Water Management and Water Engineering
- předměty programu
Upozornění - Program je vyučován v angličtině.
D01MS1_EN - Mathematical Statistics I
K101 - Department of Mathematics
Random sample. Idea of statistical inference. Random variables and their distribution. Normal distribution. Central limit theorem. Multiple distribution. Independence. Correlation. Theory of estimation. – point and interval estimate. Hypotheses testing. Test statistic and statistical decision. P-value. Simple linear regression – parameters estimation, hypotheses testing, prediction intervals, regression diagnostic. Simulation independent realizations of random variables.
D01MS2_EN - Mathematical Statistics II
K101 - Department of Mathematics
Multivariate normal distribution. Principal component analysis. Linear regression. Nonlinear regression. Bayes theorem. Bayesian parameters estimates. Bayesian inference in linear model. Time series and their frequency domain description. Kalman-Bucy filtr.
D02PVN_EN - Polymers in Nanotechnologies
K102 - Department of Physics
Polymers classification (natural, synthetic). Structure of polymers (amorphous, crystalline, fibres, elastomers). Preparation of polymer materials. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of polymerization. Chemical bonds in polymer chains. Physico-chemical properties of polymers (mechanical, thermal). Electrospinning and NANOSPIDER. Nanofibers vs. Macroworld. Modification of polymer-based nanofibres (plasmatic technologies, heterogeneous nucleation, bacteriocidity). Properties of polymer-based thin films (wettability, hydrophobicity). Application of polymer-based nanofibres in environment (microfiltration, hydrophobicity, bacteriocidity).
D02TF1_EN - Theoretical Physics I (Statistical Physics)
K102 - Department of Physics
Structure of matter. Modeling of processes at various temporal/spatial levels of description. Fundamentals of probability theory (distribution functions, discrete/continuous variables, Stirling approximation). Introduction to statistical physics. Fluctuations. Boltzmann distribution (microstates, physical interpretation). Statistical ensembles (microcanonical, canonical, grandcanonical). Translational, rotational and vibrational partition functions. Elements of statistical thermodynamics. Determination of macroscopic characteristics of fluids and solid states (energy, heat capacity, potentials). Kinetic theory of gases (mean free path, pressure, effusivity).
D02TF2_EN - Theoretical Physics II (Kinetic Processes in Materials)
K102 - Department of Physics
Transport of mass and energy.
Particles diffusion in fluids and solid states. Statistical and phenomenological description. Fick law, diffusion equation, analytical solutions. Diffusion in small systems.
Heat transfer. Fourier law, heat conduction equation, analytical solutions. Heat conduction in small systems.
Modern theory of phase transitions. Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. Nucleation rate. Nucleation of water molecules in atmosphere-condensation. Formation of solid clusters in metastable liquids. Modeling of a very first stage of hydratation processes.
D32ASWE - Advanced Scientific Writing in English
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course, taught entirely in English, is designed for doctoral students with the potential to publish in leading international journals and submit internationally recognized dissertations. Active involvement of all participants is required, and emphasis is placed on editorial work with their own full-text drafts. Classes are taught in small groups under the guidance of two tutors (one linguistic and one technical) and aim to achieve good style and optimal layout of a longer text of about 20 pages, such as a journal article or a chapter of a dissertation. In addition to working on and presenting their own texts, students are encouraged to participate actively in discussions of their peers' output. The course is open to candidates who have completed the basic scientific writing course D32TWPE with excellent results, or to others selected on the basis of an entrance test.
D32EX1_EN - Experimental Analysis of Structures I
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course is intended for students who did not have the opportunity to study basic goals, tasks and elementary means of an experimental analysis during the course of the bachelor’s and master’s degree study. Within the course, students will familiarize with basic procedures and principles of the experimental analysis of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation of the problems will include the overview of testing methods used to determine basic material properties, the description of experiments focused on observation of climate loads, the examples of verification and identification of theoretical models based on experimental results, the experiments realized on physical models for estimation of wind effects in wind tunnels and for investigation of earthquake effect on shake tables, the long term monitoring of building and civil engineering structures. The interpretation will further include the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of static load tests realized on structural elements or whole structures, the basic methods used for an analysis of measured data obtained during dynamic tests, the principles of preparation, realization and evaluation of dynamic tests including an experimental modal analysis and a dynamic load test, the principles of experiments focused on evaluation and assessment of vibration effects on building structures from the view of the load capacity limit state and on users of building structures from the view of the serviceability limit state, the demonstration of several practical tasks.
D32MH1_EN - Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials I (Analytical Methods)
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course will cover analytical methods for multiscale modeling of heterogenous materials, with emphasis on:
1. Introduction, overview of governing equations of elasticity, tensor notation, and averaging
2. Minimum energy principles, material symmetries
3. Elementary theory of overall moduli, concentration factors, Voigt-Reuss bounds
4. Exact solution for two-phase composites, idea of improved bounds
5. Eshelby problem
6. Approximate evaluation of overall moduli: dilute approximation, self-consistent method, Mori-Tanaka method
7. Improved bounds on overall moduli: Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
8. Thermo-elasticity
9. Extension to stationary transport processes
D32MH2_EN - Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials II (Numertical Methods)
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course will cover numerical methods for multiscale modeling of heterogenous materials, with emphasis on:
1. Overview of the finite element method for elasticity and heat conduction
2. Introduction to the method of asymptotic expansion for heat conduction and elasticity
3. First-order computational homogenization for elasticity
4. First-order computational homogenization for heat conduction and thermo-elasticity
5. Homogenization nonlinear problems -- application to non-linear conduction and elasticity
6. Two-scale simulations -- basic principles and implementation strategy, applications
Reduced-order models, combining computational homogenization with micromechanics
D32NU1_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics I
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The objective of the course is to deliver an introduction to numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, with particular focus on finite element method. It is suitable for students without previous knowledge in the field. It consists of the two main parts:
- overview and derivation of fundamental equations for theory of elasticity and heat transfer, introduction to method of weighted residuals, strong and weak solution, choice of approximation and weight functions.
- application of finite element and finite difference method to solution of selected problems from engineering practice (1D elasticity, beams, grids on elastic foundation, plates on elastic foundation, 1D and 2D stationary and transient heat transfer).
The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.
D32NU2_EN - Numerical Methods in Mechanics II
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The objective of the course is to extend basic knowledge of numerical methods for solving PDEs and particularly finite element method towards their advanced applications in engineering. The course will focus on problems of geometrically and materially nonlinear static (theoretical framework, linearization, algorithmic aspects, solution methods – direct and indirect control, plasticity and damage based models). Introduction to Isogeometric analysis, eXtended finite element method, mesh generation and efficient methods for solution sparse linear systems.
The students will not only understand theoretical aspects of the methods, but will use and further develop prototype implementations in Matlab to understand the algorithmic aspects of the methods. During the seminars, the students will individually or in a small teams solve selected problems, interpret and discuss results.
D32PRE_EN - Deformation and Failure of Materials
K132 - Department of Mechanics
The course focuses at systematic mathematical description of mechanical behavior of materials. The subjects include: The model of continuum and the concept of representative volume element. General principles of constitutive modeling. Theories of elasticity (hyperelasticity, Cauchy elasticity, hypoelasticity). Viscoelasticity and the theory of creep. Yield and failure criteria. Incremental theory of plasticity. Damage mechanics. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue.
D32TEM_EN - Tensor Mechanics
K132 - Department of Mechanics
This course covers the fundamentals of tensor algebra and calculus and demonstrates the power of tensor notation applied to formulation and solution of engineering problems. Selected examples cover solid and fluid mechanics, as well as heat and mass transport problems. The first part of the course is devoted to the definition of tensors, understood as linear mappings, to algebraic operations with tensors, to tensor fields and their differentiation, and to transformations between volume and surface integrals based on the Green and Gauss theorems. In the second part, it is shown how these mathematical tools enable an elegant description and analysis of various physical problems, with focus on applications in civil and mechanical engineering.
The classes combine lectures and seminars, with emphasis on problems assigned as homework, which form the basis of presentations and discussions in class. The objective is not only to transfer specific knowledge, but also to develop the students‘ aptitude for independent thinking and critical analysis. At the same time, mastering of tensorial notation by the students will greatly facilitate their future reading of modern scientific literature in many fields of research.
D32TWPE - Scientific Writing and Publishing in English
K132 - Department of Mechanics
In this course, which is taught exclusively in English, attention is paid to the structure of a scientific or technical paper, to grammatical and stylistic aspects and to the creative scientific writing process from manuscript preparation up to its publication (including the selection of an appropriate journal and the manuscript submission and review process). Other topics covered in the course include effective search for and processing of information sources in a network environment, exploitation of library, open-access and other resources and tools, citation rules and publication ethics. Students get acquainted with citation managers, manuals of style, typesetting rules and tools for the preparation of a technical manuscript in LaTeX. Basic information on bibliometric tools and evaluation of scientific output is also provided.
D35GMZ - Geotechnical monitoring and field testing
K135 - Department of Geotechnics
Monitoring of structures and subsoil applied as a tool for verification of assumptions made at design stage, selection of input data for calculations and for serviceability approval. Relationship of instrumentation by sensors and reliability to describe subsoil response and development of behaviour of monitored structure in real scale. Data gathering for back analyses and modelling of subsoil and structure deformation development. Practical training of line-wise monitoring of 3D displacement in instrumented borehole in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Examples if instrumentation and data gathering for different types of displacement sensors, mechanical stress and temperature.
Description, execution and evaluation of results of selected field tests. Examples of applications of field tests and applications for calculations and modelling. Design of field tests and field instrumentation for selected types of structures and site conditions.
D36TDP_EN - Trafic Surveys and Theory of Traffic Flow
K136 - Department of Road Structures
Traffic surveys - classification, types, traffic analysis, prospective intensities. Special traffic surveys - cyclists, pedestrians, parking, public transport, vehicle weighing. Basic ways of monitoring traffic flow. Basic characteristics of the movement of an individual vehicle. Equation of continuity, traffic flow density. Parameters of traffic fluency and their relationship to fuel consumption. Microscopic and macroscopic models of traffic flow. Monitoring of risk - conflict situations.
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
The discussion seminar is intended for PhD students whose thesis topic concerns hydrology at the scale of soil profile and hillslope, subsurface hydrology, transport processes in porous media or hydrological fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The seminar will be used to present research work, exchange information and experiences, defend own results and discuss them in a group with emphasis on understanding and critical evaluation of the methods used. In addition, thematic seminars will be organized on the most important publications and current issues in the field. The seminar can also be a platform for establishing collaboration among participants and will provide information on how to write and continuously update a literature search on relevant topics or how to publish in journals listed in the Journal Citation Report database.
D41HKZ_EN - Critical Zone Hydrology
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
Critical Zone is defined as a thin layer of the Earth’s surface and near-surface terrestrial environment from the top of the vegetation canopy, or atmosphere–vegetation interface, to the bottom of the weathering zone, or freshwater–bedrock interface (US National Research Council, 2001). A variety of physical, chemical and biological interactions between the biotic and abiotic constituents of the critical zone occurs over a range of spatial and temporal scales. These interactions determine near surface fluxes of mass, energy and momentum and control transport and cycling of water, carbon and other chemicals. Understanding critical zone processes is an important prerequisite for the prediction of the consequences of surface pollution, climate change impacts and land use adaptation effects.
The course aims at making students understand basic principles facilitating the quantitative description of the state and flow of water and transport of dissolved chemicals and energy in the critical zone, with emphasis on the processes crucial for the soil–plant–atmosphere system. The course covers the topics of parameterization of soil and plant hydraulic properties; formulation of governing equations of water flow, solute transport and heat transfer; initial and boundary conditions of the governing equations and basic measurement techniques. Specific attention will be paid to the individual hydraulic and transport processes, such as: infiltration, evaporation, redistribution, capillary rise, plant root water uptake, sap flow and plant transpiration, surface and subsurface stormflow, preferential flow and transport of contaminants in the soil profile.
D41HYO_EN - Hydraulics of Structures
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
In the subject students will be introduced into the problems of hydraulics of objects on watercourses with special focus on the issue of flood flow.
In the case of the culvert the study will focus especially on highlighting the difference of attitude to the solution of the loss at the inlet into the culvert with the free surface water flow and the pressure regime. The study will also focused on the spatial course of the water level after the inlet into the culvert during the free surface water flow, the problems of the leaping water jump behind the culvert inlet and the depth of water in the case of influenced water flow in the culvert and the approaches to the determination of loss on the outflow from the culvert under the pressure flow in the culvert. The course will also focused on the bridge hydraulics with centre pillars, comparison of approaches based on application of the Bernoulli equation and theorem of momentum, flow around pillar and the wreck formation, bridge hydraulics when flooding the upper face of the bridge, the size narrowed depth under the bridge deck under this regime, the problem of influencing this regime by the lower water flow.
Another part of the study will be devoted to the problem of overflowing over a weir or broad crown when flooding with lower water, especially at its high level.
Students will be acquainted with the results of research on both physical and 3D mathematical models.
D41IHL_EN - Quantitative Hydrology
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
The aim of this subject is to extend the basic knowledge on runoff genesis (precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff processes) in the catchment scale by using techniques developer by water management and landscape ecology. The planned seminars will be concerned predominantly on the observation of meteorological and hydrological variables, and their application in the catchment – reservoir system and water resources recharge. The special attention will be paid to the critical phases of runoff and water quality genesis with respect to the impacts of global climate change and socio-
economic situations.
D41MOR_EN - River Morphology
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
The activity of running surface water in terms of morphological changes of the Earth's surface can be definitely viewed as a dominant factor. River landscape is among the most dynamically developing landscape features. The subject therefore focuses on areas that determine the major potential in the transformations and development stages of watercourses. The key hydrological theme of the study will be the concept of a dominant channel flow and pulse changes due to flood flows. Furthermore, the natural development stages of water channels and river floodplain will be studied, which can be documented by direct field observations, simple laboratory experiments, or remote sensing monitoring methods. Attention will be paid not only to qualitative descriptive ways of transport processes and morphological changes but also to the ways of their quantification or dynamic processes in their modelling. The course will also focus on the role of human activities in the context of negative and positive influences on natural morphological processes in river system.
The main area for active participation of the students within this course is the study and analysis of mutually influencing natural or anthropogenically induced factors within the application of a dynamic model of morphological development. Students will be motivated to prepare a state of the art report in the given field fluvial morphology or to prepare a simple demonstration experiment in order to explain fluvial response to induced changes. Other areas include streambank stability, the main factors and processes leading to bank failures, monitoring of fluvial changes, stabilization and bank protection measures, the connection between the erosion of the bed and the banks of the bed and demonstration methods. The course is also open to other related topics brought by students themselves, such as the relationship between river morphological processes and animal and plant communities in flowing waters (renaturation and instream habitat restoration).
D41PPO_EN - Flood Control
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
Operational management of flood protection: Meteorology, hydrology and hydraulics of floods. Rescue measure. Structural and non-structural flood protection measures. Institutional and legislative aspects of flood protection. Forecasting and flood warning system, organization of warning process, flood control plans. Humanitarian aspects.
Land-use planning: Mapping of flood risks. Constructions in flood prone areas. Flood protection in land-use planning of municipalities in the Czech republic.
D41VPR_EN - Multiphase Flows
K141 - Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge of two- and three-phase flows (a combination of phases: liquid – solids (particles) gas) with applications in pressurized pipes and open channels. Fundamental principles are discussed of flow of mixture with particular attention paid to mechanisms governing behaviour of mixture flow (dispersion, sedimentation, boundary friction and inner friction, including effects of Newtonian and non-Newtonian carrier). Theories and on theories based predictive models are introduced and their application demonstrated on practical case studies of e.g. pumping and transport of sludge in technological processes, hydraulic transport of solids in pipelines and launders, or sediment transport in rivers and streams. Also discussed are examples of computation of multiphase flows in commercial software including CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software. In the course, each student submits his/her seminar work on a chosen subject.
D42FMH_EN - Physical Modelling in Hydraulic
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
A scale modelling in hydraulic engineering, choice of optimal methodology. The theory of similarity of complex hydrodynamic phenomena, scaling laws. Boundary condition modelling. Measuring techniques and measurement methods. Processing results. Aerodynamic models. Similarity theory, methods and measurement techniques. Methods of analogy, continuous, differential, structural and hybrid analogy. Methods of investigation of hydraulic phenomena "in situ".
D42MHS_EN - Modelling of Pressure Hydraulic Systems of Water Power Plants
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
The dynamics of the hydropower system hydraulic affects not only its function for providing energy system services, but also influences the design parameters for the dimensioning of pressure penstocks and surge tanks. The simulation of the behavior of the system in its transition states (whether operational or emergency) is also important for understanding the linkages between individual system elements. Even in dynamic systems, static characteristics can be used with some simplifications, and these can also be used for dynamic analysis. Torque and flow turbine characteristics can be used.
D42MPP_EN - Experimental Determination of Parameters of Models and Pilotes of Water Turbines
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
Introduction to terminology, methodology of measurement, relevant standards, principle and method of measurement of individual physical quantities, calculation of probable error, data processing, conversion and graphical representation. Practical demonstration of measurements at the testing room including processing of measured data.
D42TCK_EN - Theory and Behaviour of Hydraulic Structures
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
Introductory part of the study deals with the interpretation of loads – actions (water, weights, temperature changes, loads of soils and rocks, seismic actions, another internal forces etc) - and corresponding reactions of structures. The next area of the study is focused on the behaviour of massive structures and corresponding parts of foundation because of the broad application of different massive structures in a water management construction. In detail are studied soil structures, rockfills, concrete and steel structures. As well vibrations are studied because of frequent action of vibrations induced by hydraulic effects at water structures and seismicity, and corresponding dynamic loads, stresses and fatigue. The modelling technologies for the back analysis and for the prediction of the behaviour of structures will be presented including the problem formulation and initial and boundary conditions description. Examples of linear, plane and space problems will be demonstrated. Application of the theory of reliability to structures for water management will be explained.
D42VSO_EN - Water Resources Systems
K142 - Department of Hydraulic Structures
Objects of the course are stochastic and system methods of solution of reservoirs and water resources systems. Includes probability concepts for solution of storage and flood control capacity of reservoirs, optimization problems in system design and management, real-time management issues including the use of mathematical models. Control theory and its applications. Linear programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming. Multi-criteria optimization. Mathematical models for system control (especially simulation models, adaptive and learning models), use of modern real-time management technologies (expert systems), water management dispatching issues, system management in new economic conditions.
D43EHY_EN - Experimental Methods in Soil Hydrology
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
The students will learn the principles of modern experimental and monitoring methods in fields of soil hydrology and transport processes. Students will acquaint themselves with methods of laboratory and field measurement of soil moisture and temperature, water fluxes and water potential in the subsurface. Modern methods for the detection of hydraulic properties of soils will be presented. The principles of non-destructive diagnostic methods (neutron radiography, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray tomography) and their application in geosciences will be explained. Students will work individually or in small teams on assignments that will include field or laboratory measurements. The emphasis will be on data analysis, data interpretation and presentation of results. Excursions to experimental catchments and other experimental sites are an integral part of the course.
D43HYP_EN - Hydraulics of Porous Medium
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
Theory of flow of water in variably saturated porous media. General flow equation, capacity and diffusivity forms, initial and boundary conditions. Methods of solution, numerical simulation models. The applicability in natural conditions. Soil hydraulic properties, hysteresis effects, advanced measurement techniques, data processing software, theory of capillary models, inverse optimisation programs, practical and theoretical weaknesses of the methods, reliability control, spatial and temporal variability. Heterogeneity and preferential flow. Reviw of relevant literature, the topics will relate to the field of disertation of a particular student.
D43IHY_EN - Isotope Hydrology
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
The course will introduce students to modern methods of isotope hydrology of stable and radioactive isotopes in waters for determination of water movement in the environment. Students will be acquainted with methods of field sampling of natural samples and preparation of artificial tracers based on stable isotopes. Students will use the method of laser spectroscopy of stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Students will be provided with the issue of other isotopes present in water and their use for estimating the age of ground water or indicating the contribution of groundwater in the formation of the total runoff. Part of the subject will be the processing of measured data by methods of isotope separation of runoff, average water residence time in river basin and estimation of evaporation in laboratory conditions. Students will solve an individually or team tasks within field or laboratory measurements when experimenting with penetration of the substance, including analysis of acquired data and presentation of results. Excursions to experimental catchments and localities are part of the lesson..
D43MEP_EN - Soil Erosion Monitoring
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
Course students get acquainted with the principles of modern methods of monitoring of erosion processes and monitoring of sediment transport and sediment bound pollutants. Monitoring of transport of substances is linked to transport models and options for verification of their equations. The basis of the subject is getting practical skills and practices in the field and in the laboratory. The individual components of monitoring: remote sensing of eroded surfaces (laserscan, close range photogrammetry, Structure From Motion) and volumetric analysis; in-situ monitoring (field plots, catch bags); monitoring with the use of a rainfall simulator; continuous and episodic monitoring in small water flows (turbidimetry and auto sampler); monitoring using electromagnetic tracers; monitoring of sediment in the reservoirs. Students will solve a separate or team role with the realization of measurements in the laboratory or in the field, including the analysis of collected data and the presentation of results. Part of the teaching are field excursions and monitoring campaigns.
D43MHPP_EN - Watershed Modelling
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
Course will introduce students into GIS analyses and numerical modelling of water movement and water retention on the scale of a watershed. The aim is to quantitatively evaluate and predict different components of the hydrologic cycle. Single rainfall runoff events, long term studies and the effect of various measures and scenarios of watershed management will be discussed.
D43PMOP_EN - Advanced Methods in Watershed Management
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
The subject is focused on understanding and training in description and quantification of basic hydrological processes within the catchment (relations between rainfall – retention – runoff – transport – deposition) concerned to water, solid particles and dissolved pollutants. Student will examine listed relations within selected catchment, will apply various mathematical models and methods and will try to determine critical hot spots within the catchment. Further he will search for various ways of compensation, will quantify the effect of applicable control measures and will compare expenses related to benefits. Questions of effectiveness – bot of functional and economic will be discussed, to reach consensus concerning of feasibility and applicability in real conditions.
To determine recent situation within the catchment, student will apply modern experimental techniques, tools and setups, allowing monitoring of current status of soil, vegetation, water regime and further parameters of locality. The subject is oriented practically and will conclude knowledge from previous theoretical subjects, focused on individual processes, their measurement and description on theoretical level. If there are more students within the group, team work will be preferred with focus on various processes, activities and land-use and landscape exploitation types.
D43SAED_EN - Environmental Data Collection and Analysis
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
The course covers modern techniques for monitoring of meteorological, hydrological and hydropedological variables and processes in the cultural landscape. Students will learn how to design the monitoring networks for the both long term and short term monitoring, how to optimize available instrumentation. Students will learn the basics of the environmental data analysis, interpretation and visualization.
D43TPPV_EN - Transport Processes in the Subsurface
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
The subject is the continuation of Hydraulics of Porous Media.
Fundamentals of solute transport in the subsurface. Complexity of the problem, miscible flow, conservative flow, advection-dispersion equation, initial and boundary conditions, methods of solution. Velocity field determination.. Dispersion characteristics, methods of determination, inverse optimisation programs, scale dependence.
Parameter identification. Transport of reactive species, types of chemical reactions. Multiphase (immiscible) flow,
NAPLs, mathematical description. Numerical simulation models. Flow of water and migrants in natural conditions, preferential flow and transport. Aplication of HYDRUS simulation models. Geochemical and multipdase simulation models. Case studies.
For this subject the passing of the Hydraulics of Porous Media is assumed. In negative case, the basic knowledge of the theory of flow in porous media is given in initial lectures supplemented by individual reading of selected literature and followed by testing of relevant knowledge.
D43TSFP_EN - Sediment and Phosphorus Transport in Watersheds
K143 - Department of Landscape Water Conservation
Course students get acquainted with the principles of modeling of water erosion and sediment transport and sediment bound nutrients. The basic tools used are empirically based distributed transport models (Watem/SEDEM, SWAT, etc.). The topics cover calibration and verification, options to provide relevant input data, principles of balancing phosphorus in large river basins, the importance and the retention capacity of the individual components of the landscape (agricultural land, other areas, waterways , water tanks). The processes are described and shown on the examples of how to implement field data (measurements in the catchment area, suspended solids flows and sediment in the tanks). Students will solve a separate or team role with the realization of measurement in the field, build a model, analysis of collected data and the presentation of results. Part of the teaching are excursions to the experimental basin and model site.
D44CHZP_EN - Environmental Chemistry
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
The aim of the subject is deepening of knowledge of a PhD student in the field of the environmental chemistry, the basis of which is lectured in Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering study program and later in Master degree, Environmental Engineering and Water Management orientation.
Topics of theoretical lessons: chemistry of the five parts of the environment: hydrosphere (focussed particularly on specific pollution – micropollution), atmosphere (inorganic and organic gaseous pollutants, global change of the content of the atmosphere, monitoring of atmospheric pollution, chemistry of the internal environment of buildings), pedosphere and geochemistry (chemical substances/pollutants in soil environment, water – soil interaction, colloids in soil), anthroposphere (industrial ecology and green chemistry, sustainable energy and materials), biosphere (environmental biochemistry and toxicology).
Practical laboratory seminars will be focussed on specific micropollutants (heavy metals, pesticides, high-molecular organic substances) and their analyses mainly in waters, bed sediments and soils with association to environmental characteristics (basic chemical quality of waters, composition and grainsize of sediments and soils, etc.)
D44MMC_EN - Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
Overview measurement in wastewater treatment plants and their uses. The basis of this subject is the knowledge of processes at WWTP.
Students will learn about the possibilities of measurement at individual levels of wastewater treatment. Based on the knowledge of the processes, they learn the measurement possibilities and their application for the management of the sewage treatment plant.
Practical exercises will be organized directly at the WWTP in Prague and will be focused on:
1. Flow measurement
2. Measurement of oxygen in activation
3. Measurement of sedimentation and sludge index
4. Density measurement in the settling tank
5. Evaluation of camera recordings from settling tanks
6. Use of measured values in mathematical models
7. Process modeling in sewage treatment plants
D44MMO_EN - Modelling of the Urban Drainage System
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
The goal is to acquire knowledge on mathematical description of transport and transformation processes in natural and technical systems and their modelling in individual parts of the urban drainage system as well as in the integrated system consisting of the sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and river.
First, basics of the mathematical description of transport and transformation processes in natural and technical systems will be explained. Then introduction of the most common models of water quality modelling in the sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and river will follow. The last part will be active work with software enabling simulation of the integrated urban drainage system and modelling of different scenarios, measures and their consequences.
D44MPU_EN - Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
The course focuses on advanced monitoring techniques of urban drainage processes and data analysis. The students will master principles of wide spectra of sensors and techniques and data acquisition methods (on-site, remote sensing, , real-time, on-line, off-line). Students will then gain hand-on experience in monitoring of meteorological quantities (precipitation, temperatures, wind, humidity etc.) in urban environment, flow characteristics in sewer systems and urban streams, water and sediment quality, surface waters ecological and eco-morphological characteristics. Data analysis focuses on the assessment of monitoring uncertainty, uncertainty propagation in models and analysis of long time series.
D44MPV_EN - Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field
K144 - Department of Urban Water Management
The content of the subject is the monitoring of water supply networks with respect to minimum, average and extreme flows including determination of load parameters in conditions of minimum, average and maximum water consumption, fire water consumption, qualitative parameters monitored in the distribution network, recirculation circuits in selected applied branches such as balneology, the food and pharmaceutical industry and other sectors of applied water supply. Monitoring will be carried out under practical operating conditions and on assembled physical models of the distribution and circulation network. In addition, the influence of pipe network material on water quality changes, pumping system and the application of various disinfecting and coagulating agents will be monitored.
Pro všechny programy je nutná znalost anglického jazyka a volitelného jazyka.
D04ANG - Angličtina
K104 - katedra jazyků
The course is aimed at making doctoral degree students familiar with the basic genres of the academic style and prepare them for real-life communication situations, such as e.g. the presentation of their own research and development achievements, writing grant applications, common correspondence, writing abstracts, etc. The course should also assist in the preparation for the examination in English, which is a compulsory part of doctoral degree study. The course is not compulsory, it is not completed by granting a credit or passing an examination.
D04CES - Čeština
K104 - katedra jazyků
The course in Czech for foreigners is aimed at the university students’ needs for mastering written and spoken language with the basic inventory of linguistic structures needed for making oneself understood in common situations of everyday practical life; advanced students develop the ability of independent work with a simple technical text.
This course accents the communicative approach to language teaching. Therefore, individual lessons are primarily centred around an underlying topic that is complemented by the communicative language function. Further appropriate language aspects (i.e. grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills) arise from the given communicative need.
Basic communication in common situations is further enriched by communicative skills in a more specific university environment.
The course is intended for PhD students, but is not compulsory, it is completed by passing an examination.
The Czech course is intended for students, who have already gained a solid basic knowledge in the Czech language, i.e. they are at B1+ level.
Information: sandra.giormani@fsv.cvut.cz
D04FRA - Francouzština
K104 - katedra jazyků
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in French can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.
D04NEM - Němčina
K104 - katedra jazyků
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in German can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.
D04RUS - Ruština
K104 - katedra jazyků
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Russian can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.
D04SPA - Španělština
K104 - katedra jazyků
The doctoral degree student who wants to pass an examination in Spanish can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department of Languages. The course is not compulsory.