. P-value. Simple linear regression – parameters estimation, hypotheses testing, prediction intervals, regression diagnostic. Simulation independent realizations of random variables.

D01MS2_EN - Mathematical Statistics II

K101 - Department of Mathematics
Multivariate normal distribution. Principal component analysis. Linear regression. Nonlinear regression. Bayes theorem. Bayesian parameters estimates. Bayesian inference in linear model. Time series and their frequency domain description. Kalman-Bucy filtr. .

D23ACH_EN - Applied Chemistry

K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
The course Applied Chemistry brings information in a branch of classical and modern Chemistry. The goal of this course is to improve chemical knowledge of postgraduate students and show them the possibilities of chemical approach to solve their projects. The course comprises some thematic branches, namely chemical analysis, separatory, optical and electrical methods. In the branch of chemical analysis the classical and modern approach will be compared, it means qualitative and quantitative analysis. The electrical methods include conductometry, TDR technique and high temperature measurements. The principle of the separatory methods will be illustrated due to liquid chromatography. The optical methods will be presented by optical microscopy, ED XRDF and IR spectrometry. Finally, the possibilities of particle size and distribution determination will be solved, using sewing method and laser analysis.

D23ACHP_EN - Applied Chemistry – Practical Laboratory Lessons

K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
The course Applied Chemistry – practical laboratory lessons follows the theoretical classes of Applied chemistry course. According to the themes the practical laboratory measurement will be performed. Students will be familiarized with devices operation, possibilities of outputs and useful applications. In the branch of chemical analysis the classical and modern approach will be compared. The electrical methods include high temperature dilatometry and conductometry. The separatory method will be presented using liquid chromatography. ED XRDF and IR spectrometry will represent the optical methods. Finally, the particle size measurement using laser analyser will be realized.

D23MTV_EN - Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Materials

K123 - Department of Material Engineering and Chemistry
(není uvedeno)
Thermal conductivity of gases. Dynamical theory of crystal lattice. Heat capacity of materials. Conduction and radiation heat transfer in materials. Heat transfer equation. Thermal field. Measurement methods of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity of solids, fluids, and gases. Impulse measurement methods. Temperature sensors. Linear and volumetric thermal expansion of solids, fluids, and gases. Thermal expansion coefficient of isotropic and anisotropic materials.

D32ASWE - Advanced Scientific Writing in English

K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course, taught entirely in English, is designed for doctoral students with the potential to publish in leading international journals and submit internationally recognized dissertations. Active involvement of all participants is required, and emphasis is placed on editorial work with their own full-text drafts. Classes are taught in small groups under the guidance of two tutors (one linguistic and one technical) and aim to achieve good style and optimal layout of a longer text of about 20 pages, such as a journal article or a chapter of a dissertation. In addition to working on and presenting their own texts, students are encouraged to participate actively in discussions of their peers' output. The course is open to candidates who have completed the basic scientific writing course D32TWPE with excellent results, or to others selected on the basis of an entrance test.

D32NU1_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics I

K132 - Department of Mechanics
(není uvedeno)
The objective of the course is to deliver an introduction to numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, with particular focus on finite element method. It is suitable for students without previous knowledge in the field. It consists of the two main parts: - overview and derivation of fundamental equations for theory of elasticity and heat transfer, introduction to method of weighted residuals, strong and weak solution, choice of approximation and weight functions. - application of finite element and finite difference method to solution of selected problems from engineering practice (1D elasticity, beams, grids on elastic foundation, plates on elastic foundation, 1D and 2D stationary and transient heat transfer). The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32NU2_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics II

K132 - Department of Mechanics
(není uvedeno)
The objective of the course is to extend basic knowledge of numerical methods for solving PDEs and particularly finite element method towards their advanced applications in engineering. The course will focus on problems of geometrically and materially nonlinear static (theoretical framework, linearization, algorithmic aspects, solution methods – direct and indirect control, plasticity and damage based models). Introduction to Isogeometric analysis, eXtended finite element method, mesh generation and efficient methods for solution sparse linear systems. The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.

D32PNM_EN - Advanced Numerical Methods in Coupled Multiphysics Problems

K132 - Department of Mechanics
The aim of the course is to solve coupled multiphysics problems, e.g. thermoelasticity, coupled heat and moisture transfer, thermo-hydro-mechanical problem, electordiffusion, etc. First, the balance equations together with constitutive laws will be summarized for selected coupled multiphysics problems. Discretization in space and time (Galerkin-Bubnov method, Galerkin-Petrov method, generalized trapezoidal rule, etc.) will follow. Solution of systems of linear algebraic equations obtained after discretization (the use of symmetry and sparsity, direct methods, iterative methods). Solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations (Newton-Raphson method, the arc-length method). Utilization of parallel computers for solution of large problems based on domain decomposition methods.

D32PRE_EN - Deformation and Failure of Materials

K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course focuses at systematic mathematical description of mechanical behavior of materials. The subjects include: The model of continuum and the concept of representative volume element. General principles of constitutive modeling. Theories of elasticity (hyperelasticity, Cauchy elasticity, hypoelasticity). Viscoelasticity and the theory of creep. Yield and failure criteria. Incremental theory of plasticity. Damage mechanics. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue.

D33BOO_EN - Concrete Containment Buildings

K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(není uvedeno)
The objective of the course is to introduce the students into the state of the art in the area of concrete nuclear containments. The course will cover selected topics from the following areas: Historical development of nuclear containments. Containment vs. confinement. Types of containments, alternative solutions. Overview of valid standards and safety requirements. Loads and load cases for structural design. Principles of structural design and design of prestress. Structural and material design of internal sealing liner. Numerical modeling of containments and their components. Construction of containments.

D33BVN_EN - Explosion and impact safety

K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(není uvedeno)
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course will acquaint students with the principles of explosion resistance of buildings using advanced methods of modeling explosion phenomena, air shock wave propagation through space and its interaction with structures, explosion and shock wave propagation by structural elements and impact structures. The course provides information that is not included in other subjects of compulsory study plans. The course is focused on the use of numerical modeling in this area. It is modeling by nonlinear dynamics using explicit solver based on the finite element method with fluid dynamics (ALE), particle models (PBM) as well as simplified semi-empirical methods. In the part focused on numerical modeling is also highlighted the issue of inputs into software tools. Possibilities and pitfalls of determining the inputs needed for individual models are explained, with the main focus on the characteristics of materials in terms of shock wave propagation. Emphasis is also placed on a suitable way of verifying the results by means of model verification and validation. The experimental program is closely related to verification. Within the course, the student will become acquainted with the possibilities of testing structures, possibilities of testing structures on a smaller scale, etc. The last part of the course is the design of protective measures for structures where it is necessary to consider the explosion or shock load.

D33EZB_EN - Effect of Extreme Loadings on Concrete Structures

K133 - Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures
(není uvedeno)
Performance of concrete subjected to high (strain) velocity loading, such as blast, impact (objects, vehicles, etc.) or penetration (projectiles). Blast wave propagation in (confined) space and in material in particular with respect to the heterogeneity of material. Interaction of various extreme loadings, e.g. blast and fire. Principles of numerical modeling of fast dynamic phenomena.

D34ARVR_EN - Technical facilities risk analysis, management and settlment

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
Risk theory, sources of risks in human system, sources of risks in technical systems, ie Equipment, technology, processes and technical equipment, causes of diagonal risks, work with risks in engineering fields - methods, procedures and tools, hazard determination, risk engineering methods used in simple and complex technical systems, risk management for support reliability, security and safety, risk management principles, risk management responsibilities, risk management over time, risk engineering, risk management - measures, decision support system for risk management of technical equipment, management plan risks.

D34GLS - Glass Structures

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.

D34OCM_EN - Steel Bridges

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
The subject prepares the students for the holistic design for designing steel and composite bridges during the whole life. The corrosion and deterioration will be included, together with the methods of the refurbishment of steel bridges. Special focus will be given to the FRP design. 1. The design of large span bridges 2. Bridges for the high speed railways 3. Fatigue 4. Residual life time of bridges from the fatigue perspective 5. Diagnostics and assessment of steel bridges 6. Strengthening of steel bridges with composites 7. Strengthening of steel bridges with prestressing 8. Advanced erection technologies 9. Holistic approach to the design of steel bridges, LCC, LCA

D34POB_EN - Fire safety

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the principles of ensuring fire safety of buildings using advanced methods of fire modeling, heat transfer to the structure and the behavior of the structure at elevated temperature when exposed to fire. Teaching is focused on the use of numerical modeling by the method of zone models and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) used for the calculation of temperature field, FEM (Finite Element Modeling) used for the calculation of heat transfer and mechanical behavior of structures, which include both parts of the calculation. In the part focused on numerical modeling is also highlighted the issue of inputs into software tools. Possibilities and pitfalls of determination of inputs needed for CFD and FE models are explained, with the main focus on fire technical characteristics (PTCH) of materials. Emphasis is also placed on a suitable way of verifying the results by means of model verification and validation. This section includes an introduction to benchmark cases. Verification is closely related to the physical testing of structures. Teaching includes an experimental part. Several type tests are prepared for experimental teaching. It is a test of gas temperature measurement (elevated temperature from the radiation panel is measured using various types of sensors, the results of which are subsequently evaluated), tests of heat transfer to structures (in concrete, steel and timber elements are measured temperatures at different depths, with numerical models).

D34RRKD_EN - Management of complex technological facilities risks at operation

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
Features of complex technical equipment, sources of technical equipment risk in operation, full quality management and risk management rules, methods of handling technical equipment risk in operation, reliability / security / management of technical equipment, safety culture and safety rules, limits and conditions, criticality tests technical equipment, risk monitoring and tests, risk-based inspections, maintenance, response to accidents and breakdowns of technical equipment, rules and responsibilities for risk management of technical equipment focused on safety, decision support system for risk management and risk management plan.

D34TIS - Timber Structures

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
The course is intending to deepen the knowledge in the field of structural glass design: determination of glass strength with regard to brittle fracture, thermally and chemically improved glasses; stability of columns, beams and walls, influence of material properties of viscoelastic polymeric interlayers on the behaviour of laminated glass under load, mechanical and adhesive connection for glass structural components.

D34YSMK_EN - Structural stability

K134 - Department of Steel and Timber Structures
(není uvedeno)
Subject YSMK covers two parts. The first one deals with stability and strength of steel plates, the second one with stability and strengths of steel frame structures. In the first part the historic collapses of steel structures are analysed including the importance of imperfections for a design of thin plated structures. Presented are principles of theory of buckling, linear and nonlinear theory of buckling of thin plates. The results are applied to the 4th class cross sections in harmony with Eurocode. Buckling due to normal, shear and local loadings including their combination is analysed in a detail. In the end the application of the results is shown together with design of necessary stiffeners. The second part is focused on member and structure stability. Possible global analysis methods are presented together with methods for compression and bending interaction for slender members. In detail, specific cases of lateral torsional buckling are explained including also tapered members.

D35GMZ_EN - Geotechnical Monitoring and Field Experiments

K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(není uvedeno)
Monitoring of structures and subsoil applied as a tool for verification of assumptions made at design stage, selection of input data for calculations and for serviceability approval. Relationship of instrumentation by sensors and reliability to describe subsoil response and development of behaviour of monitored structure in real scale. Data gathering for back analyses and modelling of subsoil and structure deformation development. Practical training of line-wise monitoring of 3D displacement in instrumented borehole in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Examples if instrumentation and data gathering for different types of displacement sensors, mechanical stress and temperature. Description, execution and evaluation of results of selected field tests. Examples of applications of field tests and applications for calculations and modelling. Design of field tests and field instrumentation for selected types of structures and site conditions.

D35MRPK_EN - Modeling for natural disaster management

K135 - Department of Geotechnics
(není uvedeno)
Landslides - introduction: what is a landslide, why and how it arises, basic input data for assessing the stability of a territory. Types of landslides and classification, characteristics, lands prone to landslides, CGS / USGS. Mechanical description, slope stability calculation methods (limit equilibrium, numerical methods). Input parameters for assessing the stability of the territory, methods of detection (laboratory / field tests). Triggering effects - sensitivity to input parameters for stability calculations. Modeling and reverse analysis of landslides, verification of tightness of outputs - monitoring requirements. Case studies. Floods: Hydrological bases, measurements, uncertainties, climate change and affected data. Modeling in hydrology and surface water flow - numerical models. Reducing the consequences of floods - vulnerability analyzes, technical and soft measures, physical models. Critical infrastructure objects - flood handling and management. Case studies of natural and special floods from the Czech Republic and abroad.

D41HKZ_EN - Critical Zone Hydrology

K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
Critical Zone is defined as a thin layer of the Earth’s surface and near-surface terrestrial environment from the top of the vegetation canopy, or atmosphere–vegetation interface, to the bottom of the weathering zone, or freshwater–bedrock interface (US National Research Council, 2001). A variety of physical, chemical and biological interactions between the biotic and abiotic constituents of the critical zone occurs over a range of spatial and temporal scales. These interactions determine near surface fluxes of mass, energy and momentum and control transport and cycling of water, carbon and other chemicals. Understanding critical zone processes is an important prerequisite for the prediction of the consequences of surface pollution, climate change impacts and land use adaptation effects. The course aims at making students understand basic principles facilitating the quantitative description of the state and flow of water and transport of dissolved chemicals and energy in the critical zone, with emphasis on the processes crucial for the soil–plant–atmosphere system. The course covers the topics of parameterization of soil and plant hydraulic properties; formulation of governing equations of water flow, solute transport and heat transfer; initial and boundary conditions of the governing equations and basic measurement techniques. Specific attention will be paid to the individual hydraulic and transport processes, such as: infiltration, evaporation, redistribution, capillary rise, plant root water uptake, sap flow and plant transpiration, surface and subsurface stormflow, preferential flow and transport of contaminants in the soil profile.


Pro všechny programy je nutná znalost anglického jazyka a volitelného jazyka.

D04ANG - Angličtina

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The course is aimed at making doctoral degree students familiar with the basic genres of the academic style and prepare them for real-life communication situations, such as e.g. the presentation of their own research and development achievements, writing grant applications, common correspondence, writing abstracts, etc. The course should also assist in the preparation for the examination in English, which is a compulsory part of doctoral degree study. The course is not compulsory, it is not completed by granting a credit or passing an examination.

D04CES - Čeština

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The course in Czech for foreigners is aimed at the university students’ needs for mastering written and spoken language with the basic inventory of linguistic structures needed for making oneself understood in common situations of everyday practical life; advanced students develop the ability of independent work with a simple technical text. This course accents the communicative approach to language teaching. Therefore, individual lessons are primarily centred around an underlying topic that is complemented by the communicative language function. Further appropriate language aspects (i.e. grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills) arise from the given communicative need. Basic communication in common situations is further enriched by communicative skills in a more specific university environment. The course is intended for PhD students, but is not compulsory, it is completed by passing an examination. The Czech course is intended for students, who have already gained a solid basic knowledge in the Czech language, i.e. they are at B1+ level. Information:

D04FRA - Francouzština

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in French can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04NEM - Němčina

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in German can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04RUS - Ruština

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Russian can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.

D04SPA - Španělština

K104 - katedra jazyků
(není uvedeno)
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Spanish can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.